So, there are two possibilities here today. One is that I won the $122 million MegaMillions last night, and can afford to buy a radio station and make a real liberal radio network. The other is that I am once again a miserable loser, and will have to go to work again on Monday. Anybody wanna take bets on which comes true?
Good thing Laxapalooza is free today.
Last night the cable company decided that we no longer customers and cut When we called, (a horrible experience that I’m sure you can all imagine from your own dealings with such entities, they returned the phone but could not find the code to allow internet access. They have promised a restoration today.
In the mean time, I can get a network connection in my little studio room on the roof, but as my email comes from Roadrunner, I cannot retrieve them.
So, this is not a great morning.
PJ’s gonna be a millionaire! :yippee: Will you buy me a firetruck? :fire:
I’m trying a new thing called “positive thinking”. Don’t know if it works yet but I’ll let you know.
I miss Cheech and Chong! I think my mom took us to see a Cheech and Chong movie at the drive in once.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 :yuck: :crap: :paranoid: 😯 😯
❓ ❓ Whatever :sheep: le
At some point, over the course of 23 years, get rid of the friggin’ barrel.
Air America is really on the ball. Got this prompt e-mail reply:
I got this one last night 3 times
The Trouble Ticket you entered on has been modified. The following notes have been made to your ticket:
Hi there. The tech gurus are working on adding all the old episodes from 2005 to present to the Premium service. Hopefully in a month or 2 we’ll see them. The 2004 shows will take longer.
You may log into the Air America Help Desk to view or reply to your ticket at:
I can’t remember the complaint.
Yep, I got three, too.
I’d like to respond to them, to et them know it’s ok. I don’t give a rat’s ass about their programming anymore.
This is news? They obviously didn’t know the Catholic School girls that showed up at the parties I went to in high school.
Good thing Laxapalooza is free today.
:crap: :crap: :crap: :crap: :crap: :crap: :crap:
That sounds messy. Not to mention the smell.
Corporate sponsors are Ex-Lax and Phillips Milk of Magnesia. And Depends.
President Bush had planned to visit, but his doctors cancelled the trip, for fear that he would completely disappear if exposed to laxatives.

Singer Amy Winehouse finally got her work visa on Friday, but not in time for her to make the trip to Sunday’s Grammy Awards. Winehouse’s original visa application was denied under U.S. immigration rules regarding the “use and abuse of narcotics,” a senior State Department official said. The rehabbing British singer will go ahead with the backup plan that was concocted while her visa was still in limbo: a live performance, via satellite, from London, where she will also accept any awards she might win for her “Back to Black” album, nominated for Grammys in six categories.
YippEE! I got logged on! Just needed a capital f.
Thought the same thing as Kev..LAX???
SueP, you are quite clever and…I agree with KP –
YAY! PJ WON!! :yippee:
After a grueling 40 hour trip, I made it here. I must say, I met some very kind people along the way. Tried to log on in Seattle, but my computer went blank on me….you need battery to make the things work. :smack: ANyhow, the parental units are at their respective caucuses and my poor republican dad, has no one to vote for since he’s anti-war, anti-gun, pro-choice…he’s rino and alreading checked the rethug box so can’t cross over now.
Sadly, I saw the jackpot is now up to $150 million, so it appears I didn’t win. I’ll just have to win Tuesday, instead.
Oh, Kev, I can see how, living down there in heaven’s waiting room and all, your mind would be predisposed to think of laxatives and whatnot, but up here ‘lax’ refers to lacrosse.
Watching “The Breach” about Robert Hanssen, and he said they needed to get an OC-48 at “2.488 megabits per second.” It’s 2.488 gigabits per second, idiot. He also pronounced WAN like won (as in, won ton soup). Loser. No wonder he got caught.
Oh, Kev, I can see how, living down there in heaven’s waiting room and all, your mind would be predisposed to think of laxatives and whatnot, but up here ‘lax’ refers to lacrosse.
Comment by pjsauter — February 9, 2008 @ 4:39 pm
Actually, it’s due to most of the politicians in this state being full of shit. Like our illustrious governor, who thinks that balancing the state budget on the backs of the poor is going to win him a slot as Walnuts’ running mate. And, sadly, he might be right.
In fact, last year the (Repig-majority, as if you hadn’t already guessed) passed a bill so that Chuckles does not have to resign the governorship to run. Ain’t they sweethearts?
Of course, if Crist (it’s not pronounced Christ, although Charlie probably doesn’t mind if you do) becomes running mate, and if the right-wing blowhards still have it out for Walnuts, we may have a little outing on our hands this fall, if you know what I mean.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
:crap: :crap: :crap: :barf: :tommygun: :tommygun:
by my calculation this refers to my angry email when I learned TMMS had been cancelled. I got the refund on 7/21/06. this was probably the only efficient act of AAR. Wonder if the money will be refunded again?
:pup: :dancers: :bee: :tap: :yippee: :banana: :yippee:
According to CNN: Huckabee comes out!
Oh, on top in Kansas caucuses.
Funny, I’d have pegged him as a bottom.
PJ, I’m not going to thank you for making me watch such a closeup of Fuckabee’s mouth. Damn! Who is that man’s dentist? Mikey should SUE!
So I figure I’ll make up for my recipe absence with this one. It’s not mine but by golly I need to keep it someplace I can find it for this sumer and sharing with you folks seems the ideal place to keep it.
Getting back to Fuckabee, I really hope he takes the nomination away from McCain. Fuckabee can’t win no matter what dirty tricks the RNC pulls out against the Dem candidate.
And now there is a big Greek salad, an episode of Torchwood, and a warm couch awaiting me. I’ll be back later. (Gods! I’ve missed you guys!)
Sounds like AARs automated email server got constipated .. and .. well .. it finally let go … :crap: :crap: :yuck:
I see there is still something wrong next door in KansASS .. Colorado’s thugbots voted for Romturd. but most of them can identify with his lifestyle too. can’t say that much for the thugbots in KansASS… they are all on their knees praying that the land they own will one day be part of the NAFTA super highway… before it blows away once again.. :reaper: :reaper:
Let’s just say the AAR mail servers got a little lax.
fred, how are you holding up over there w/ no more Hartmann and live Fat Headdie?
World bourses lost 5.2 trillion dollars in January: credit rater
The thugs obviously caused a lot of dirty underware all over the place.. :crap: :crap: :yuck:
Getting Fat heady live isn’t so bad … but.. we also get Ms Rant live ( is that an oxymoron ??) as well.. its nice I can usually arrange to be away from my desk after lunch.. :reaper: :reaper:
It’s a lot easier for me to listen to Schultz than Hartmann. I pretty much miss Ranti because they moved her to drive time and I am not driving. I wish they would run Maddow instead but won’t happen.
KKZN put Mario Solis-Marich in the afternoon drive slot .. he has a Hispanic accent of sorts.. I don’t know if he is live out of the Clear\Channel studios in Denver or is syndicated .. I hope he doesn’t run into KOA’s Gunny Bob or it might spark a matter antimatter incident.. :reaper: :reaper:
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: beddy by time got to go play in the Sandbox tomorrow at a 7am
:priest: :tommygun: :tap: :yippee:
Yet another note on the AAR :crap: there were 3 MORE in my mailbox. How many will there be tomorrow?
:reaper: :dancers: :reaper: