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Morning Seditionists

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 19, 2008
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Big news that Poppy Bush endorsed John McCain yesterday. I’m not sure why. It wasn’t exactly going out on a limb or anything, and I doubt it’ll sway any voters. But, slow news day, I guess. I just wish they hadn’t kept running the video of those assholes at the slaughterhouse. I haven’t eaten beef in a long, long time, and I don’t think I’ll be eating it any time soon. The only safe thing I can think of to consume is beer (no known pathogens can survive in beer – at least, that’s what my beer book says). So, it’s beer only from now on.

Well, time for breakfast. :40:

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 18, 2008
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Back to work for me today, but if you have today off, I hope you’re doing something fun (like going snorkeling). I really don’t feel like going in today, but I’ll be glad I did when I get to take another day off somewhere down the line. I ended the weekend with an hours-ling headache, which seems to still be with me this morning. Probably just a little brain aneurysm or something.

Booblehead Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 17, 2008
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So, here we go again. Another week, another bunch of gas bags.

On Press the Meat, Timmy Potatohead has Dick Durbin on as an Obama supporter, and Chuck Schumer on to back his pal Clinton. Then Timmuh reunites the Capital Gang, with the ever-dull Margaret Carlson, her Bloomberg colleague, Al Hunt, Mr. Disgusting, Bob Novak, Krazy Kate O’Beirne and Mark Shields.

At Faze the Nation, Bobby Schieffer hosts the Obama campaign’s David Axelrod, the Clinton campaign’s Howard Wolfson, Obama supporter Doug Wilder, and Clinton surrogate Antonio Villaraigosa. Plus shithead Roger Simon from Politico.

On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell on to tell us how we’re all gonna die because the House Democrats stood up to Bush for once, and then the parade of surrogates continues with Obama-backer Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin and Clinton-supporter Governor Ted Strickland of Ohio. And the usual Fux assholes, of course.

George Snufalufagus has an ‘exclusive’ with St. John McCain, and then a roundtable of EJ Dionne, power couple Claire Shipman and Jay Carney and George :jerk: Will.

CNN’s Late Emission includes the Republican governor of LA, Bobby Jindal, former Knick and Obamite (oh, and he was a politician, too) Bill Bradley, Mitch “the prick” McConnell, and smilin’ Jack Reed, of RI.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley tells us how the FDA could have saves 22,000 lives if they’d pulled Trasylol off the market sooner (woulda killed profits, though, which are more important), and Morley Safer tells us that Denmark is the happiest place in the world. Well, fuck them.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 16, 2008
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Shit, I can’t believe the weekend’s half over already.

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 15, 2008
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So, all the Obamites are clamoring for Clinton to just drop out so their savior can be anointed King (or at least heir to the throne). I personally don’t see a problem with her hanging out through Texas, Ohio, and maybe PA. These are some delegate rich states, and I suppose there’s some chance that she might win by a large enough margin to shift both the (committed) delegate count, and the overall popular vote.

I really don’t see that happening at this point, though. It sure looks like we’ve got some serious Barackamentum going on here, and I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that – for better or worse – he’s become the ‘people’s choice.’ I think it’s time for Clinton to start thinking about her exit strategy. I don’t know what she can get out of this, but she will, very soon, need to wake up and smell the coffee. If some combination of ‘super’ delegates and Florida and Michigan delegates being seated gives her the nomination, nobody’s going to accept it. Nobody with a brain, anyway – and certainly nobody who has never ‘gotten over’ dubya getting appointed emperor in chief by the Supreme Court.

So, Hillary, if you want to hang out and see what happens in TX and OH, well, OK, I can understand that. But absent some overwhelming rush of support toward your campaign, it’s time to start thinking about getting out. I know it’s a tough blow to the ego – especially when ‘they’ had all but given you the nomination – but now you have a chance to go back to the Senate and be a major force for pushing a progressive agenda through with a (more or less) friendly President and solid Democratic control of Congress. God knows we need a new Senate Majority Leader. That would be a pretty major achievement for you in and of itself. In fact, you might have more real power in that position than you would as President.

Of course, that means you’ll actually have to stand up, stop triangulating, quit being driven by your ambition, and start being driven by all those things that you really did stand for (supposedly), way back when. Put that Clinton machine and ruthlessness to work fighting for the people who have nobody to fight for them (if you need ideas, feel free to ask John Edwards). We all know you’ve got your Senate seat here in NY for as long as you want it, so quit being motivated by the need to get reelected, and start being motivated by the need to help the forgotten people in this society.

Just, please, don’t pull everything apart trying to ‘win’ the Presidential nomination at all costs. You’ll only succeed in giving us President McCain, and quite possibly losing seats (if not control) in Congress. We really don’t need that.

Valentine’s Day Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 14, 2008
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Barbara Boxer sent me an e-mail yesterday. Surprisingly, she wasn’t wishing me a happy Valentine’s Day. She wanted money (sometimes I think the only reason she writes to me is because she wants money). The reason she wants money is to get “60 votes” in the Senate. Well, Babs (can I call you Babs? After all, you e-mail more often than most people in my family do, so I feel as if we’re close personal friends), if the vote to grant retroactive immunity to the telecom companies is any indication (just one disgusting vote out of many, I might add), to get to 60 votes, you’re going to need to pick up 22 Senate seats (that’s assuming my Senator, Clinton, can be convinced to show up and vote, of course) in order to get 60 votes.

Because of the corrupt fucking traitors in your party, about the only thing you’ll ever get 60 votes on is to give yourselves a pay raise, or to condemn MoveOn.org for putting an ad in a newspaper (or something equally as stupid, like an anti-steroids-in-baseball ‘sense of the Senate’ resolution, or ‘admonishing’ Senator Wide Stance or something).

There never even would have been a vote on the version of the bill with immunity if it weren’t for your feckless fucking majority ‘leader,’ Harry Reid. He could have either respected Chris Dodd’s hold, or brought the Senate Judiciary Committee’s version to the floor. So, better get rid of hapless Harry, too.

Sorry Barbara, but until you can do something with the asshole Democrats you’ve already got, don’t come to me with your hands out looking for money from me.

Wednesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 13, 2008
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Snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Should be a nice trip into work this morning. Even worse, I forgot to buy a lottery ticket last night, so I can’t even daydream about hitting the jackpot and retiring. On the bright side, it saved me a couple of bucks.

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 12, 2008
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More primaries today, somewhere or other. Supposed to be another Obama sweep, I guess. Eh, can’t say as I’m even interested any more. Except it’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out, I guess. Neither Clinton nor Obama look like they’ll have enough delegates to win, so somebody’s gonna have to be big about it and give up. Not sure I see either one of these two being magnanimous, so I wonder how this’ll work out. I say the hell with both of them – time for Al Gore to step in and take over.

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 11, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized  | 24 Comments

Haven’t been able to pry my eyes open wide enough to see how cold it is out there, but it’s pretty friggin’ cold. Glad I don’t have to go far to get to work this morning. I get to start the week in my preferred location, which is a good thing. Besides being close to home, it’s IT land, and I enjoy being able to speak geek with people, without watching their eyes glaze over. Although it makes it a lot tougher to bullshit ’em. Fortunately, I’m a consummate bullshitter.

Booblehead Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on February 10, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized  | 70 Comments

On Press the Meat today, Timmy Potatohead scores a coup as he hosts Huckleberry Huckabee. Then it’s a roundtable with David “Yoda” Broder, Christ’s anchorman, David Brody, NPR’s Gwen Ifill & Republican shill Chuck Todd.

Huck’s on a roll this week, as he travels over to CBS to Faze the Nation with Bobby Schieffer. Then Bob trots out Karl Rove (if he sees his shadow, it’s another six weeks of winter) and Joe “oh for two” Trippi.

Over at Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace gets down on his knees to fellate commander codpiece hisseff, George Dubya Bush. Plus its the usual Fuxholes, who aren’t even worth mentioning.

At Goebbels, George Snufalufagus hosts Governors Tim Kaine (Obama sycophant) of VA, and Martin O’Malley (Clinton lackey) of MD. Then for some reason hot tub Tom DeLay gets face time, along with fellow Republican cretin Tom Davis, both on to talk about whether the fake conservatives will make nice with Johnny McCain. At the “Roundtable,” it’s creepy Byron “the dork” York, political mastermind Donna Brazile, Sam :omg: Donaldson and George :jerk: Will.

CNN’s Late Emission includes Colin “gee, I’m really sorry about all that WMD stuff” Powell, Fancy Nancy Pelosi, and John “can’t get a ” Boehner.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Steve Kroft interviews Barack Obama, Katie Couric gets a crack at Hillary Clinton, and Morley Safer gets the biggest story of the night, as he report on the US Mint’s dilemma on whether to continue minting pennies.

Have a good Sunday.