Finally decided to go for the big effin’ teevee thing. Been assembling the pieces (new stereo, new speakers, new DVD player, etc), and got the TV delivered last night. I was originally just looking for a 32″ or so 720p model. So, naturally, I ended up with a 52″ 1080p one. Once I get it all set up (which might take me forever), I need to get the HD satellite package. Hopefully, everything will be in place for the Twilight Zone marathon on New Year’s.
It’s just too bad I have to go to work to pay for all this.
“Once I get it all set up (which might take me forever),”
I thought RG said you were cursing a basketball game? Maybe you were cursing the Knicks falling apart? No, that was last year….things are going to go much better now that Isiah Thomas is gone…….er…, never mind :billcat:
Your neighbors can probably read in bed with the glow from your big freakin TUBE :rofl2:
(can I come over and watch the Nuggets when you get the NBA package? :40: J.R. Richards :bong:
No, no. I could give a crap about the Knicks. I was hollering at the Syracuse game. Which they won.
I wouldn’t mind being able to watch the Nuggets, though (what with ‘Melo and all).
Bhutto tries to unite Pakistani opposition By Zeeshan Haider
34 minutes ago
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto hopes to forge an alliance with Islamists and other opposition parties to launch a campaign to force military president Pervez Musharraf from power. (continued)
:dancers: of :reaper: A!I!V! How You Remind me .. Nickleback
:yippee: Syracuse I am so happy for you, PJ :rofl2: :nod: really!
but still is :rofl2: ๐ A!I!V! :dancers: Nickelback … “H”.
What make/model teevee did you get, PJ?
The biggest sports event of the year in our household-
My stepson is playing in the DIXIE ROTARY BOWLin St George Utah Dec 1st. :banana:
Who knew there were bowl games in Division II? ๐ฎ
Mrs A is a very very proud mom :yippee:
I just donรขโฌโขt get the hollering sports thing and I guess its just something that people who DO get it just need to do to let off steam.
Comment by RAGING Granny รขโฌโ November 13, 2007 @ 9:19 pm
Sports fans have a misconecption that the success of their team is a direct result of the degree of their fanboy rapture. The reason LeBron James made those foul shots is because I was staring at the screen and yelling encouragement. Not because he practices or has skills. ๐
When it’s your alma mater, it’s worse. Remember that the team PJ was screaming at last night WON the game.
And now that you have a big screen, it will probably become even more intense. Enjoy!
I yell because it’s fun. Fun. It’s nice to have a little fun once in a while. I don’t ever get to go to the games in person, so I watch at home by myself, and I hoot and holler the way I would if I was at the Dome.
Got a Samsung LNT5265F, Jill. Was looking at some others, but when we looked at the pictures in the store, these were way better than anything else (unless you go for something way more expensive). Plus, it’s got 3 HDMI inputs, which I felt I needed for some reason.
re 9 :pirate: 8) ๐
and shoot even re 10, also VERY 8)
I used to live with some guys that yelled some pretty funny stuff at the tee vee during sports. One friend used to accuse Larry Bird of eating baby’s bone marrow. :pirate:
Larry Bird. You looked at that guy, and said to yourself, “there’s no way that guy could possibly ever be any good at basketball.”
He was good because of the baby’s bone marrow, I tell you! ๐ฏ
Tonight at 9pm EST the JKucinich campaign will hold a national town hall streaming media meeting at:
The Kucinich campaign will be introducing its “New Constitutional Convention Initiative.”
Be there, or be square. Or, be there and be square.
I dunno, 9:00 is kinda late for me.
Well, plus Bird is from French Lick. :hubba:
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
:doh: :doh: :doh: Whatever :sheep: le
Just a quick hi! :yinyang:
I miss you guys, but it’s been my own fault for not logging in,
See you soon. :yippee:
Hey, KK, nice to see ya.
๐ฎ ๐ฎ Its KK
:dancers: :dancers: :dancers: :yippee: :yippee:
One thing about XM Radio is that you get endless commercials for the “Ron and Fez radio show”. Bad decision to play snippets from their actual shows as testimonials. These two sound like a couple of dullards who never quit sniffin glue. Seriously, its like somebody decided to hire high-school drop-outs to host a program that gets rerun constantly to balance out the Shakespearean-quality (only partially kidding) of the Opie & Anthony show.
If the ratio of mindless rethugs to lucent democrats calling C-span is any indication Heartman is a Reich wing operative out to make you just think we are taking back Amerika ๐ฎ :reaper: :reaper:
So how many HD channels are you going to program on your remote .. lets see… hummmm…. ESPN and PBS.. :yuck: :crap: :paranoid: :paranoid:
Actually, the DirecTV HD package has 70 channels so far (depending on what you subscribe to), with supposedly 100 by year’s end. The ones I’m most interested in are HBO, Showtime, Discovery, Science, History, ESPN, National Geographic, Animal Planet, TLC, and of course SciFi. I don’t know how much of the programming is real HD, as opposed to upconverted SD, though. They also have some additional HD movies channels, and HD pay per view, too.
Loophole lets you eat E. coli meat
One federal inspector calls it the “E. coli loophole.” Another says, “Nobody would buy it if they knew.”
The officials are referring to the little-discussed fact that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has deemed it acceptable for meat companies to cook and sell meat on which E. coli, a bacteria that can sicken and even kill humans, is found during processing.
The “E. coli loophole” affects millions of pounds of beef each year that tests positive for the presence of E. coli O157:H7, a particularly virulent strain of the bacteria.
It’s all about the news.
Morning everyone.
So do you have to subscribe to the premium service to get all that ?? How much is an extra charge.?? .. Paying $70.00 per month to watch TV is :yuck:
Mighty Morphin’ Michael>1=10575
The HD channels are an additional $9.99 a month. If you want HBO, Showtime, you have to subscribe to those separately (the broadcast networks have free over the air HD programming though). But, yeah, it costs money. No way around that. Except to read books – but who the hell wants to stoop to that?
King Kong , You Are Psychic … I was thinking of you, especially,
in the wee hours this morning. I was going to SEND a :yinyang:
but got “involved” with not even “fun” :hubba: stuff. :spank:
and unable to say Hi then I saw YOU :yippee: ๐ Be well. :yinyang: … :dancers: of :reaper: A!I!V!
andy aka Aquaman, I knew there was a reason I would never watch that superficial “rag bitch”. :dancers: of :reaper: A!I!V! ๐ Tea Cheers To All
Looks like Feinstein is selling us all out again.
Then there’s this, which will allow you to call for free (click on the image below to get started):
Republicans have spent years wondering when Americans will finally wake up and realize they are actually happy about the state of the economy.
A slowdown may now be in the offing, but that does not explain why the credit has never rolled in for six years of uninterrupted economic growth or the creation of more than 8 million jobs since August 2003. Has an exhausting war overwhelmed the upbeat economic news? Has the public just been in a sour mood this decade?
A series of scrupulously bipartisan new studies by the Economic Mobility Project of the Pew Charitable Trusts hints at an answer — and the explanation is not a funk but a fact. Even in a growing economy, only about a third of Americans can be considered upwardly mobile — meaning they will end up with more inflation-adjusted income and a higher relative economic standing than did their parents. The rest are maintaining their standing or falling behind; about one-third slip down the income scale over the course of a generation.
When specific groups are considered, the news is even more unsettling. Men in their 30s have experienced a sustained slide in their inflation-adjusted incomes, which fell by 12 percent between 1974 and 2004.
And most shocking of all: About 45 percent of middle-income African American children end up falling to the bottom of the income scale over a generation, compared with 16 percent of white children — meaning that even solidly middle-class African American families lead fragile economic lives.
According to the Pew studies, America has less upward economic mobility than Denmark, Canada or Finland. “In America, more than other countries,” says project director John Morton, “the circumstances of your birth have more to say about where you end up than how we tend to think of ourselves.”
Depending on how you look at it the “economy” has to add a least 100,000 to 200,000 new jobs a month to keep up with population growth..of about 1% per year. Thats like 1.2 to 2.4 million jobs a year. You also have to replace the workers that got their jobs exported and downsized which is hard to estimate but is probably about 1 million jobs a year so Bushco gained 8 million jobs and lost 6 million jobs yet they needed to add at least 8 million jobs and more like 16 million jobs assuming no job losses so Bushco has probably the slowest growth in the work force since the great recession. That probably explains why your 23 year old kid with three advanced degrees is still living at home and the average time for a worker to be between jobs is about 18 months. :tap: ๐ฎ :paranoid: :paranoid:
greetings bloggies!
:banana: :40: :alc: :love: :dancers: :yippee:
Hi quietgirl! (I’m two hours late, but still…)
Good news, everyone! I have been granted the day off on Thursday, Nov 29. What’s so special about that day, you may wonder? Nothing, except that it’s the day after the YouTube Repig debate at the Mahaffey Theater in downtown St Pete. I am now free to rabble-rouse outside the event, and do not have to worry about calling off work the next day if the Fox News Police should haul me away.
The only idea I’ve had so far for a sign is to get a picture of Guiliani in drag (I found several) and have it blown up poster-size, along with the caption THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN COUSINS MARRY.
Most of the other folks who will be assembling that night will probably be carrying signs with serious messages, so naturally I will need to do something to pull their collective stick out of their collective butt.
If anyone has ideas, bring ’em on. If I can’t use them, I can pass them along to someone else.
I’m also thinking about reprising the gag that a guy did the night Ned Lamont won the Dem nomination. Alan Colmes was at Lamont HQ as a correspondent, and when Hannity threw it to him, the guy was holding up a Lamont sign. As soon as he got on camera behind Colmes, he turned the sign around to show the back, where he had written HANNITY SUCKS ASS. It went out live and was on screen for a good three or four seconds before the camera panned away.
Maybe I should update it. “Watch Keith Olbermann on MSNBC” perhaps? How sweet it would be to make Billo’s head explode.
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Hey that’s a great idea we could explore the hypothesis that they are all robots…without resorting to the :jason: On the other hand it might create a toxic spill that would close FAUX news forever….
ohh.. I forgot they have a toxic spill every night carefully disguised as news.
Rawstory video site
It gets dark too damn early. There’s nothing to do after work but :40:
Especially if I’m no longer allowed to holler at the teevee.
Kevin, how about a sign under our drag queen that reads,”What else is in Giuliani’s closet?”
Oh, good grief ๐
Hollering at the teevee is not verboten in this household. I just didn’t understand what was happening until I was able to make an assessment. I heard all kinds of hollering & profanity through a closed door & thought my sweet husband was terribly upset about something, so I quietly opened the door and asked “is something wrong? are you watching a football game?” and he looked at me sweetly and said “no, it’s basketball” and I said “Oh, OK” and retreated to my office. ๐
There was no “shut the hell up” or anything like that. It actually sounded pretty funny and I was sitting here :rofl2: because I just don’t and never did understand all the passion and anger directed at professional and non-professional sports. I would much rather that PJ holler and rant at the teevee instead of at me or the cats :cat: :cat: :cat: . Of course, Siggy is learning some naughty words ๐ฎ during sports events, but I know he won’t repeat them.
So, PJ, you can holler at the teevee as much as you want, especially since the new one will be in the basement where I won’t be able to hear you from here! ๐ฎ
— And Kevin — re #38 — your Giuliani sign idea is great — putting “America’s Mayor” somewhere in there would be good, and I reallyh like promoting K.O. vs Hannity sucks ass (although that is absolutely true) :slap:
Long live hollering at the teevee! :pup: :tongue:
:fist: A!I!V! :fist:
I also holler when I step in cat puke/crap/whatever.
But I’m also the one who has to pry the cold, dead mouse bodies off the traps, and drop it in the garbage. I think that entitles me to holler once in a while.
PJ, just remember that when you holler at a cat, the cat decides when and how to get even. What was that you stepped in?
Hey! I have a good friend that’s a cross dresser and it’s not because he’s the product of incest :tap: He’s just in touch with his feminine side more than most men. And he likes angora. :tongue:
You have :cat: and you still need traps (what kind, BTW?)? Sounds like someone is not taking care of bidness :billcat: .