So, something funny happened on the way to Barack Obama’s anointment to the Presidency. People in NH decided to vote for Hillary. Funny, I thought the polls had Obama way the fuck in the lead. Gee, what happens next? I can’t wait for the media to tell me what I think about all this. Not that it matters, really. All that matters is that summer in January is over. Now it’s spring for a few days instead. Have a happy hump day.
:yippee: :bee: :banana: :banana: :banana: :bee: :yippee:
:tap: WAKE UP :sheep: LE :tap:
:dancers: :dancers: :dancers:
:nana: :nana: :nana:
ALPHA BETA but not gamma
:banana: :pup: :banana: :cold: :banana: :penguin: :cold: :banana:
A Living Being 8) :pirate: :yippee: and BTW:
:pirate: :yippee: Wanwenxia is ALPHA & BETA (Danu’s Fav :pup: :yippee: ) :pirate: :yippee:
:pirate: A!I!V! Tea Cheers :joe: Time ๐
I’m Gamma (Raygun teehee) :dancers: :nana: ๐
So, looking at this huge, huge win, it appears that on actual delegate count, it’s Clinton 9, Obama 9, Edwards 4. That’s out of 2,025 needed to win the nomination.
So, again, why am I supposed to give a shit?
Not counting those “super” delegates, it’s Obama: 25, Clinton: 24, Edwards: 18. And all the Obama true believers are whining because Edwards won’t quit.
Edwards is saying he’s in until the convention. I think I may be joining Krista in sending him some money, because it helps the entire cause of he stays in. He and Kucinich (who will no doubt also stay in) will at least nudge, if not push, Obama and Clinton to more progressive positions.
This is far from being over on either side, although I guess last night Hillary had the last laugh. Or maybe the last cry.
Whattya think? Brain in a jar, or shrunken head?
Yeah, that’s why the Obama people (at least the ones commenting at TPM) are whining that Edwards has a huge ego and is giving the nomination to Clinton.
It’s just astounding to me that a handful of crackers in two states are supposed to be so freakin’ important. You’d think this was a huge deal, but it’s only a couple of delegates.
Feb 5, now that’ll be a big deal.
pjsauter, re 4 HaHaHa :rofl2: A!I!V!
Kevin & PJ … I just had refreshed several times and NO ONE WAS NEW since #4, then I posted and *poof* many more posts were posted and I might as well say regarding 60 on yesterday’s BLOG – it was not there at 1:00 nor 1:30am pst then *poof* at 2 am your post appeared on mine. Yet sometimes my posts posts immediately… :smack: “Illogical. Does Not Compute.” :nod: A!I!V!
Good morning. :joe: :joe: It’s a really nice morning, cool and breezy. The sky is streaked with pink and I keep remembering the saying:
Red skies at night, a sailor’s delight. Red skies at dawning a sailor’s warning.
But, I think it’s supposed to be a beautiful day so let’s hope the weather guys are more accurate than the pollsters.
Have a good one.
PJ re 6 8) … ALL WHAT IS LISTED :banana: or to begin with medical skeleton plus a “bag of bones” :rofl2: :pirate: :yippee: 8) A!I!V!
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ :yuck: :crap: :paranoid: ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
โ โ โ Whatever :sheep: le
I wonder if New Hampshire uses Diebold’s GEM software at the central tabulator :reaper: :reaper:
Soupy (Sue P, PJ, me, & to the One Whom started to call ya Sue P. – V :no: :rofl2: ) :pirate: :yippee: ๐ Have a Great Day :dancers: :peace: :knit: … :tap: A!I!V!
I have ro wonder if votes in two states where if it wasn’t for the big bucks spent by these candidates on these dog and pony shows every four years they would have to turn off the lights and put up a for sale sign how much it really means. I hope the majority of the candidates hang in there for a while longer. ( at least through super Tuesday in February) :tap: :tap:
The fact that McInsane won the thug vote must say something for the number of thug voters at least that were not up to speed on much of anything.. Do they even have cable TeeVee in new Hampshire or did all that advertising money just pay to send signals into space ?? All I see of New Hampshire is idyllic country scenes of old barns and covered bridges. :billcat: :yawn:
Well, Fred, I think the thug voters that are actually voting for McCave probably listen to nothing but Limpprick and Weaner. Yesterday I was working in a house where the man of the house was listening to right wing radio all morning, thank god I was working in the bathroom. :crap:
It is kind of amazing when the first amendment allows the “freedom to lie” to be considered as free speech.. Way to many people believe what they hear on the Reich wing media or don’t hear anything because they spend way to much time kneeling on the floor in front of the toilet.
On the other hand I wonder how many of them have committed suicide after listening to the alternative. :reaper: :reaper:
When Maverick’s campaign went into the toilet, he put all his resources into NH, ‘cuz they wuv (remember when he shocked Bushie in 2000, which led to the “black baby” push polls in SC) him there.
Plus, who ya gonna vote for, if you’re a Republican? Mitt and the Amazing technicolor Underpants? Gomer Huckabee? Guidi Ruliani? Grandpa Fred? Ron Paul, I guess, if you’re anti-Iraq, and don’t mind the thought of a 30% federal sales tax and the privatization of every government program.
But really, they have a bunch of losers this year.
I really like the monkey wrench Hillary threw into Obama’s wet dreams. More ‘cuz I find his supporters really, really annoying than anything else. That, and I think letting the two of them fight it out might give Edwards a real shot in places like SC (a little momentum and he might do well in CA and NY, which are a couple of the Feb 5th biggies). Still remains to be seen what will happen with Michigan and Florida primaries basically not counting.
Fred … a superfluous musing:
To be “truth of my posting” or to stop FOR ONCE on Cool 8) Numbers … but I have decided …I will be posting under previous name :omg: yet … sometimes using other name. Last time I
do-si-do’d was with PJ, then I passed him (sniff); therefore, I wanted To Slow the moment. Hopefully, Tea Cheers :joe: to pending “do-si-dos”. A!I!V! :pirate: ๐
:rofl2: :omg: :rofl2:
The sad thing is that this seems likely to me. It’s a case of the boy who cried wolf.
Kristapea, I have to send my young friends in AZ, who are voting for Ron Paul, those “anti” Ron Paul by HIS Own Words Links … 8) …My Bad :rofl2: :growl: A!I!V! :fist:
wow. ๐
Re #6 — I could use one of these.
:tongue: :nod:
Except the boy who cried wolf wasn’t really being malicious, just trying to get some attention. The US is deliberately looking for a Gulf of Tonkin moment.
Hey, at $18, you could get a replacement brain to use when we go to your parents, one for going to work, and one to change into when you get home.
Wide Stance Larry aint giving up, either, god bless him.
RAGING Granny, I know, I know (snicker), if you only had a Brain… :rofl2: I’ll take Brain #2, please. :fist: A!I!V! :fist:
Oh I forgot :doh: Vernon was OMEGA :reaper: A!I!V! :reaper: :dancers:
All this Obama-gushing (from Joe from Tempe, even!) on yesterday’s Jeff show is pretty funny, knowing the outcome.
Yeah, I heard part of that. Joe’s backhanded support. :jerk: Interesting though, I still don’t think he’s genuine tho.
So, what do you think is up with all the Repugs voting for Obama? I would think they would go with Ron Paul over Obama any day. That seems weird to me.
I think it’s because they see Obama as an easy to push around republican-lite. And they absolutely despise Hillary.
I think it is due to the rethugs thinking Obama is easier to beat or that Obama is “to the right of center” moreso than even Hill; however, there is not much difference between the two. The Rethugs have fought with Hill before. :slap: A!I!V! :pirate: Now regarding the DLC :growl: … well I will vote for whomever wins for now.. :fist:
Perhaps the thugs look at Hil as a known neocon lite who they don’t much care for while Obama appears to only be a neocon lite in training who is still more manipulatable. :tap: :tap:
The Bush administration has dropped its appeal of a 2007 court decision that overturned new management rules for 191 million acres of national forests. Opponents to the rules had argued that they weakened protection for wildlife and the environment to the benefit of the timber industry. The Justice Department notified the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit this week that it was withdrawing its appeal, saying the other parties, including the timber industry, would do likewise.
On the other hand Edwards is consistently in third place so if they can just get Hil and Obama to destroy each other …he will be a perfect fit for the resulting void. :reaper: :reaper:
The first time Hillary ran for senator in NY, after Ghouliani dropped out, her opponent was Rick Lazio. When the two debated, the first question from Lazio was something to the effect that Hillry was a liar because she denied Bill was having an affair and he asked her if she wished to apologize to the people. Hillary kind of stammered and said stuff about what a tough time that had been for her.
But, Lazio didn’t stop there. He decided he wanted her to sign a pledge saying, I think, that she wouldn’t take money from ?.(I can’t remember.) Then he took his piece of paper to Hillary’s podium and proceeded to demand that she sign it immediately, there and then. She was actually quite gracious in her refusal.
And, I knew he as dead at that point. He had treated her badly and in ways that he would not treat a man. I don’t think he would have asked a man to apologize for denying his wife’s infidelity and I don’t think he would have gone to a man’s podium and shoved a paper in his face. Like many Rethugs, he didn’t realize how sexist his actions were but it was not lost on the electorate.
I just have to admire Ruyd’s ability to reference 9/11 in response to ANYTHING.
๐ฅ If Anyone Cares by Nickelback — Thom played on his show today awwww ….. :fist: A!I!V! :tommygun: gotta feed FIRE or :dancers: Don’t Fear The Reaper Blue O.C. graphics by LadyFire :hubba:
I remember Lazio with his stupid pledge. He wanted her to sign a pledge renouncing the use of soft money.
But as I remember it, it was Timmy Potatohead who showed a videotape from the Today Show during the debate where Hillary defended Bill and denied that Bill had diddled Monica. As I recall, Timmuh accused Hillary of ”misleading the American people” and asked her to apologize for the “vast right-wing conspiracy” thing.
Lazio’s big mistake was thinking that the “carpetbagger” thing would stick Upstate. First, she had been all over here getting to know the people and the issues, and old Ricky barely ever left Long Island. Second, Long Island is about as far away from Upstate NY as Arkansas (or Illinois), and to us, he was more of a carpetbagger than she was.
Sue P, about # 37.
This adminsitrations idea of national forest management was to chop down all the trees and export them to the far east before they burned. Sort of follows the 1980s idea of selling off the national parks to the highest bidder.
You’re absolutely right, PJ. It was Russet who did that. What a prick and what a ridiculous clip to show. What did he think? Do you remember what his point was in showing it? I thought he was saying that she was not telling the truth when she denied Bill’s diddling. I remember being astounded by the whole bit.
Then he asked for the apology about the rightwing conspiracy, wasn’t that connected to the diddling denial?
I’m getting old. But hell, at least I remember there was a debate.
Here’s the transcript. He does accuse her of misleading the country when she says that Bill didn’t do it.:
To both the candidates, Mrs. Clinton first. The issue of trust and character has been raised repeatedly in this campaign. Mrs. Clinton, I want to start with you. In January of ’98 you went on “The Today Show” and talked about what had occurred at the White House. I want to play that for you and our viewers and our voters and give you a chance to respond.
TAPE: Male voice (Matt Lauer): So these charges came as big a shock to you as anyone.
And to my husband. I mean, you know, he woke me up Wednesday morning and said You’re not going to believe this.
LAUER: So when people say there is a lot of smoke here, your message is where there’s smoke –
There isn’t any fire.
LAUER: If an American president had an adulterous liaison in the White House and lied to cover it up, should the American people ask for his resignation?
Well they should certainly be concerned about it.
LAUER: Should they ask for his resignation?
Well, I think if all that were proven true, I think that would be a very serious offense. That is not going to be proven true.
Regrettably, it was proven true. Do you regret misleading the American people? And, secondly, in that same interview you said that those who were criticizing the president were part of a vast right-wing conspiracy. Amongst those eventually criticizing the president were Joe Lieberman. Would you now apologize for branding people as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy?
Well you know Tim, that was a very, a very painful time for me, for my family and for our country. It is something that I regret deeply that anyone had to go through. And I wish that we all could look at it from the perspective of history but we can’t yet. We’re going to have to wait until those books are written. But from my perspective, you know, I’m very hopeful that we can go forward in a united way. That certainly is what I’ve tried to do. And I’ve tried to be as forthcoming as I could given the circumstances that I faced. Obviously I didn’t mislead anyone. I didn’t know the truth. And there’s a great deal of pain associated with that and my husband has certainly acknowledged that and made it clear that he did mislead the country as well as his family. But you mentioned trust and, you know, I’m standing here running for the Senate. I didn’t cast the votes that Newt Gingrich asked me to cast. I’ve been a steady, consistent voice on behalf of children and families and what I’ve worked for for 30 years. And I want to try to put that experience to work for the people of New York.
Yesterday I was working in a house where the man of the house was listening to right wing radio all morning, thank god I was working in the bathroom.
Comment by Kristapea รขโฌโ January 9, 2008 @ 8:36 am
If I had to listen to Limprick and Wiener all day, I know I would want to be close to a toilet. :barf:
Still remains to be seen what will happen with Michigan and Florida primaries basically not counting.
Comment by pjsauter รขโฌโ January 9, 2008 @ 9:54 am
Technically a correct statement, but they will count big time in the arena of public opinion. It would definitely be a huge shot in the arm for Edwards to win FL, not that I think he probably will, but one can hope.
Not to mention that I expect most if not all of the Dems to come down here trolling for $$ once SC and NV are in the books. Obama was here a few times before the holidays, but since then Ruidiani has had it pretty much to himself.
One positive note for Floridians: Apparently Willard is pulling his ads here to concentrate on Michigan. Now if only Ruidiani would stop running the heinous vote-for-me-or-be-killed-by-Islamic-terrorists-9/11-9/11 spot that started up last week. He’ll probably end up buying most of the ad time Willard is dumping.
Looks like the President isn’t being welcomed to the middle east as the savior he wants history to remember him as. He must think everyone is as dumb as he is. All mid-easterners remember he actually obstructed the peace process for the first 6 1/2 years of his nightmarish regime.
NC Blue , slooooow Computer but re 48 :rofl2: :rofl2: A!I!V!
Well, luckily I couldn’t hear it in the bathroom because I had to have the door shut to paint. Why are those fucks still on the air??
Alright, Cynthia Black subbed for Jeff tonight and I got the last word in. It was a lively discussion. I got mag tape and paint. Edwards! :fist:
Looks like Richardson
and Romturd are pulling out
Its to bad about Richardson … if I was going to hire some one for this job of presidork he had all the proper credentials. :reaper: :reaper:
The reason Limpprick, Handjob and Gunny Bob ( KOA’s favorite SOB) are still on the air is because they all have dedicated audiences of IDIOT MORONS most of whom appear to unfortunately vote …. but.. we are taking back Amerika .. right … :yuck: :crap: :tommygun: :tommygun:
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: well bed time see ya all in the AM
Rats … Fred was out roaming at night, and I missed the Night Walker. Rats. :smack: … :growl: :knit: A!I!V! :fist:
Well, I hope someone else is OMEGA, but if not Boo ; :dancers: of :reaper: A!I!V! :fist: ๐ later *poof*
1:53am pdt