Another week, another bunch of boobleheads. On Press the Meat, Timmy Potatohead has Ron Paul. I really don’t get what people find appealing about Ron Paul, but he seems to be a god to some of the folks out there. But, whatever. He’ll also have Chuck Todd and John Harwood on pass along some conventional wisdom (and ignore John Edwards, no doubt).
CBS is being coy about who’s on Faze the Nation this week, and I’m not really motivated enough to do more than look at their website to find out, so fuck ’em.
Fux News Sunday has General Betrayus and Weaselface Wallace will also chat with Joel Osteen, pastor of the Lakewood Church. There’s also the usual collection of Fux News Fuxheads, and this week’s “Power Player” is Morrill Worcester, who gives wreaths to veterans on holidays for some reason.
There’s a big, big thrill for everyone on This Weak, as George Snufalufagus has Guidi Ruliani. Plus, there’s a roundtable of EJ Dionne, former Pentagon spokesbitch Torie Clarke, Cokie “the hag” Roberts and George :jerk: Will. And Caroline Kennedy will be on to hawk her new book.
CNN’s Late Emission has, well, it has Wolf Blitzer; what else do you need to know?
Later, on 60 Minutes, I think it’s a bunch of recycled stories as Joel Osteen pops up again, Lesley Stahl does her DNA to track your ancestors story, and Steve Kroft talks to Steve Brady.
Enjoy your Sunday.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😯 😯
:doh: :doh: :doh: Whatever :sheep: le
Good morning. :joe: :joe:
Granddaughter, daughter, son inlaw, large dog and cat arrived last night to add to my menagerie. For some reason they are all sleeping with the exception of small grandchild and all the furry ones.
That makes 3 large dogs and four cats. :pup: :pup: :pup:
:cat: :cat: :cat: :cat:
The furry ones, of course, think the only game to play is “chase.”
Oh well, Christmas only comes once a year. (I think Christmas would be much more fun if it came once every TWO years).
As long as I still get time off every year.
Hey, SueP —
Sounds like lots of fun! I hope you can delegate :pup: :pup: :pup: walking duties!
Have a great day & enjoy your family!
Sue P., Merry :santacool: … Reminds me of “yesterday”, But I grew out of that :rofl2:
However In Your Honour:
:fist: :knit: :fist: :dancers: :doh: :pirate: :yippee: :rofl2: :santacool:
:pirate: :tap: A!I!V! :fist: :knit: :fist:
:pirate: :yippee: THAT WAS BRILLIANT RAGING Granny I hope you can delegate {2 SuP :rofl2: } walking duties! :banana: :pup: :banana: :pup: 😉
:fist: A!I!V! :fist: 😉
I have to go and Make the Fire To “Start the Fire” :pirate: :santacool: AND BREW & MAKE TANKARD OF TEA 8)
I still think the Indians should try the rusty old freighter approach and demand the southwest as their new homeland .. worked for someone else
Comment by fred — December 22, 2007 @ 8:51 pm
Can we at least grant some sort of squatters’ rights to the people who live there now? Because Krista has a roof full of lettuce she needs to harvest before she is forced to move. 😀
Rooftop lettuce. So that’s what the kids are calling it these daze.
Good wishes to all for a great holiday and a happy, healthy new year. Since the Rethugs are still in charge, there is little hope for a prosperous year.
As for dog walking duty, we’re on the island and so I only have to let the monsters out, and in, and out, because all they want to do is go out if they’re in and in if they’re out.
The really great news is that hubby walks better each day. We’ve been able to go out to eat and do a very little bit of food shopping together. Watching him get better is a pleasure.
Corporations that got multimillion-dollar sweetheart tax deals from former Mayor Rudy Giuliani have raised more than $1 million for his Senate and presidential bids, the Daily News has found.
When he was mayor, Giuliani doled out tax reductions to giant corporations far more aggressively than all other New York mayors since the city tax breaks emerged in the 1980s.
In numerous cases, Giuliani allowed corporations to move jobs to New Jersey or lay off large chunks of their workforce – and still reap the full benefits of sales tax exemptions, energy cost discounts and taxpayer-subsidized bonds.
Executives and employees at seven companies that received those favors have raised at least $1.13 million for Giuliani, including $244,000 for his failed Senate run and his so-called Leadership PAC, Solutions America, as well as $886,000 for his presidential bid.
Today on ABC’s This Week, host George Stephanopoulos pushed former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani on why the radios for the 9/11 firefighters didn’t work. Giuliani dodged the question, claiming that it would have been “impossible†to have given them working radios:
As Stephanopoulos pointed out, the firefighters on 9/11 were forced to use old equipment that had malfunctioned eight years earlier, during the 1993 attacks on the World Trade Center.
But it wasn’t “impossible†to get new radios to these firefighters, as Giuliani tried to claim. After the 1993 incident, Giuliani gave Motorola a $14-million no-bid contract. Despite this exorbitant sum, the radios were faulty and had to be taken out of service in March 2001, after a “distress call from a firefighter trapped in a burning house†went unheard. A New York City Council report on the fire department’s radio procurement process concluded:
Thus, despite its acknowledgment two years earlier that several manufacturers were developing technology that might meet FDNY’s CAI specifications, and in apparent disregard of its pledge to evaluate new technologies and products, the FDNY appears to have elected to accept a radio representing an entirely new communications technology from Motorola rather than conduct a competitive review of products and prices
HAPPY FESTIVUS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:banana: :40: :doh: :slap: :yippee: :alc: :rant1:
Hell’s Bells
HAPPY FESTIVUS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 U 2 :pirate: :yippee:
:bong: :alc: :rant1: :santacool:
:knit: :fist: :yippee: :pirate: 8)
Ditto to the HAPPY FESTIVUS, y’all! :bee:
SueP — glad hubby is healing and ambulating better and that :pup: :pup: :pup: are only requiring ( 🙄 ) the open-close-open-close style of walking. Wish you a great weekend with your family and I wish all Morning SEditionist Bloggies a good holiday!!
I need to be in
:slap: :reaper: SiCKO Land :reaper: :slap:
tomorrow on the Oncology floor — that always promises to be 🙁 🙁 .
Well, we are watching Talladega Nights on HD (for the first time). Will Ferrell is the BEST :yippee: :bow: — very funny :rofl2:
Well, gotta watch Ricky Bobby — movie kinda reminds me of the time I spent living in Poplar Bluff, Missouri — the Nascar racing shit was big out there
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
According to a newly declassified document, the New York Times reports, a plan by former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover sought to suspend habeas corpus during wartime, with the intention of imprisoning thousands of Americans indefinitely.
Hoover’s plan was submitted to the White House twelve days after the start of the Korean War. Under the plan, approximately 12,000 people deemed as “potentially dangerous” to national security, 97% of whom were American citizens, would have been rounded up and sent to military prisons without due process.
Sometimes it gives me hope, knowing that we have come close to fascism and then turned back, usually with a strong push from an angry public.
In the 50’s J Edgar was hunting communists and civil rights advocates. You were guilty of sedition for political thinking, not action. In the 60’s lt was the hippies and the antiwar movement.
Maybe we’ll right ourselves again, but it won’t be with the help of the Rethugs.
I got stuck downstairs (w/o reading glasses :growl: 🙄 ) and still “I haven’t made the Fire” :doh:
BUT SUPERMAN II :pirate: :dancers: :yippee: :yippee: :fist: is going to be on so then I will contune on with the tooooo much physical work. A!I!V!
Sue P (Yeh I blame you & Vernon :rofl2: ) I am not as positive, yet “I vill say nuthin” until after :santacool: Day.
Soon SUPERMAN II :pirate: :yippee: and then “I can start The FIRE”
:tommygun: and do further exercise :fist: :dancers: 🙄 :santacool: A!I!V BTW My Computer is Say’n No so soooooooooo slow 🙄 so I fade ” into oblivia…at times :smack: 🙄 :doh:
Sue P … I Agree — it is we “weird” that will set this world back into balance. :growl: :fist: :tap: A!I!V! I think I am talking to myself Again :tap: 🙄 Anyone else born on the Day Of Woe aka Day Of Mercury? :reaper: :pirate: :yippee:
SUPERMAN II :pirate: :yippee: 8) :santacool: A!I!V!
Who’s Mitt Romney anyway? :omg:
Just droppin’ randomly by. 🙂