Posted by pjsauter on February 17, 2008
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So, here we go again. Another week, another bunch of gas bags.
On Press the Meat, Timmy Potatohead has Dick Durbin on as an Obama supporter, and Chuck Schumer on to back his pal Clinton. Then Timmuh reunites the Capital Gang, with the ever-dull Margaret Carlson, her Bloomberg colleague, Al Hunt, Mr. Disgusting, Bob Novak, Krazy Kate O’Beirne and Mark Shields.
At Faze the Nation, Bobby Schieffer hosts the Obama campaign’s David Axelrod, the Clinton campaign’s Howard Wolfson, Obama supporter Doug Wilder, and Clinton surrogate Antonio Villaraigosa. Plus shithead Roger Simon from Politico.
On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell on to tell us how we’re all gonna die because the House Democrats stood up to Bush for once, and then the parade of surrogates continues with Obama-backer Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin and Clinton-supporter Governor Ted Strickland of Ohio. And the usual Fux assholes, of course.
George Snufalufagus has an ‘exclusive’ with St. John McCain, and then a roundtable of EJ Dionne, power couple Claire Shipman and Jay Carney and George :jerk: Will.
CNN’s Late Emission includes the Republican governor of LA, Bobby Jindal, former Knick and Obamite (oh, and he was a politician, too) Bill Bradley, Mitch “the prick” McConnell, and smilin’ Jack Reed, of RI.
Later, on 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley tells us how the FDA could have saves 22,000 lives if they’d pulled Trasylol off the market sooner (woulda killed profits, though, which are more important), and Morley Safer tells us that Denmark is the happiest place in the world. Well, fuck them.
Enjoy your Sunday.