Giddamn, it’s finally freakin’ Friday. What a long week this had been. I went and lost my glasses (the unfashionable ones that I can actually see with; I think they’re in my bed or under it somewhere), so I’ve been forced to wear the new “progressive” ones all week. At first, I was pretty resistant to them, but now that I’ve been forced to wear them full time, I have to say that they really, really suck. I’ve had a goddamn headache all week. Oh well, whattya gonna do?
Did you watch the big debate last night? I didn’t. These debates are generally pretty stupid, with stupid people asking stupid questions and getting stupid answers. Plus, I already know who I like and who I don’t like, and even if I didn’t, we’ll be getting the friggin’ postgame report from every conceivable angle ad nauseum.
Wake me up when something real happens.
May There Always Be A Dance In Your Step :pup: :banana: :dancers:
And A Twinkle In Your Eye :hubba: ๐ก :santacool:
And It’s Friday Ya Bastards :boobs:
Did you watch the big debate last night? I didnรขโฌโขt.
Neither did I. First-run episodes of 30 Rock and The Office? Later for the “debate.” Which, of course, was not a debate, just a series of sound-bites.
I figure if anything interesting happened, Cenk or Stephanie will have it. Plus it’s annoying the way the moderators marginalize Kucinich and the other so-called “second-tier” candidates.
Actually, I was kinda up for listening to the others beat up on Hillary, but if they’re going to do these on Thursdays, they need to wait until the writers’ strike is on for a few more weeks and everything is in reruns. I’d probably still flip channels at 9 PM and watch The Office, though.
“That’s what SHE said!” :rofl2:
I lost my glasses last Saturday and just got some new ones too. I lost my prescription sunglasses over the summer so I actually haven’t been wearing them at all and these new glasses feel weird. I hope I get used to them.
So, I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamed I was somehow, coerced into marrying Cheney. :omg: I was rather horrified by it until I realized my advantageous position……………
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
:fustrate: :fustrate: :fustrate: Whatever :sheep: le
Wow, it’s snowing like crazy out there right now.
These debates are just to parade the non ideas of the elitist IDIOT MORONS before the rest of the IDIOT MORONS :reaper: :reaper:
I guess you don’t get a snow day do you PJ. :smack:
Its 56 degrees and only one ski area is going to be open thanksgiving weekend .. :reaper: :reaper:
It has to snow a lot more than this to close things down here. Looks like just a thin band moving over us right now. Supposed to get some more tonight and all weekend, but nothing major.
Very pretty, though.
Check this out for a bit of Maron absurdity. I bought an interesting book put out by WFMU free-form radio which features all sorts of art-work and writing that they have supported over the years. In the midst of the cartoons is this one drawn by Tuli Kupferberg:
Kupferberg is famous as the leader of The Fugs from the 60’s and is an all-around anarchist. I don’t know whether the reference to “Maron!” is to some other anarchist or musician that Tuli knows, but it certainly contributes to the Marc Maron mystique of dream diary stream-of-consciousness. I figured that Maron would love it if he saw it.
The title of the cartoon is “9 Spot Illustration for the New Yorker (Rejected)”.
Oh that link one did not take. Try this one!
I have a feeling that imageshack may be pulling copyright infringing stuff off their site, so I will wait and see if that one stays around and if not stick it somewhere else.
:rant1: :rant1:
Re-Tea Cheers All, :yippee: except now I have to go make :rofl2: BUT IT IS AT LEAST BREW’D :dancers: :pirate: :yippee:
:rant1: 8) :rant1: (Just felt like ranting :rofl2: ) :banana: A!I!V!
1413 ๐ฎ Web :pirate: :slap: :fist: :pirate: A!I!V! :dancers:Hillary won the debate last night. I know, because her campaign manager just sent me an e-mail telling me so. And she used my first name, so I’m pretty sure she was writing to me, personally.
See? It was obvious.
Oh, that’s OK, I’ll take your word for it.
Thanks, but, um, I don’t think that was me. Maybe you sent that e-mail to the wrong address?
It’s very windy here. But, a nice crisp morning. Gotta go get diarrhea med for the dogs.
Hey, I can give you a cat that has diarrhea without having to give her meds, if you want. Talk about soupy. :yuck:
Awww Sue P. and “puppies”, and PJ I miss the snow …
… cold but 8)
I am (talking to folks with dogs :pup: :billcat: :omg: :cat: ..) . I am holding a “freaky” fem Kat … which took me 2 Years to hold, and this is her 2nd day this week she is in. As I have been closer
to her so this week “when she was around” I gently scooped her lil fairy body up. The only time she relaxes is when I put my warm mouth breath on her neck area and lips are against her skin and fur and she starts to purr, especially when i quitly hum or speak low..
she does want out at times but then she relaxes and it is not playing o’possum (sp). A!I!V! :dancers:
I :love: Jim, but is there anyone other than Stephanie and Lional? I guess it is time to check back to “dissect” LTR, I’m late :tap: A!I!V! Well no time to sleep – and “flying” and scanning and other working :smack: Pink , Let’s Get This Party Started :dancers:
If you Digg, go Digg This.
Oy, oy, oy!
Somebody get Bill O’Reilly on this, stat!
re 22 … I was reading and writing and was putting that idea on slo-mo then I read that “info” regarding DIGG and reminds me why I feel the “Time” is Pretty Darn Now!… Personally I feel I have to finsh the other projects I am working on which will help, I hope. ๐ฎ
Content has never been the problem 24/7 it is: Do I really after 20 plus years want to dust the cob webs from my “Asst Comptroller
with a bit of computer-ese blended” Brain. ๐ฎ :smack: … back to writing that email … :dancers: :fist: A!I!V! :fist: banners a friend was bugging me about when I had .com/.org Religious main sites. C-Ya ๐
:gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist: all of them
:tommygun: :tommygun: :tommygun: all of them
:yuck: :barf: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid: :paranoid:
:pirate: :yippee: Fred, :nod:
:tommygun: :fist: :reaper: :growl: :jason: A!I!V!
Thanks, PJ, but I have all the soupy poop I can deal with. My german shepherd, Minnie, seems to think that dear poop is good to eat. :yuck:
When we go out to the island, where there are lots of deer, she gets into it, if I’m not observant enough. Guess I wasn’t ’cause deer poop = dog diarrhea.
What really gets to me, though, is that she runs and hides when I want to give her the medicine. Now, any dog that thinks deer poop is a good snack can’t possibly think poop medicine is too yucky to take.
Deer poop? Don’t you mean jelly beans?
:boobs: Bounce :pirate: :yippee: A!I!V!
Just heard about this listening to last night’s Malloy.
:nod: SAD … :tap: A!I!V!
Greetings all!! Well I may have a job at David’s Bridal doing help desk work. The hours are a little wierd; Wed to Sat 1p – 1a, but I can still work at the after school program so that’s kind of cool.
In other news Crysis is awesome!!! I wish I had a DX10 machine.
Congrats, Andy. I guess nutty, stressed brides are not their only problem.
This is a link from the American Humane Society:
Myths About Microchipping
The myth: the procedure to implant the microchip is too expensive.
The myth: enrolling in the database or service is not necessary.
The myth: implanting the microchip will hurt my pet.
The myth: most shelters and veterinarians don’t have microchip readers, so they won’t be able to identify my pet.
The myth: every pet with a microchip couldn’t possibly be given a unique number. My pet’s number will be duplicated.
The myth: eventually, the microchip will wear out and I’ll need to have it replaced.
The myth: my cat never goes outside. He doesn’t need to have a microchip ID.
The myth: it’s not safe for my dog to have a foreign object inside his body.
The myth: the procedure to implant the microchip is too expensive.
The truth: while the price can vary from one veterinarian to another, implanting the microchip costs about $45. This is a one-time fee; the chip never needs maintenance or replacement. In addition, there is an annual fee to maintain access to pet recovery and database enrollment.
My cat, Clifford, is quite an escape artist. Usually I catch him, but a couple of times he’s gone to explore the woods. I often consider a ball and chain, and no doubt that would solve the escape problem but I fear it may have other consequences. I’ve been wondering about microchipping him, as an alternative.
Discussing the dangers that may lurk in the woods has had no affect at all.
Deer poop and Purina dog chow may have a lot of similarities. Compressed who knows what in both cases ๐ฎ :reaper: :reaper:
Cats for their size are amazingly aggressive when they encounter a dog or other animal.. My neighbors rabbit and a cat had this rather amazing standoff one night .. I have never heard so much racket in quite a while.. ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ The cats don’t seem to learn very well either until they become some much larger animals dinner :reaper: :reaper:
A help desk in a bridal shop who would think :tap: :tap:
Mistrial declared in case of prominent bird watcher who killed cat that hunted threatened bird
You never know who might endanger your species. :reaper: :reaper:
Hey, Sue P —
If microchipping included a GPS feature, I MIGHT consider it for doggies/kitties, but the thought of injecting a permanent device into living flesh of any kind creeps me out and seems like it is not really a good idea despite “the myths”. Could the thing migrate? I seem to remember reading somewhere (that’s really scientific — sorry :doh: ) that it is possible, although probably not common. You never know what can happen when you inject something into living flesh and of course, those that manufacture these wonders will poo poo (in the soupiest way ๐ฎ ) potential problems and minimize actual ones.
I have become so skeptical and distrustful of invasive technologies since working in the health care field. Many of these certainly have very useful and helpful therapeutic applications, but when there are problems, they can be extremely serious and difficult to correct. Suffering that is supposed to be alleviated with technology VERY often worsens it. The bottom line is that it is ALWAYS a matter of choice as to whether one consents to take the risks associated with use of any invasive technology. And no one should be made to feel like an idiot because they choose NOT to do something they are being pressured to do.
I will probably be quitting my job sometime next year after the CDC mandates that all health care workers in clinical practice get flu shots. I have a HUGE problem with vaccines and the flu vaccine in particular, in my mind, is Faith Based Medicine — these vaccines are formulated each year on guesswork based on the previous years flu strain. Of course this guesswork is considered “scientific”, so the vaccine I have injected into I don’t know how many hundreds of people in past years really helped them — right? But I have never had a flu shot, or the flu. And I always had serious doubts about flu vaccine.
It should not be any mystery as to why better than half of health care workers choose not to get flu shots every year. Forcing people to accept injection of foreign substances into their bodies when they do not want it is an abomination and this flu shot propaganda has become Orwellian. ๐ฎ
But, back to chips for doggies/kitties. We talked about it after we got Siggy back and decided to wait until the two way radio GPS collar comes out & keep Siggy on leash probation until then. Dragging us around does seem to tire him hout.
We have one kitty who was a feral cat & she HAS to go out because it is her job to do what cats do to work on the ley lines of the planet. Her daughter, the one who HAS been known to catch mice & drag the dead mice & traps out of the cabinet & leave them on the steps for PJ to step on, has never been outside and absolutely is desperate to go out, but I just can’t bear the thought of her getting lost. She’s probably much smarter than I give her credit for (not what PJ would say) but I bought a little kitty harness for her (pink because she’s a girl) and will one day get it on her & hook her up to Siggy’s leash & bring her outside. Haven’t gotten around to that yet. We’ll see how that works :tongue:
The microchipping business is big business and is making lots of $$$$ for someone. What happens if you move or your contact info changes — do you have to subject the animal to surgery to get the old chip out & put a new one in? Smells like squirty cat poo to me. :yuck: :barf:
Maybe a harness & a leash for Clifford (isn’t that a big yellow dog ?) would be more helpful? But if he’s like our formerly feral Mama Kitty, she zips out before you can even think “now where did I leave that kitty harness?” :doh:
Oh, Fred :hot: :love:
You have such curmudegonly charm!!! :hot:
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
:billcat: :cat: :cat: :cat:
I think the Microchip just contains an ID code which is retrieved when scanned. The rest of the info is in a data base on a server someplace .. You can update/change your info if you move as long as you pay your annual fee.
This technology can be adapted for your teenager too. :reaper: :reaper:
The use of GPS makes the ID chip solution a lot more complicated requiring two way communications .. GPS also does not work inside buildings. ๐ฎ Kojak for you car is a cell phone based triangulation technique .. The cell towers are accurately located by GPS so they can find your car down to a few yards at least.unless someone steals your car in Kansas someplace then it may be down a few counties.
:bow: Fred :bow:
Alas, I’m all out of teenagers these days so, whew! Don’t have to worry about missing teenagers (not that I ever did — my kids were always good about making sure they were safe). But I can certainly appreciate how the technology could be helpful for some teens (many of whom I have seen professionally after they’ve gotten into trouble ๐ฎ ).
But the chipping thing is a control freak thing and I believe that’s why it really bothers me. And I KNOW because I AM a control freak and I struggle with it every day :fustrate:
I wish I could find a Control Freaks Anonymous group near me. :billcat:
Poor PJ :billcat: Under granny’s thumb :tap:
RG, thanks for the feedback. I have wrestled with this for several years, coming to no conclusion.
Clifford, who is a big red cat, named after Clifford the big Red Dog, is fast and agile. Much more so than I. I tried a harness. He doesn’t think much of its being attached to leash. I tried tying it to a very long cord and he managed to wriggle out of it…and into the woods, of course.
I used to let him out in the backyard, in Brooklyn. I would stay out with him and he would walk around and have a grand time chasing bugs and slithering under bushes. Then, one day, he decided to jump over the 6 foot fence. Fortunately, the neighbors dogs were not out. Now he’s grounded.
Last night, he managed to run out the front door onto the sidewalk where I grabbed him as he tried an escape behind a garbage can. He was mad at me all evening and when I slid a shoe off and curled up on the couch, he sidled ovr and bit my toe. Then he felt better.
Yeah, the chip just has a code on it, and your information is stored in a database. The chip doesn’t do any good unless your pet is actually picked up and scanned, though. It doesn’t help you find the little buggers, only to identify them if found. They can move around if not placed properly, but that’s probably less likely than losing a collar and tags.
They consist of a chip, an antenna and a capacitor, hermetically sealed inside a soda lime glass tube (supposedly known for compatibility with living tissue), about the size of a grain of rice. They are passive (meaning that they have no power supply of their own). Power is supplied by a scanner, which emits a low frequency RF signal, used to recover the unique code that’s on the chip.
Someone please tell my why Fred Thompson reminds me of Foghorn Leghorn ? — He’s really a chickenhawk — not a chicken!!
It has been 60 years since French paleontologists found the dinosaur’s bones in Saharan Africa, and 10 years since Paul C. Sereno of the University of Chicago began assembling a complete skeleton. Only now has his team recognized the plant-eater’s peculiar anatomy and foraging behavior.
The researchers reported yesterday that the dinosaur, named Nigersaurus taqueti, had an unusually short neck, delicate bones, and a habitual head posture pointed toward the ground. Unlike the more common long-necked species, this was a ground-level browser like modern cows.
Giuliani often suggests that he alone was responsible for cutting 23 taxes, but seven of those moves were state initiatives, according to the city’s Independent Budget Office. Of the remaining 16 tax reductions, Giuliani actually opposed the largest cut, which was due to come with the expiration of a 12 1/2-percent surcharge on the city’s personal income tax. Giuliani proposed extending the levy, generator of several hundred million tax dollars a year, but backed down in a clash with the City Council and the tax relief took effect.
Moreover, Giuliani had a large blind spot in his Republican tax-cutting orthodoxy – publicly subsidized stadiums for professional sports teams.
In 1998, he did an about-face on his plan to phase out the nation’s only tax on commercial rent and proposed an extension of it to provide almost $600 million to subsidize construction of new stadiums for New York’s Major League Baseball teams, the Yankees and Mets. A year later he proposed building a publicly assisted $1 billion domed stadium on Manhattan’s West Side to lure back the Jets football team from New Jersey, but did not spell out the amount or source of the city’s contribution.
Fred, re 42 :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: ….
BTW regarding 38 I think I am am writing that twit judge …
“Dude, prove the bird …. your word means nothing because this war has been occuring for awhile. So Put up or ya (should) be going to jail. I have ANSWERS … and it is NOT KILLING A STRAY TWIT — (twit teehee ๐ ) :fist: A!I!V! :growl:
Tea Cheers ALL (but I have to brew more tea :omg: )
:omg: I have to MANUALLY type in emos … :tap: A!I!V!
OK, Fred Thompson is really a shnook & not a chicken, but he’s still a chickenhawk.
And hermetically sealed, schmermetically sealed, :rant1: grain of rice size, whatever. A grain of rice can still grow into a potato if the body it is injected into rejects it. I will never blindly trust implanted devices.
Guess I need to go to a re-education camp. :spank:
And Sue P — Clifford definitely is a handful!! He obviously doesn’t appreciate how much you love him & don’t want anything bad to happen to him — definitely like a teenager, only worse :cat: :billcat:
Sorry about the yellow/red thing — I just remembered that Clifford was VERY big! :smack:
Sue P, we get to make a wish:
Chimney, Smoke, our wish cannot be broke. ๐
RAGING Granny I don’t have to pick up meow poo, but “clearing throat” puke is pure ๐ก ness … for me now and Danu (a beta) decided she (was a mountain beta hybrid ) now a MUSH … “ick it’s raining … I can’t go outside,” she haughtily states. I keep reminding her what she is … but She sweetly (me = grrr) demands! her way. :smack:
๐ … A!I!V! :dancers:
Re # 49,
Gosh, Sue ๐ฎ
Are you implying that America’s Mayor is a ScumBag :omg: !!!??
He reminds me of Gomer Pyle with a NYC accent “9/11” “9/11” “9/11” — Citizens Arrest (one of PJs favorite obsrevations :billcat: )
I wish to say Hi and Bye since my computer is running very slow and “jerky” — so I have to restart. I hope to see you. (I just do not trust if I “turn-off” since sometimes I can’t “turn back on. ) :tap:
hope to see y’all ๐
I like what Sarge said two days ago… when one thanks the V.A. service person for their service … one MUST NOW, according to Sarge, say “Thank you……( as above, and then say) I, now will Fight For YOU, here.” … :fist: A!I!V! :dancers:
I have to agree with RG. First they wanna keep track of your pet and then when you get used to that they wanna keep track of your kids and you know who’s next :tinfoil:
:nod: Ditto to how you agree KP with RG, so do I. :fist: A!I!V!
This is soooo yesterday.
I was really upset when Stephie beat me to the punch and dubbed Thompson Fredhorn Leghorn a couple of weeks ago.
The anti-chip