Didn’t bother watching the returns for long last night. By the time I gave it up, everything but VT was too close to call. Haven’t looked to see if that stayed true, but if it did, the pressure will be on Clinton to give it up. I guess I’ll go see what the final score was.
There’s no way Clinton concedes before PA. After all of the sleaze she pulled leading up to yesterday, doing the GOP’s dirty work for them, she obviously doesn’t care about party unity of Brand Democrat. She only cares for herself.
:pirate: Obama is into LIQUID COAL and he deregularize Nuclear (Waste) Regulars. I am THRILLED the least horrid HAS WON!
Why doesn’t Obama step down!A!I!V! :fist: …… SHE WON not just the MAJOR TWO but the 3 …. He only won VERMONT :rofl2: OBAMA STEP DOWN AS YOU SAID FIRST re Clinton …
Unless she who is above all is elected, Hillary is into seeing mKKain being president over Obama. :growl:
Neither one of these candidates are without huge flaws :sheep: le-
but do any of us have such a death-wish as to wish for another four years of the sewage that the american political system has become by choosing mKKain’s experience over Obama? :tap:
I disagree 100% …. I am done with Obama Worshipers & Hillary Clinton Nay-sayers. He is beginning to be found out :banana: … If Obama would won, it would be a disaster, TOTALLY. I have to *fly*, but be back soon ๐ A!I!V!
Is it something in the water there? :billcat:
Well, it wasn’t all that close in OH. 10% is a pretty solid win. Less so in TX, at 4%. Still, no real difference in delegates. So it’s going to continue at least until PA, and that’s not until April 22.
I only wish at the end of all this we’d end up with a progressive as president. Unfortunately, it looks like we either get a war mongering neocon, or a middle of the road (which, these days, means the middle of the right lane) corporatist same-old, same-old.
Oh well.
Long day today.
Both Obama and Clinton, like most people, are flawed in their own way. Both are good candidates in their own way. Neither is a Rethug and either is far superior to McCain.
Gotta go to work and a boooring conference at which I shall get the crossword puzzle done.
well, the Italians just went down a few notches in my book:
I’ll pass on the donkey meat, if it’s all the same.
Just to be fair, Clinton is into liquid coal as well. And Obama didn’t deregulate nuclear waste. He agreed to water down a bill that originally would have required very strict reporting for even very small leaks at nuke plants. Clinton was a co-sponsor of the watered-down bill, BTW.
Obama does, in fact, have very close ties to Exelon, a nuke plant operator, and takes a lot of money from the nuke industry (he gets more from them than anybody else).
Obama’s position on nuclear power is slightly more favorable than is Clinton’s – but not by much. Both claim they’ll put an end to the whole Yucca Mountain thing.
Personally, I’m opposed to nuclear power, because the waste produced lasts forever and there’s no good way to get rid of it at the moment, and because, while I think it’s technically feasible to build them so they are relatively safe, the reality of the construction industry and the way things work (graft, greed, corruption, lowest bid, etc.) makes it impossible for them to be made safe and secure. And the impact of any failure would be catastrophic.
However, reasonable people can disagree over that, and it can be argued that nuclear power needs to at least be considered as an alternative source power (particularly if the goal is to reduce greenhouse gases).
Personally, I would argue that the amount of money required to make nuclear power safe would be better spent in developing alternative methods of power generation that don’t have the risks or waste issues that nukes have.
Both Clinton and Obama, by the way, claim to favor putting money into alternative energy developments.
Clinton is not PRO Nuclear(Waste) Power and she wants to talk about Nuclear Power and other ideas! Obama did lobby then “deregularized”
. She has come out AGAINST Liquid COAL. There’s more, and if I come across I will post again — unk if posted the latest here … but I have to get back to work. A!I!VI *Poof*
I agree, pj. I doubt that there is a dime’s worth of difference between the two on these issues. That would have been Edwards, Biden, Goren etc. As with most issues, I think in my gut I trust Obama to do something closer to the right thing in the long run.
Flirting With Liquid Coal
Clinton’s reasons for supporting liquid coal are harder to divine. Like Obama, she’s compiled a generally pro-environment record, but also like him, she’s surrendered to polluter lobbyists on some key issues — for example, supporting the logging company International Paper in burning highly toxic tires at a major facility in upstate New York. But there are no major coal mining interests in New York (outside of the New York-based hedge funds who own a large share of the power and mining industry). Nevertheless, she’s consistently supported subsidies for coal, if not with the gusto that Obama has brought to the cause. She usually explains it by touting what she says is coal liquefaction’s ability to reduce America’s reliance on foreign oil (economists doubt this proposition; liquid coal is so expensive to produce that it’s likely to only displace domestic sources of oil, which have significantly higher production costs than Saudi, Venezuelan or African oil). Still, she seems to feel divided on the issue; when the Senate voted on the Tester amendment, she stood on the Senate floor and waited until almost all the other senators had cast their votes before announcing her support.
good morning bloggies!! :banana: :fist:
just catching up on some news :doh:
For what it’s worth, I think the whole nuclear power industry is a boondoggle. I’m just about old enough to remember when the Atomic Energy Commission touted that nuclear power would be so cheap to produce that it would essentailly be free. I think the cost over runs when the Limerick plant was being built, not too far from me by the way, went into the billions. I don’t think I’ve heard Clinton or Obama mention conservation, drive less, maybe a little sacrifice.
I haven’t had coffee yet so I apologize if this doesn’t make sense.
Obama on nuclear power:
Clinton on nuclear power:
Tester amendment:
Oh, and just because, John Edwards:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ
:omg: Lots of :sheep: le out there
‘Kat, stop being sooooo squeamish! You have no idea what’s in sausage and you don’t want to know. Listen to George Carlin on hotdogs some time.
You eat, Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese? Prefer the collie or the spaniel?
The scary ones are Kentucky Fried Rodent and McDonald’s surprise meat specials. They haven’t been caught with the horse meat recently, not since the thugs started importing meat from Canada during an embargo. What was really embarrassing for Micky-D was getting caught feeding America kangaroo meat.
Could be worse. Thursday the menu includes soylent green.
PJ, I still think John Edwards hasn’t left the theatre. Maybe not this year or 2012, but we haven’t heard the last of the gentleman from Chapel Hill.
Remember Al’s bit on negative political ad voice talent he once did with Harry Shearer. I can hear it now…
“Hillary Clinton say she’s an agnostic.”
pj, you’re not playing fairly, but Edwards would be a great VP choice if he got policy concessions and real power from Obama. Hillary will likely just re-institute the warm bucket of spit and pull someone like Evan Bayh. :yawn:
I hope Edwards can become kind of a non-president ex-president (or maybe an ex-non-president?) kind of like Carter, where he can do some really positive things while not being limited by the political nonsense. I also wouldn’t mind seeing him as AG and unleashed against the corporations, though I can’t really see any of the three remaining candidates allowing him to go after the corporations.
While I certainly think Clinton or Obama would be miles ahead of McCain, I’m afraid I just don’t feel either of them will do much more than maintain the status quo (the old, pre-Bush status quo, that is).
I hope I’m wrong (really, I do). I just don’t feel passionate about either one of them.
I think the nuclear power plant issue Obama worked in Illinois was to do with the release of Argon gas and possibly some radioactive isotopes by the utility.. Argon is made by the decay of the Uranium in the reactor and builds up pressure in the reactor vessel that has to be relieved once in a while. That’s one of those issues that asks how much naturally occurring radioactive material is there in the fly ash released by normal coal burning power plants.??? The recent revelation that there was mercury in the fly ash was news to me. :tap: :tap:
St. Pat’s Day coming up soon.
tee hee — sorry PJ
I couldn’t resist :rofl2: ๐ณ
I don’t think that link worked Granny… ๐ฎ ๐ฎ
Speaking of SPD, got this in the MS Contact Form, so I’ll pass it along here (not sure what mayor it was to, or if it’s serious or not, but what the hey):
I agree, PJ. Don’t really like either candidate. Clinton isn’t very trustworthy and Obama is not experienced enough. It isn’t his time, yet. The one I really wanted was Bill Richardson – experience and a level head.
I don’t think that very many people heard much of what Edwards had to say.. I didn’t see any of his campaign commercials and then he dropped out just before any more than a hand full of people did. I think this whole primary BS is a puppet show for the entertainment of the IDIOT MORONs to make them just think thay are really selecting someone while the “they” have already done it for them.. :reaper: :reaper:
Fred, the problem for Edwards and Richardson is states like Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire with their dozen or so total electoral votes have too much say in Presidential campaigns. Those three states usually have a bigger say in who the candidates are than New York, Texas and California.
It comes down to our election process simply doesn’t work very well. Otherwise the worst President in American history would never have left Texas. He’d just be one of the drunks down at the stockyards.
I think maybe they ought to just have a nationwide primary – winner take all. Whether or not you’d want to model it on the electoral college model or not is debatable, I guess. But Iowa and NH shouldn’t be able to knock half the field out. And it really shouldn’t take place in February. I’m already nauseated by the whole thing, and it aint even Daylight Saving Time yet.
Quite obviously there are tens of millions of Amerikans who get all their news from sound bytes. that they mostly hear on the Reich wing media and the Reich wing radio or the Yahoo or AOL home page. .. Nothing is going to change unless the :sheep: le push back in a way that the politicians fear the voter..or even the non voter for that matter The possibility of that happing in mass is like 1 x 10 – 14 :reaper: :reaper:
One of the problems with producing power from new technologies is that they have not been smell tested very well.. Nuclear power was a disaster in the beginning because of a huge lack of understanding of what radiation does to materials..
If you look at what is in a solar panel it looks like an EPA report of the contents of a super fund site… Then you have the problems of what do you do when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow or you have a tornado, blizzard or a hurricane.. :reaper: :reaper:
After coal burning power plants the automobile is the second largest producer of CO2. With the destruction of the middle class who own most of the cars in the SBR the probability of replacing them with electric automobiles even if you can ramp up to double or triple generating capacity to charge there batteries. in any reasonable time frame is also 1 X 10 -14 :reaper: :reaper:
The problem with a non voter financed primary election campaign is that a nation wide primary with six candidates would cost six arms and eight legs to pay for the advertising and the :sheep: le would all be totally confused. IDIOT MORONS after all need to be told how to think :reaper: :reaper:
FYI In the case you were wishing to go back to a simpler time another name for the kerosene used in the 18th and the 19th century is Coal Oil and candle wax was made from whale blubber and in earlier times from the rendering of farm animals. I guess we should just learn to live in the cold and the dark. :reaper: :reaper:
There are plenty of places where the amount of wind and sun are very predictable. There are also places where geothermal energy makes sense. As for solar panels, you don’t typically consume them in order to produce energy, and you also don’t need to use PV cells to create energy. You can use mirrors to create heat for steam generation, and you can also use solar collector to provide heat. There are lots of methods for storing heat created during the day when the sun’s out for use after dark. There are ways to make things more energy efficient than they are now, and if a tiny fraction of what we spend to keep the middle east free for oil companies to make their profits were to be used to develop new technologies or improve old ones, we’d make substantial improvements. Even with OLD battery technology, we could produce cars with enough range to satisfy the needs of most people.
Some look at things that are, and ask why. Others dream of things that never were and ask why not? Some look at other people’s dreams, and say ‘that’ll never work – might as well give up.’
One of the problems with solar energy is the power output per surface area of the collector is pretty low.. The real estate developers would be skeptical of selling you those three thousand double wides with the three junk cars in the yard to build a solar farm over the top of. At one time I read something about a 600 megawatt solar reflector farm ( heating water to make steam as apposed to PV) being something like two hundred square miles. PV farms would occupy even more surface area.
The Germans are proposing and are even installing “personal” PV solar power units for use on home roof tops.. but they also have maglev and other high speed trains too. IDIOT MORONS always seem to come in last.
There was also an issue between places with lots of sun light and the amount of water available.
600 megawatts is about the size of smallest coal fired generator units now being built.
The problem is usually not the technical feasibility but getting someone to pay to build one. Now of course if the government was to be the builder that would solve a lot of problems but the Reich would go nuts. :reaper: :reaper:
Put a trillion dollars into it instead of into Iraq, and I bet you can come up with something.
Acciona Solar Power just opened a 64 megawatt solar thermal plant in Nevada last summer. It’s about 400 desert acres that probably weren’t doing much before. Might be small, but it’s a start, and the more that’s developed, the better the technology will become. I pay a penny a kwh to have my electricity offset by an equivalent amount of 60% wind and 40% low impact hydro.
I’d love to have a windmill, but I live in a class 2 wind area, and you really need to be in a 3 or 4. They’re getting cheaper and more efficient all the time.
Same with PV cells. If you can offset even 10% of your electricity, you’re making difference. And in NY, the State will give you $4 a kwh up to 40% of the total cost to install wind or solar.
If I was building new, I would definitely put the money in up front for a green design.
The toxicity of PV technology isn’t in the consumption but in the disposal of it when it breaks.. The problems with the PCBs that were used in transformers come to mind. All those CRT computer monitors and out dated mother boards have to be disposed of in China as apposed to the SBR to keep the recyclers from being declared as super fund sites. :reaper: :reaper:
One of the night time solutions to solar thermal power is to compress air with the turbine during the day which is then stored in underground tanks and used to run the turbine at night. :tap: :tap:
The old cells have some toxic stuff in there, but the new TiO2-based cells are not only cheaper to manufacture, they capture a wider range of wavelengths of light (so are more efficient) and are non-toxic.
A simple way to store heat is to use a pit filled with rocks. You can use solar collectors to heat the water, transfer the heat to the rocks, and then transfer the heat from the rocks to the air at night.
I think that many alternate energy solutions are indeed available but the Reich will stand in the way and with 50 some million voting IDIOT MORONS around nothing will happen until some
terroristleader in the middle east turns off the oil supply or the East river foods Wall Street which ever comes first. :reaper: :reaper:The Bay Area is much safer for human beings today.
Melanie Morgan, conservative radio jock, axed
Melanie Morgan – the conservative San Francisco talk show host who helped start the recall of Gov. Gray Davis and called for the execution of New York Times editor Bill Keller – has been let go by KSFO-AM.
Morgan, 51, the daughter of an ACLU attorney in Missouri, and a mainstream TV and radio reporter in the Bay Area before becoming a conservative pundit, has achieved national name recognition – both laudatory and dubious – for her activist crusades and incendiary comments…
That begs a question: Why must all right-wing “pundits” be incendiary? Personal, I think their undies are too tight. Have any of you ever met a conservative with a sense of humor that didn’t border on the morbid?
Coal fired power plants are quantized to some extent in the increments by which they can cut back on coal consumption based on demand. The turbines have to spin at the correct speed to keep the plant locked to the grid no matter what the load is. That is why a lot of utilities like to sell excess power to places in the next time zone or two after peak demand is over with . ๐ฎ The best solution is to reduce power to the extent that they have to shut units down entirely but then it takes a while to bring them back on line when demand eventually increases. :reaper: :reaper:
Isn’t she lovely?!
At least Dennis beat off his primary challengers:
U.S. House – District 10 – Dem Primary
641 of 641 Precincts Reporting – 100%
Kucinich, Dennis (i) 68,156 50%
Cimperman, Joe 47,891 35%
Ferris, Barbara Anne 8,780 6%
O’Grady, Thomas 6,780 5%
Palmer, Rosemary 3,982 3%
The thing one must remember about McInsane is that his judgment got him shot down over North Vietnam by an inferior military. I can’t tell if he was shot down by ground fire or by a North Vietnamese mig .. There was some conjecture that the the North Vietnamese pilots who flew those spoke almost perfect Russian. :reaper: :reaper:
NC Blue,
Citadel B’casting is doing a lot of cuts. Thing about it is Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Melanie is married to the station operations manager. I have a feeling she is looking to make a leap to the national stage somewhere.
Look for Jennifer Coolidge to play Morgan in the biopic.
At least Dennis beat off his primary challengers
Comment by pjsauter รขโฌโ March 5, 2008 @ 3:51 pm
Dennis beat off? Wasn’t his lovely wife Elizabeth around?
(PJ, you know you would have been disappointed had I not been there to post this.)
But seriously, good for him. Clevo big business interests and the Plain Dealer (right-wing rag masquerading as journalism) put a lot of money into Cimperman’s campaign. Nice to see the people win one for a change.
And clevage never hurts :boobs: :spank: by the Cuyahoga.
He beat off his primary challengers. Presumably, he’d have frowned on having Elizabeth do that (or I might have challenged him myself).
Ok…today I survived a computer crash, car crash one car up from me.
Now I’m about to crash…
no charge at all. YOU found the book out there. I am using all that money I saved when I cancelled my Air America Gold membership.
Still money left in the Roxie /Rites of Passage fund anyone else want one? There is a pretty high stack of books at the U bookstore and they ship for free!!
Thanks, sblue!
I have been watching and listening to things tonight that remind me of Roxie. ๐
Wait a minute :tap: :tap:
Computer crash?
SBlueHeron, Can I have another one please? I’ll pay you what is to me a Queen’s Bounty. ๐ ……. OMEGA :pirate: A!I!V! *Poof*