Today on Press the Meat, Timmy Potatohead has an exclusive with General Michael “Elmer Fudd” Hayden, and what will no doubt be a thrilling political discussion with Iraq War cheerleader Peter Beinart, and his assholiness himself from the NY Times, David Brooks.
Over at Faze the Nation, Bush Buddy Bobby Schieffer has Bill Richardson on to stump for Obama, Philly Mayor Michael Nutter, to pimp for Clinton, plus Joe “hippy dippy” Trippi, and John Dickerson, lately of Slate Magazine.
As for Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has l’il Lindsey Graham, Jack Reed, and (for unknown reasons) Stan Kasten (president of the Washington Nationals). And, of course, the usual Fuxheads.
At the Goebbels network, George Snufalufagus has Obama boy, John Kerry, Clinton supporter Ed Rendell, and McCain ball licker Joe Lieberman. Then on the “Roundtable,” it’s NY Times columnist Paul Krugman, little Robbie Reich, political mastermind Donna Brazile and, of course, George :jerk: Will.
Representing Kevin and the great state of Florida on CNN’s Late Emission, it’s Mel Martinez and Bill Nelson. Plus there’s Clinton sycophant James “the cupie doll” Carville, Obama true believer Jamal Simmons, former State Department Adviser Aaron David Miller,
Martin Fletcher from NBC and Heraldo Munoz, Chilean Ambassador to the U.N.
Later, on 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley brings us Murat Kurnaz, an innocent German-born Turk whom the US held at Gitmo and tortured for five years, President Al Gore talks to Lesley Stahl about global warming. and Morley Safer interviews Bill James, who analyzes stats or something for the Boston Red Sox.
Of course, the big news tonight is the premiere of Season Two of The Tudors, followed by the series premiere of Tracy Ullman’s State of the Nation on Showtime.
It’s back to work tomorrow, but, hey, at least we got Easter out of the way already. Enjoy your Sunday.
A strict curfew was extended indefinitely in the Iraqi capital Sunday as the death toll mounted from clashes between government troops and Shiite Muslim militants.
Fighting sparked by a government-led push against “outlaw” militias in the southern city of Basra had left more than 280 people dead by Saturday, according to Iraqi authorities.
The unrest has stretched across southern Iraq’s Shiite heartland up to Baghdad, where a ban on pedestrian and vehicle traffic was kept in place just hours before it was due to expire Sunday morning.
U.S. warplanes and British artillery struck targets in Basra on Saturday,
re:#56 from yesterday.
RG-talk about parental issues 😯 “oncle adolph”
My in-laws escaped Tito in the fifties, embraced unionism, middleclassed prosperity but hate blacks. At a certain point we have to forgive them, accept them for what they are and who they were which they’ll never change.We’re the ones who, given a chance and a choice, maybe can be a tiny bit more enlightened.
At least we have our animals to give our unjudgeing limitless love to.
I know that most here have lost (and will lose) their pets to old age and illness and our dog was no more pure a spirit to us then all of yours to you.They do seem blessed by something extraordinary :pup: :cat: that makes them a catalyst for change- for us to reflect on our mortality, to guide us to more empathy towards our selves and the :sheep: le who drive us crazy everyday. They make children of us all and that’s a lesson of :jesus: that I embrace.
:peace: RG, Sunshine Jim and everybody else :banana:
Unhappily for the country, we have learned that Mr. Bush has no idea when standing on principle becomes blind stubbornness and then destructive obsession. So it goes with his choice to run the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, Steven Bradbury.
The imported fruits and vegetables found in our shopping carts in winter and early spring are grown with types and amounts of pesticides that would often be illegal in the United States.
In this case, the victims are North American songbirds. Bobolinks, called skunk blackbirds in some places, were once a common sight in the Eastern United States.
Less than 5% left on my work unit. It’s taken nearly a year to crunch the numbers, course now I’m wondering how much carbon I spewed into the atmosphere helping science determine how disasterous spewing carbon into the atmosphere is.
Michael Mukasey’s tearful lies
Michael Mukasey has conclusively proven himself to be an exact replica of Alberto Gonzales — slavishly loyal to every presidential whim and unbound by even the most minimal constraints of truth while serving those whims. Speaking in San Francisco this week, Mukasey demanded that the President be given new warrantless eavesdropping powers and that lawbreaking telecoms be granted amnesty. To make his case, Mukasey teared up while exploiting the 3,000 Americans who died on 9/11 and said this:
But now two months have passed since Edwards dropped out—tempus fugit!—and still no endorsement. Why? According to a Democratic strategist unaligned with any campaign but with knowledge of the situation gleaned from all three camps, the answer is simple: Obama blew it. Speaking to Edwards on the day he exited the race, Obama came across as glib and aloof. His response to Edwards’s imprecations that he make poverty a central part of his agenda was shallow, perfunctory, pat. Clinton, by contrast, engaged Edwards in a lengthy policy discussion. Her affect was solicitous and respectful. When Clinton met Edwards face-to-face in North Carolina ten days later, her approach continued to impress; she even made headway with Elizabeth. Whereas in his Edwards sit-down, Obama dug himself in deeper, getting into a fight with Elizabeth about health care, insisting that his plan is universal (a position she considers a crock), high-handedly criticizing Clinton’s plan (and by extension Edwards’s) for its insurance mandate.
Barack O’Bamski
Possible sports and PA content warning and pop culture reference
Warning: History and sports collide with wallpaper rorshach
Re: 8 PERFECT! I was one which/witch(teehee) was “wondering”….
Sue P I will use this article to “show” reality to a few places…..a bit from now
I WILL NOT USE YOUR NAME EVER … unless you want me to. ??? 😉 A!I!V! I ran away from HOME (Here, there (other sites and pages) & Everywhere) got (slightly 🙁 maybe barely 1/2 drink 🙄 ) drunk (sounds better though or it truly is what I wish) I think cried to sleep since it is really horrid out “there” (in truth) …. and actually slept like a real person………………..So Why Do I FEEL worse after sleep? I FEEL exhausted. Anyone, Anyone :doh: NOW ❗ A!I!V!
snow and sun and low tide here….had a dream about my mother who has been gone nearly 5 years…. All of these end of life issues coming up. :knit: :gate:
Yes, so true, SBlueheron, but what did your Mother do &/or say? 😉 … :pirate: A!I!V!
I went up to a woman sitting in a wheelchair who looked sort of like my mother and when I saw her face fully it was my mother only younger…pretty and healthy. Then I woke right up. 5am. Nice to see her. I don’t see her much. :knit:
#7 – …mucussy? …ewwww… :barf:
I’m sorry about the pet departures, too…brain’s been sort of flitting between here, Mars, happyhappy drug testing world (Your pee is our bread and butter!), and somewhere around Atlantis or something, soo…yeah. Many trains of thought have derailed and the survivors have been way too shocked to really do anything useful. :dancers:
But anyway! A very good movie I got from my TMNT forum of all places folks here would appreciate – America: Freedom to Fascism. Deffinately worth the time to view…
Druid, re # 8. It’s written by John Heilemann in today’s NY Times.
I had thought that the reason Edwards did not endorse Barack was the issue of his healthcare plan. I didn’t know that Elizabeth hated Hillary, but I do remember that Elizabeth said some very nasty things about Hillary when Edwards was running behind the other two.
They have all gotten quite nasty to each other whenever their polls start sagging. It has made me not like any of them. But, that’s beside the point because the alternative is McCain.
What bothers me about BO’s healthplan is the lack of a mandate, ’cause we all know that it can’t work without one. BO knows it too and he’s pushing the lack of a mandate, even criticizing HC for having one. To me it makes him appear slick.
OF course, HC’s wooing of Fox News and her comments about Barack that can only hurt him in the general election, make her look pretty slick, too. And, nasty.
Fortunately, Ive already voted, so all I have to do is wait for the Democratic nominee, whom I will support. I can only hope that nominee hasn’t been too badly bruised by the primary.
What bothers me about BO’s healthplan is the lack of a mandate, ’cause we all know that it can’t work without one. BO knows it too and he’s pushing the lack of a mandate, even criticizing HC for having one. To me it makes him appear slick.
Comment by Sue P — March 30, 2008 @ 5:41 pm
I’m still not sure how I feel about having a president whose initials are BO.
On the other hand, the foreign and domestic policies of this country have been drowning in BO for the last eight years, so I say “Sauce me.”

To make his case, Mukasey teared up while exploiting the 3,000 Americans who died on 9/11 and said this:
Comment by andy aka Aquaman — March 30, 2008 @ 9:04 am
Maybe Mukasey and John Boehner can have a cry-off to determine which of them is more emotionally distraught. Winner takes on that guy who pretended to be a Britney fan on YouTube.
I mean
Sue P Yes I know thru link and I will be using his Link to NYT but it was you that put here, which I will copy 😀 .. and send to Sederville…BUT LEAVE OFF YOUR NAME 😉
Sue P and Kevin M :rofl2: I have gone since …many moons on purpose since I am already known as kinda (ha) BITCHY 8) in Sederville, I refused to put B.O. ……I am so glad someone did FINALLY (I think we are all trying to mind our “P’s & Q’s” :no: :nod: :rofl2: ❗ ) LMAO ❗ A!I!V!
According to a list released this week, Wal-Mart Stores has abandoned a record-shattering 45 proposed projects over the past 10 months—often leaving local officials dejected and confused. Another 19 Wal-Mart projects have been killed by local citizen’s groups. In total, the world’s largest retailer has suffered an historic loss of 64 projects.
SoupP, did that #8 piece get reprinted in the NYT from New York Magazine? I tried to find it.
I did find this Frank Rich opinion piece that was interesting although somewhat unkind to Hill’ry.
So, many SEEMS to have forgotten OBAMA LIED ON CAMERA & PRINT numerous times regarding Reverend Wright before HE FINALLY SPOKE THE TRUTH. :pirate: A!I!V! 🙄
Evidently I wrote NYT and not NYM …. the link got it right. I FORGOT there was a MAG called NYM —– [edit] — I will look closer AND MAKE SURE I FIND READING GLASSES or not even bother since things are MORE important that I am working on, 🙄 as Aerial & land WOLF hunts, CLUBBING BABIES, KILLING WHALES, Dolphins, DEATHS DUE TO GLOBAL WARMING, Polar Bears, KILLING OF STRAYS caused by HUMAN LAZINESS, The Homeless, and….etc
This is still messed up
Howie on Hag on Hill’ry
(you had to be there, I guess)
opening day
:slap: Omega :reaper: :dancers: A!I!V! Did You Really Enjoy That?
Was that real or a joke regarding Merle……..?
I think Merle was serious about Hill’ry, at least at the time, even though his audience was not so much. I think Howie’s montage was as lame as they usually are.
btw, Merle has had some work done. His face is less prunish.
This one’s for you :40: :bong: , Hag! and a h/t for giving me Hill’ry.