This has been a really long week, and I’m glad it’s over with. I’m gonna do my best to just slide quietly through the day, and get this over with. Have a good one.
Posted by pjsauter on January 11, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized | 78 Comments
This has been a really long week, and I’m glad it’s over with. I’m gonna do my best to just slide quietly through the day, and get this over with. Have a good one.
I missed the Grand Gents. RATS … :smack: :rofl2: :dancers: A!I!V!
:pirate: :yippee: Well, I guess I am ALPHA :pirate: :yippee:
Ni Neart ….. Book of Kells
But it’s Friday :boobs: :dancers: :bong: :alc: :banana:
AND MARC IS ON TODAY at 11 EST (I think :doh: )
on MARC V. SAM SHOW dot com. A!I!V! :banana: :banana:
Oh, and I am Danu’s Fav, BETA :pup:
SUE P. or SouP ( :rofl2: So Sorry My Bad :spank: ) was GAMMA (Ray :rofl2: ) yesterday. And to whom does that Title go to this Day?
Hey Travis, good luck with the Algebra this quarter. I’m sure you’ll do fine with Calculus. If they still teach it the same way, first semester was beginning derivation, and was pretty easy (and actually kinda fun). Second semester was integration, and it was pretty easy, too. Third semester got into a lot of really complicated integration, where you’d have to use multiple techniques, only to find out that you started off with the wrong one, so you’d have to start all over again. That’s where you need a good teacher. I had a guy that looked like Walter Matthau with a beard, and he was really good.
Another Friday, another day almost arriving late to work. My new pet peeve… idiot bus drivers who HIT THE BRAKES for a GREEN light. You know, in case it might turn yellow in the next couple of minutes. Aaaargh.
Newsflash: Sir Edmund Hillary was not dead.
Update: he is now.
SONY is now on board at Amazon with DRM-free music. That makes all four major labels. You should really boycott iTunes until Apple offers DRM-free downloads, too. And anybody else that sells DRM-crippled music, too.
Good morning. :joe: :joe:
Today, being Friday, I get to listen to Maron and Seder live. When they do it on Tuesday, not only don’t I get to hear them but it’s usually Vernon who provides a link to the audio long before Sam posts it (if he posts it at all.)
Pssst, Vernon, see I do appreciate you in spite of the Soupy stuff.
It’s rainy and dreary, today. I managed to get the dogs out during a short let up. But, now it is pouring, and although Minnie will go out in any kind of mess, Emily is very fussy. I hope she can keep her legs crossed if this keeps up.
Ooh, Bushco has found some magic fairy dust:
He’s a poll cellar-dweller whom even GOP presidential candidates sneer at, but George W. Bush and some congressional backers see happy days for the prez this year. His fans have dubbed it his “legacy year,†when they hope to lock in his achievements on the domestic front.
Among the items Bush’s GOP congressional allies want to work on this month: continuing his tax cuts and extending the controversial No Child Left Behind Act. As for the war, they say, the news has been good, and Bushies believe that their guy will eventually get credit for opening the war on terrorism. But more immediately, they are predicting a remarkable poll shift to about 45 percent favorable by the time he leaves office next year.
Pssst SouP try Vermin for V. :pup: :rofl2:
Venom is his Rock Star Name :rofl2: 8) since I am bananas :banana: over snakes. :nuts: (LBH :rofl2: I was born in The Year of the Snake) … :knit: A!I!V! :fist:
Ooh, Druid, you are bad, :spank: but clever!
I spoke to the vet yesterday about Minnie. She said the tumor, which she removed from Minnie’s leg, has a 40-50% chance of not regrowing, even if all the malignant cells were not removed.
However, treatment may be necessary and she’s been talking to vet oncologists and will let us know what our options are.
At the moment, Minnie is healing very well.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 :yuck: :crap: :fustrate: :fustrate: 😯 😯
❓ ❓ ❓ Whatever :sheep: le
Here we go with the voting fraud. Did we forget about that?
Good luck with Minnie,
SoupySue. Wish I could catch the S&M show live, but I don’t think that’ll happen, here. I’d really like to see Proops/Maron, but that won’t happenBTW, GAMMA this Day goes to PJSauter :pirate: :yippee: :pup: & :cat: 😉 … :growl: :fist: A!I!V!
Funny, this story about Ron Paul has been around for quite a while in the blogosphere, but suddenly CNN finds it newsworthy.
Paul wants to disavow himself from it, but if you knowingly allow somebody to publish a newsletter with your name all over it, I find it hard to believe you wouldn’t bother to check it out, and know what people are saying under your name.
So, he’s either a racist liar, or an idiot. Or maybe even a lying racist idiot.
Yeah, I saw that story too. Maybe CNN is trying to get ahead of New Hampshire controversy.
It looks as if another attempt to sart a war with Ira went awry. that’s good news. Unfortunately, Bushco is still trying:
The Pentagon said yesterday that the apparent radio threat to bomb U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf last weekend may not have come from the five Iranian Revolutionary Guard speedboats that approached them — and may not even have been intended against U.S. targets.
Yeah, there was a news report this morning that – get this – kids are using cough syrup to catch a buzz.
I am stunned and shocked.
Yeah, I thought the script for that movie sounded pretty suspicious.
Re: 19 :rofl2: Yeah, our generation would never have thought to catch a buzz off of cough syrup!
re 19 & 21 :rofl2: …. :growl: A!I!V!
Well, it snowed in Baghdad for the first time in memory.
Must mean the peace train is on the way.
We can only hope & pray. :knit2:
So, does Aleve give you heart burn and a stomach ache if you take it on an empty stomach? Or am I just having a heart attack?
Aleve and Hb EDIT I do think Aleve/naproxen is one of the better ways to go even though I prefer aspirin w/ codeine.
Maron v. Seder trying to start now. I think Maron is incapable of going until 6 after the hour
:pirate: :yippee: i got up here a few ago :doh: 🙄 … :growl: :dancers:
Let’s hear it for partial differential equations and LaPlace transformations. No? How about matrix algebra? That was easy…
Jimmy Carter Op-Ed:
siouxP, I am probably not going to be so vigilant on the M v. S oddio watch in the future though I will try. Today I am off to lunch with my Dad and may not be back on line for a long time but I know someone will be posting at Sederado shortly and I will grab and link late tonight.
Maron hates Ron Paul pods. Good show so far.
Diff EQ, yeah baby!
From Rosanne Barr, via HuffPost (Roseanne’s website has apparently been taken down by her webhost)
You had your chance with Jimmy Carter, and you fucking blew it. So get fucked. Fucking country.
Comment by pjsauter — January 11, 2008 @ 11:31 am
Yea to All the above-ish and the direct above statement is similar to what I would say to ANYONE trying to say something negative :growl: about JIMMY :love: (a Libra Luv :love: as is Maron) even to close family members … :fist: A!I!V! :fist:
re 31 :pirate: :yippee: 8) … but we all are dividing :omg: as Romerica Burns :smack: :fustrate: … :growl: :fist: A!I!V! :fist:
Alright, I can’t listen to Hartman bicker over phrasing of the Constitution anymore. When is Maron v Seder going to be up!?
Kristapea, :fire: 😉
Maron v. Seder open mic
Submitted by Brett on Fri, 01/11/2008 – 12:46pm.
You can now find any recordings I do of Seder here:
Lincoln Karim is back from Iowa and New Hampshire with some nice photos’
One would think that a nondescript name like Sue would not lead to much creativity but Morning Seditionists are very creative people.
I was named after Susan B Anthony. (Mom was a feminist, when the word feminist had not yet been heard.) When I had my son, Sean, whom we often called Seany, he quickly became known as Shawnee, son of Sioux and of course my fellow suffering teachers soon started to call me Soupy and sometimes Soup.
Sue is not a very uncommon name and so I have always signed myself as Sue P and we all know where that leads.
Rudy Giuliani’s campaign is in trouble. First it was a dismal 6th place finish in Iowa. Then, it was an embarrassing 4th place finish in New Hampshire, in which Giuliani was barely able to squeak out 9% of the vote. To put that in perspective, John Edwards – who placed 3rd amongst Democrats in NH – still received almost more than 2 1/2 times as many votes as Giuliani.
Now comes word that he has asked his top staffers to forgo their paychecks for the month of January – and possibly beyond.
Goddamn ambulances. I’d forgotten how noisy working at a hospital is.
A nice hot SouP :rofl2: :hot: :hubba: :rofl2: … :nod: A!I!V! :boobs:
Well, Sue P, at least you are not Lou P. :rofl2:
Teacher Dearest 😉 … :bow: Susan B Anthony. I am just Sad they stopped her “gold” dollar, and thinks that and other female Icons including one should be OF ELEANOR R. :fist: A!I!V!
If anyone wants to buy a shirt or sticker for Edwards, do it NOW!
KP, but we do have a “loopy” Sue P. :rofl2: :dancers: :rofl2:
{Brava KP :rofl2: :banana: )
Or Drew P!
Dope-P is saved for :doh: Dana P :yuck: :rofl2: … A!I!V!
PJ, … Drew P :rofl2: blame it all on Vernon and a Boy (Not :no: ) name Sioux/Sue P :rofl2:
*** … :boobs: It’s Friday Ya Bastards}
Sou P, Drew P, and Lou P, sounds like cousins of the Seven Dwarfs! :doh:
Wasn’t that what Dean Wormer (whose first name was Vernon, BTW) told Flounder in Animal House?
Soupy, loopy, and droopy is no way to go through life, son.
my mom says obama is evil because he turns his back on the flag and doesnt cover his heart to say the pledge and he is a muslim we fought……… well argued
youtube ended the argument………
Kristapea, I won’t call you KP :rofl2: 😉 .
7 Dwarfs :nod: that’s where DopeP came from :rofl2: :doh: :rofl2: except I like Dopey in Disney, not bushies evil 👿 Adm Dope-P.
Guess I am being an Agitator Again ( :rofl2: )
😳 Not Me TeeHee :pirate: … :fist: A!I!V! :fist: :dancers: Tea Time :pirate: :yippee:
:boobs: :dancers: :fist: A!I!V! :fist:
I will be forever grateful that I was not name Drew or Lou. :banana:
It is amazing that the email about Obama has been so widely disseminated and even more amazing that the ridiculous stuff it says is believed.
If Obama were really turning his back on the flag, or using the Koran at his swearing in, surely the media would be reporting it and Fox would have changed its logo to feature it.
You gotta reply back to everyone on those emails with the facts, ma’am. :tap:
If anyone wants to buy a shirt or sticker for Edwards, do it NOW!
Comment by Kristapea — January 11, 2008 @ 2:28 pm
I just did! Hopefully he’ll still be in the running by the time it comes in the mail.
But if not, what the hell. I still wear my Kucinich 2004 and Kerry 2004 shirts from time to time, although admittedly the Kerry shirt is just around the apartment or to work out. The only people who see it are Danielle and Juliana in the office, and neither of them give a shit.
I wish they had the tshirts in black.
And, don’t forget, the full purchase price is considered a donation, and therefore subject to matching funds (up to $250, I think).
I’d use the Kerry shirt for painting, I guess. :jerk:
A caller on Randi’s show said if you want to know why Repugs are going for Obama check out this site.
Has anyone else considered that as the investment brokers, banks and mortgage lenders go overseas for “cash infusions” to bail themselves out of their bad lending practices that have crippled our economy the ownership of the corporations controlling our economy is now in the hands of foreign corporations and governments?
The United States no longer controls – or even owns – its own destiny.
How scary is that?
It’s happening with everything, NC. Our bridges, our national parks, our ports. We will be serfs.
#37 —
Sue P
Sou P
— We :love: :love: :love: you by any name!! You are the best! :love:
:nixon: :jesus: :jesus:
Az Governor Napolitano is supporting Obama. Crap! Why is everyone so afraid of Edwards!?
Az Governor Napolitano is supporting Obama. Crap! Why is everyone so afraid of Edwards!
Because Edwards is the real deal! Edwards was willing to go all the way in ’04 and was pissed as hell that Kerry turned and ran. Obama made it clear when he entered the Senate that he knew how to go along with corporate interests and has proven it with nearly every vote.
I forgot, hello all! Still no job so I’m going to an anti-gitmo protest tomorrow, apparently these guys are going to be here as well. Gee I sure hope I don’t suddenly release all this pent up frustration and rage. That would be bad.
U.S. corporate elite fear candidate Edwards
WASHINGTON, Jan 11 (Reuters) – Ask corporate lobbyists which presidential contender is most feared by their clients and the answer is almost always the same — Democrat John Edwards.
Thank you, RG. I :love: all you guys, for sure, in a cyber frame of mind.
Am I finally here :yippee: :fustrate: WOW I was lost in Weird total Frozenville on ATT Whatever :barf: then HOURS later :smack: I decided Mozilla and after some weird paths … I AM HERE :dancers:
A!I!V! the GOOD is I got my TANKARD of Tea :joe: after trying a cup :joe: for a bit. :banana:
I will go along with Edwards being the real thing.. The IDIOT MORONS obviously can neither hear or read. .. or.. there is a lot of Diebolt GEM software out there tabulating these votes.. :reaper: :reaper:
Apparently the Chinese have bought a lot of these delinquent mortgages.. I don’t know if a foreign government necessarily has to pay property taxes. :reaper: :reaper: maybe they are planning on colonizing the SBR.. :paranoid: :paranoid:
Most if not all local politicians have a corporate connection in their paycheck somewhere so they better not endorse someone anti business or they will have to pay for that next campaign out of pocket. :reaper: :reaper:
This corporate connection at all levels of politics makes me very skeptical that elections alone are going to solve this problem. :tommygun: :tommygun:
One of the non reported problems that our mortgage loan fiasco is causing it that a lot of foreign banks have large investments in the SBR housing market and most of these banks do not have any government insurance for their depositors. :reaper: :reaper:
If we end up with a world wide depression like many are forcasting the Europeans may make the SBR or at least its capitalist lairs and cheats targets.. and not in the legal sense. :tommygun: :tommygun: ( insert mushroom cloud emo here)
Perhaps that dream of mine of a squadron of

F18sMig 29s chasing a bunch of wall street brokers down the street firing their 50 calibre cannons at them as they flee will be not far from the truth. 😮 😮:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: bed time…. :tongue: blog with ya all on the tomorrow.
One more thing..
If you thought you heard the sound of water trickling not far below you 😮 😮$INDU
Glub.. glub.. glub…
And I Miss a charming gentleman again :smack: but my vampire show was on :hubba: A!I!V! 😉 Tankard of Tea Cheers :joe: