So, looks like we’ve got at least three more weeks of vitriol, backbiting, hatred and all around snottiness to look forward to on the lead up to the Pennsylvania primary. I’m going to make every effort at ignoring it as much as possible. Maybe I’ll even get some work done.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ :yuck: :crap: :paranoid: :paranoid: ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
:omg: There are no :sheep: le out there ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ
AAAARRRRGGGG :yuck: Another fun filled Thursday morning meeting :reaper: :reaper:
Smart Car competition coming from Toyota.
Mornin’ A nice short day, today. I have to work only 1 1/2 hours. Yippee. The :joe: is hot and good and the weather is cold. The weatherman says rain, rain, rain this weekend. But, it’s hard to ruin a weekend.
Someone on a bicycle threw a bomb into a recruitment center in Times Square, about 3 this morning. It damaged the little building but no one was hurt, that I’ve heard of.
I think McCain did it. (Can he still ride a bike?) Part of his be afraid campaign. The terrorists are coming.
The latest lead balloon being floated appears to be a proposal to schedule the MI/FL do-over election the same day as the PA primary. Which I’m sure Gov. Ed “Pimpin’ for Hillary” Rendell of PA would be thrilled about.
Personally, I would enjoy it if MI and FL got to go last. Just for the irony.
I tend to agree with Jonathan Alter that the math favors Obama, but I’m not putting anything past Hillary in terms of dirty tricks. But if she’s going to behave like a Republican, I’m going to treat her like one.
morning Fred- is it snow in the morning or evening today? :cold: :omg:
Yay! DirecTV 11 has left port, and has a launch date scheduled for Monday March 17. Let’s hope the luck of the Irish holds out, and the bird makes it to orbit safely. I realize nobody else cares, but this will hopefully get me local teevee channels in HD by sometime this summer.
Vinyl vs. iPod
Shelby Lynn is the current sister-in-law of Steve Earle.
I wonder if there is a ‘liquid vinyl’ process? There’s gotta be a lot of records out there.
Clinton’s ’35 years of change’ omits most of her career
Clinton isn’t the only candidate downplaying less high-minded work. Rival Barack Obama cultivates a squeaky-clean image and referred to his work as a “civil rights attorney” at Thursday’s Los Angeles debate. He didn’t mention other work he did during his decade at Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, a small Chicago law firm, helping craft housing deals involving millions of dollars in public subsidies.
Among those involved in some of the deals: Obama patron Tony Rezko. He donated thousands to Obama’s campaigns, raised thousands more and was even involved in the purchase of the Obama family home in Chicago.
Anybody know of any good radio shows out there that I can download and listen to? I can only listen to the same old ‘x is being mean to y,’ and ‘y is being mean to x’ shit so many times before it gets really friggin’ old. It’s officially gotten really friggin’ old.
I’m actually starting to dislike the callers to these shows as much as I dislike the freepers and dittoheads. Oy.
The sports station I am listening to (KNBR) at this very moment has turned the topic to an unlikely wife and Gypsy hasn’t posted any recipes of late. They have a great 1/2 hour segment every day at 1 PM E?T with Tony Bruno.
Has anyone heard The Bryant Park Projectshow on NPR?
They are still talking about the coach marrying up.
I know a lot of people who like Jonesy’s Jukebox .
Jonesy`s Jukebox with Steve Jones
The Sire of Wilshire plays what he wants.
Monday – Thursday 12PM – 2PM
Rebroadcast at 6PM
Incubus has just posted some new VODs on Seder site including this weeks Maron v. Seder
# Seder in for Maddow 3rd hour 03 March 2008
# Seder V Maron 04 March 2008
# Seder in for Maddow 3rd hour 04 March 2008
# Seder in for Maddow 3rd hour 05 March 2008
Oooh! Thanks Vern!
I agree, PJ. I can’t stand it any more. And it’s not just the who’s mean to whom crap, it’s all the inane babble about what’s fair and who’s fighting and :fustrate: :fustrate: :fustrate:
Fortunately, we are not having our little minds polluted with any information. Even Rachel, on MSNBC, yesterday, blathered on about the telephone ad’s catering to fear. It’s as if the long primary season has drained them of all ability to make sense.
And, while we’re not looking Cheney is probably plotting to bomb Iran.
It’s probably time for me to watch my favoite movie, Dark Star.
Apparently the FL do-over is off again, at least for now. Governor and possible changer-of-Walnuts’-diaper Charlie Crist is now saying he is NOT approving the election. And is also saying that he never okayed it in the first place, which is a blatant LIE, because he did in fact say last weekend that he was OK with it.
Of course, he’s also parading a woman around as his supposed girlfriend, probably to try to convince potential voters of his raging heterosexuality. Charlie, stop lying and come out already. And bring Lindsey Graham with you.
The state of Florida doesn’t have the money for an election anyway, so it’s not going to happen unless someone else funds it. Howard Dean doesn’t sound like he wants to. I haven’t checked my lotto tickets from last night yet, but the pot was only $3 million and the election would probably cost more than that. ๐
They are still talking about the coach marrying up.
Comment by vernon รขโฌโ March 6, 2008 @ 12:43 pm
No kidding. Once I saw her picture on that website :hot: :hot: I began having ideas for alternate uses of Hidden Valley ranch dressing. :hubba:
PJ, if you want to listen to some World Class Rock, join the rest of us Fog-heads at KFOG. In the upper right is a “Click to Listen” button.
Oh, NC Blue, you should know that KPIG is the best station in the Bay Area.
The Republicans in the halls of legislatures at all levels have found a new way of assaulting and insulting all Americans. New legislation is written to grant corporate and personal immunity/amnesty to those people who have caused the worst financial threat to the welfare and safety of our country since they stock market crash in 1929 that led to the Great Depression.
The same goes for granting amnesty to other knowing wrong-doers with the illegal wiretapping conducted by our lawless administration. Some how our country looks more like twentieth century Soviet Europe than it does the United States of America. I say it is well past time for some arrests at the highest levels.
Vernon, having lived in Santa Cruz for a while I may have heard of KPIG. But they don’t have Dave Morey’s 10-At-10 weekdays, or Acoustic Sunrise/Sunset on the weekends, which I still listen to occasionally even here in the rolling hills beside the Potomac.
reminder for Angelinos and those well off enough to tranel
From: Marc Maron
Date: Mar 6, 2008 2:35 PM
Come down to the UCB Theater in LA for the third installation of the Maron/Proops project. Me and Greg Proops host a fast paced talk/ variety show. 8PM. It’s been funny.
Thursday March 6th click here for info!!
Also, if you haven’t already, Join My Email Fan List and be the first to know about upcoming shows, news, tv appearances and much more!!
Can’t really stream radio at work, so I need podcasts. I can always bring in my mp3 player (proud of the fact that it is decidedly not an iPod) if I want to listen to music (or old time radio, which I have tons of). I suppose I should start doing that.
If there was a way, I would skip St. Patty’s Day for this. All I need is cash.
Rutlemania returns
The legend that lasted a lunchtime
The Steve Jones show should have podcasts somewhere. Also the NPR show and all of their shows.
You can also get podcasts of Harry Shearer’s LeShow which is only one hour a week but there are years of them.
I might have a few more suggestions but I will have to pay my eclectic bill.
KJ to run for mayor of Sacramento?
pj, you probably already know this place
and they have a ton of other stuff including music stuff you would probably appreciate..