Today’s the fifth anniversary of the start of the invasion of Iraq. Here’s an interesting article I found from just before the invasion – March 10, 2003:
The average price of gasoline increased 5 cents a gallon over the last two weeks, according to a national survey released Sunday.
Americans paid an average of $1.7212 a gallon, less than 1 cent below the all-time high of $1.7271 on May 18, 2001, the Lundberg Survey said. The numbers were not adjusted for inflation.
A year ago, the nationwide average price for a gallon of gas was $1.20.
We’ve certainly come a long way.
Rockhard Abs and John Stallings. An updated version of an oldie.
Another rainy morning. Another workday. I need :joe: :joe:
Crude oil prices have more than quadrupled since January 2001.
Mission Accomplished.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮
:omg: :sheep: le already 😯 😯
So has anyone heard any good speeches lately? 😀
And because I know everyone is holding their breath…
Akron 65
FSU 60
See what happens when you make a few from the line, guys?
Bring on UMass.
Oh yeah, some obscure school from upstate NY won too.
They must have seen my credit card statement.
You wanna speech? :rant1:
Warning – More ‘bama
PJ I have to get Danu in from rain … then I want to talk abot your #1
: – )(
OK, but my #2 is much more interesting. :omg:
PJ (just saw your funny :rofl2: )
Rats, no tea. 🙁 but Danu is in AND THE CAT, One Eye Jack, came back but the rats are begging…
but can you diffuse all the CRAP I heard was connected to it?. I was waiting for a response and fell asleep about 2hrs then I have been advising other people I had to notify since they are not as “computer-wise” as you.
And now, thanks to a dude name Zeek, on Sederville I know the use of Snopes or whatever the address (I have it now, really)
(I knew I just should have stayed in the mountains.)
I almost feel like …… but they (Japanese Whalers) SLOWLY MURDER THE WHALES — then next kill by Canada IS the Sea Lion Occurring NOW and the dolphins on the KILL list and SO MANY MORE…
So now do I have time to STUDY (No Choice) … also I am a literalist that worked with cops … so we are sure these are not copycat murders?
In one way, I am reminded of a Lunar Astrology Chart and EVERYTHING must be looked at in an askance manner. :smack: 🙄 I keep forgetting I live in an Orwellian State.
vernon- is there anyway to get just the audio mp3 download for seder vs maron? I’ve tried watching yesterdays twice and the sound for marc stops after about 14 min into it. It’s easier for me to download to my ipod than sit in front of my computer for an hour.
haven’t seen one yet
Whenever I hear something that sounds like an Urban Legend, I just do a google search (usually you can just copy and paste some words directly from the email), and you’ll get all kinds of information.
This particular version started around September 2006, so it’s been around for a while.
According to this site, this is a:
Of course, you should never go and meet somebody in person that you’ve only contacted online (although, that’s exactly how I met my wife; she stalked me). It could be very dangerous, and the best thing to do is practice ‘safe’ computing. Don’t install every cutsey little thing you come across, don’t gleefully open every e-mail that gets sent your way from people you’ve never heard of or from financial institutions you don’t do business with (really, just delete the damn things, no need to open them). And don’t go hook up with people you’ve met on the Internet unless you’re really sure they’re OK, and you can meet them in a public place.
But why people seem to get a kick out of starting these bullshit e-mail hoaxes is beyond me. They’re the cyber equivalent of the guy hiding in the backseat of the car or the operator tells the babysitter that the call is coming FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE :omg: stories.
All that happens is a lot of well-meaning people pass along well-intentioned but inaccurate information.
At best, it clogs up the Inter-tubes and scares people. At worst, it entices people to do things like delete files from their computers, or maybe pass along viruses embedded in the hoax message.
Hogan’s Heroes’ Actor Ivan Dixon Dies
He did a lot more than that.
🙁 :gate:
Oh, that’s too bad. I loved him on the Mod Squad. 😉
I vaguely remember him on H.H. but The Mod Squad I remember him (and in other shows). /|\ :om: :knit: :gate:
Using tiny brushes and chisels, workers picking at a big greenish-black rock in the basement of North Dakota’s state museum are meticulously uncovering something amazing: a nearly complete dinosaur, skin and all.
Sorry, I was just kidding. The Mod Squad was Clarence Williams III, who has also done a lot of stuff.
I thought Feinstein was back here or in Aspen for the break.
My conundrum
I have a ticket reserved to see Randi here on Saturday. Do I wanna go? It’s only $5 but it could be 3 hours of my life that I will never get back. Then again, nothing else is going on right now.
I’d go if I had a set of noise-canceling headphones.
Add this to your Space Stuff:
As for Saturday, try cooking up a little bit of easter bunny, pull out the dipping sauce and watch some tournament. I did get a teeny-weeny bit of satisfaction last night. Got to watch my school lose to Ohio State in the NIT. Heck, they made Division I post-season play for only the second time in school history.
Liked the article about gasoline prices. Consider this. If we were to convert everything into petro-dollars the U.S. dollar has lost 65% of its worth in three years. And to make that even harder to take, Cheney’s meat puppet could reverse that by altering his fiscal policy to lift the dollar’s value in the money markets. But that would be couterproductive for his oil company buddies.
OOPS 😳 But PJ, I remember him throughout that time period or abouts…I remember seeing him, even in a comedy or two, even to remember him speaking. :doh:
I didn’t think anything was 5 dollars anymore. wow. Although, I, myself, would not go these days to see Ms. :rant1: .
When you consider how much the dollar has gone down in value and that the stuff at WalMart has not gone up appreciably in price the Walton family and/or their importers had to be really raking in the cash and are now probably looking very closely at their bottom lines. :reaper: :reaper:
I just got home and there’s a notice from the IRS for my mother telling her that she is going to receive $300, or maybe $600, from good old Uncle Sam. How stimulating.
I rode through New Jersey, where gas is cheaper than in NY. The lowest price for diesel is $3.95. The highest, $4.49. What are the truckers doing?
It’s a good thing that the gummint’s inflation numbers exclude food and energy. Otherwise we might know how bad things really are. But, I’m sure that $300. will make it all better.
art et al looking for Maron v. Seder audio this week, you should be able to find something here.
I’ll try to get a more direct link but gotta run.
hey everybody 😀
I made it back .. :smack: nevermind!
Well Gang, what am I to do now? I heard she is in THE FAMILY . Fk! I can’t vote for him and I can’t vote for her. I think I have to call both tomorrow. RATS. Bloody Hell. I ONLY WILL VOTE GORE, and thus I will tell the whatever DEM twits. gosh. wtf. fk. fk.
vernon- Thanks so much! 😀
Sean- Heh Big Guy
Where you at?
I thought I left you a post Sean M … I had asked you if you still play Diablo, or is that now Tame?
JFI I kept this inside for most this day.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008c.e., 8:09 AM
They BOTH Broke The Rules!
I am a Druid (state calls me, I am my own church — IOW Wherever I am is the Church)
I WAS HONOURABLE (but no longer). I do not take My TAX-EXEMPT RIGHTS solely because I speak out and protest and taken over things and got arrested tooooooooo many times … but if most of you are saying that Minister can say even GOD DAMN AMERICA …. so I can now stand, saying to those that walk with me in my pulpit, GODS DAMN THOSE BY THEIR ACTIONS **in a sacred space*** … I told some here why I needed to do more than float at 2d Life — it was to JUST be there just as another faith, now I get to juice it up a bit AND PROSLEYTIZE — since.
I would not have a “church-ite” before BECAUSE I speak out (LOUDLY & PROUDLY) against the WRONGS done by this Gov’t, especially in protests in 80’s. For YEARS I did not use MY TAX E. Status because I, too, wanted to say GOD DAMN AMERICA and, that type of vitriol in a sacred environment, and according to the law surrounding this.
So as of next Sunday (actually, any day is sacred) I can speak out like Rev Wright. I have had national & international contact with those of my Faith recently and told them to “stand-by” since I can now speak freely – from a pulpit.. So All The Money, well someone has to pay or tell Minister Wright he has to PAY BACK ALL MONIES for the full time of 20 plus years or I get TONS OF MONEY. Because I am not amused – SINCE I COULD HAVE, ALROUND 30 YEARS MYSELF., and hand in his ministry with Obama unable to run, because OBAMA is a LIAR! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE, because the only reason I didn’t collect my T E.S. was IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW TO BE SO VERBAL A REVERND. They could have TAKEN MY TITLE if I used for it to talk politics, as Obama’s FAMILY Minister DID. I am calling today many places to COMPLAIN about ALL THIS! hmmmmm. DECADES, that minister and this Gov’t stole from me — BECAUSE I PLAYED FAIR and the Gov’t, Obama. And His Family Minister didn’t
Wow, they snuck that vernal equinox in on me. There must be a full moon coming, too.
whats a diablo? i play call of duty and shoot terrorists……… with towels on the head 😀 oklahomer shitty……… on my way to illinois