I don’t think anybody reads these things anymore, but here goes….
Press the Meat kicks us off with the will she or won’t she, should she or shouldn’t she routine that we’ll no doubt be seeing a lot of in the coming weeks, with Obama dude Chris Dodd and Clinton dude Terry McAuliffe. That will no doubt be followed by more of the same at the roundtable with Chris “chinchilla godzilla magilla gorilla” Cillizza, John “the dick” Harwood, NPR’s Michele Norris and WSJ shill Jerry Seib (whose claim to fame is being held by Iran 20 years ago). Awesome.
Over on Faze the Nation, Terry McAuliffe pops back up again, plus there’s John Edwards and Politico’s Jim Vandehei (who I think is somehow related to Art Vandelay).
Fux News Sunday picks up the theme of the day with David Axelrod, chief strategist for the Obama campaign and Clinton campaign senior adviser Howard Wolfson. There are also the usual fuxheads, and today’s power player of the week is conservative putz and actor, Ben Stein (who would probably be a better economic adviser for McCain that Carly Fiorina, but then Johnny does seem to have a thing for bottle blondes).
Speaking of Carly, she pops up on This Weak with George Snufalufagus, along with Harry Reid, and then 2/3 of the axis of drivel are together at the roundtable, as Cokie “the hag” Roberts and Sam :omg: Donaldson are joined by the WaPost’s Ruth Marcus.
CNN’s Late Emission has some guy named Barack Obama (must be a Muslim terrorist or something), plus asshole Roy Blunt (he’d be better off having Roy Blount, IMHO), DCCC Chair Chris Van Hollen, former Iraq army dude, Ricardo Sanchez, and Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S., Samir Sumaidaie.
Later, on 60 Minutes, Chiquita says it protected its employees’ bananas by paying off murderous paramilitaries in Colombia, but the families of civilians killed tell Steve Kroft the company is responsible.
Dana Priest, Amy Goldstein, and Scott Pelley, look at the horrible conditions in a U.S. government-run prison system that’s killed some of the detainees. And Morley Safer finds out if Alec Baldwin is planning on running for office.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there, and to all you kids and motherf*ckers, I hope you remembered to get Mom something nice. Have a good one.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ :yuck: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
โ โ Whatever :sheep: le
๐ฏ ๐ฏ
PJ, I admit that I do not have a strong enough stomach to regularly watch the Sunday Bobbleheads, but your characterizations and monikers are so much fun, I never miss reading your bobblehead round-up.
Kinda makes me feel as if I’ve watched them without experiencing the pain.
1st thing I read on Sunday morning.
:pirate: 8) Fred is ALPHA … he is #1 :pirate: 8)
and MERRY MOTHERS DAY, Ya Dear Mothers (teehee)
and PJ haven’t watched that Bobblecrap for many a moon … You got me into it AGAIN :barf: — to be able to stomach the :crap: by making me read you and laugh and get the heads-up if someone important to watch…
I was going to *poof* since no one stands with me, but that’s the way of an extreme activist,,, now a misanthrope … and I am STILL part of the whole … I am also working on the future ….
if it wasn’t for the activists to get things started and keep things going throughout the decades …… whatever …
HMD Moms!
love you all!
(of course we read it pj!)
eya D6!
yer doing the right thing for the right reasons.
it’s called ‘integrity’.
I read it happily each week…and sometimes I am subjected to the cacophony of the Mcglophlin (sp) group :knit:
locovores untie! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Morning all.
Hmmm, gravatar image won’t display.
Maybe the greatest mother song ever
Nice retool, pj!
I use the Booblehead thread to see if I will just go to the gym instead. It is always a tossup out here as to whether or not Fux will be preempted by NASCAR. I think the race was last night. Strangely, FNS is the one I try not to miss. I also like McLaughlin but it runs all kinds of different times, usually the last 1/2 hour of Seder on Sunday.
For you fellow gluttons for punishment and sentimentalists, today is the last day of the aforementioned SOS as Sammy now passes Maron as the most cancelled AAR host. ๐ :gate:
Now, was my ‘integrity’ just impugned? :tap: :bee:
I’ve had a busy week but how did I miss Sam’s show being cancelled??/ :rant1:
Sam’s current AAR/SOS contract is expiring. It mostly gets referenced on the SederBlog and during breaks on SammyCam.
Blue Awwwwwww :love: Awwwwwww re 12 , It makes me soooo (wfi) Happy….. I was just going to say, “…even cheers to some men who have to be mothers (not those type of mothers ๐ :rofl2: :no: ) and so many other types ol’ Grand Dear Mothers…
:love: And Merry Cheers To Them ALSO 8) :pirate: :yippee:
SJ :bow:
PJ, So Sorry, I sent the Avatar to you (Morning Seditionists) thru the email…. sorry again :doh:
Another cycle will have to pass before I even look at the Gravatar or whatever ….. :doh:
….also I might as well (shyly like a …) ask :bow:
PLEASE MOVE (when you can – I know you are very busy THAT AK47 from DOG/Bear
…even just reversing with The Reaper is Cool …
If one believes’ in “the power of Prayer”, Or the Ideal of a thought – “Repetition Holds A Key” or the Gaia Concept or the Cosmic Gaia or just the “constant sight” (…in this form just “seeing” is sad or at least weird – or maybe I am just being me again.) … the constant repetitive sight is :yuck:
Why won’t this thing work? :tap:
Looks like it works to me.
Interesting, Andy. If I limit the size to 55 pixels, yours won’t show up (it should resize it). At 60, it shows up.
oooooo 8) AaA, “L.L.&P.” ๐
PJ re 19 NEVERMIND .. I just picture the “pup” impervious to gunfire 8)
thus Dancing :pirate: :dancers:
OK, Seditionisti….all of the Seder/Maron AAR podcasts from last week are here for download. I will leave them up for 2 weeks. I just don’t want to run into bandwidth overuse from that site. It’s moribund, but don’t want to piss off the suits at Readyhosting.
I donรขโฌโขt think anybody reads these things anymore, but here goesรขโฌยฆ
I always read it. Granted, there are weeks when I f— up and don’t get to it until 4:30 in the afternoon, like today ๐ , but I always read it.
If I would have read it this morning, I would have known that Obama would be on Late Emission, something I did not know and due to my lateness of reading, therefore did not watch.
Besides, with Seder On Sunday going away, SOMEONE has to make fun of the cretins that populate Sunday mornings. PJ gets my vote.
Anyone out there? Maron may be on SOS shortly.
Brian from Everett is on Sam’s show! :yippee:
Brian, then Marc!
Now Marc from Cincinn :pup: ati
:fire: :pirate: :yippee:
PJ, at Gravatar must I use the nickname and password from this blog? Or do I need to make up another nickname and password ’cause accorng to them there is a Sue P (in lower case letters, of course.)
All that matters for it to show up here is that the e-mail is the same one you use here. The username and password for gravatar is just for there (and you can add other e-mail addresses to it if you want to).
I had to use my original nick ‘wvmc3d’ to get it to engage.
So, I went to see Moris Tepper do an in store at Stinkweeds records here in Phx and his drummer totally looks like he could be closely related to Jim Earl. I almost asked him but felt it was probably a long shot and I’d end up feeling dumb. :smack: But they were awesome! Moris is such a friendly guy and always remembers me! Even after several years.
I like yer gravitar, PJ :love: :hubba:
8) …. :pirate: :yippee: :dancers: :alc:
thx you
Sue P put out the problem so we could “see” where to go (even the ways I was “workin” on :banana: ) = Then PJ Answered with Vernon adding the complete 3d Key
Tres 8)
Ice Cream
Let’s see if this worked.
This was really at the cutting edge of my non existent computer skills.
Sue P 8)
SouP, too predictable. I had that one figured out yesterday but I was committed to the mushroom cloud then. Now I’ve got my own red tail.
8) SUE … I didn’t have figured …2 U :nana:
well I have to go “get sumtin’ dun” … :rant1: , :bong: :rant1: A!I!
Ooh, it put the avatar a post that I submitted before I HAD an avatar, so I looked at yesterday and it’s there too. Vernon’s musroom cloud has been wiped from the blog and replaced with Foghorn Leghorn. :omg:
I dunno if y’all are watching American Dad, but the bit they just did on Ollie North was a friggin’ classic.
I didn’t see american dad but I wondered if anyone watches 30 Rock? They satirized all the bush appointed tools of FEMA and Homeland (in)Security BRILLIANTLY. Alec Baldwin is a very talented comic actor- Tina Fey wrote this weeks episode. It was better and funnier than SNL has been in 20 years.
BTW- I do read pj’s talking head trailer every sunday- even if it’s late at night.
And, I’m waiting just like a school-boy for his first kiss on my email confirmation so that I can have my own avatar. :billcat:
At last! ๐
I saw that 30 Rock. Excellent.
I lost track of 30 Rock during the strike and have been trying to catch up with epi though.odes this weekend. I want to watch in sequence. Still upset that Studio 60 did not make it.
I believe you can catch up on full episodes of 30 Rock here (which I’m sure you know, but for anybody else, I recommend it). I thought Studio 60 was excellent, too, and was really bummed when it didn’t get renewed. A little bit too intelligent for the average viewer, I guess.
Looks like I get a chance to see Maron at the Turf Club this Tuesday. Usually Turf is a rock club, I’ve seen Chuck Prophet and Steve Wynn there recently. Should be a good show, Mirman reminds me of Lovitz but even more abstract, Kindler is like an Albert Brooks.
It appears that my old gravatar has got some bad nagative imaging Mojo going on.
I saw Moris Tepper today at an in store and his drummer looked like he was JIM EARL’S brother or something! His name was Scott, I’ll ask him tomorrow night when I see them play for real.
evening gang!
anyone remember when My brother Mike and i cherried out his Olds 442?
he just won “Best Daily Driver” at the LA George Barris Car Show!
Hours have passed and still no avatar email confirmation ๐ฅ
Sunny J, yep I remember … 8) Ride. Was that your award winning Bro?
Artnorton, If I can then you MUST…
Did you check spam mail? That is where mine ended up, when I did it correctly…
or you have a ghost … Boo ๐
Scott Mather?
๐ก since when do we get little pictures by our posts? this is mine please ๐
Put your gamertag here too.
๐ก this Put your gamertag here too. is not working