Big weekend here, with SU graduation and all. Ah, seems like it was just a year ago when I was graduating myself. Oh, yeah, that’s right. I was the old guy amongst all the fresh-faced young grad students. Speaking of old people graduating, SU gave Vanessa Williams her BA this weekend, too, 25 years after she dropped out to become Miss America (funny, she’s only a couple years younger than me, but she looks a hell of a lot better; then again, she started out a helluva lot better looking than I did, so I guess it’s not so surprising after all). She also gave the commencement speech. I wonder why they didn’t ask me to give the speech last year?
Once they cleared all the riff-raff out of the Dome, SU was able to make its return to the NCAA Lacrosse tournament (they missed it for the first time in 25 years last year, having broken their string of 22 consecutive final four appearances the year before), by kicking the crap out of Canisius, 20-3. Next up is Notre Dame, down in Ithaca.
I hate Notre Dame.
Anyhow, back to work today. Bummer.
Still, the question remains…., “Who the hell is Jack Dunphy?” :omg:
:rofl2: :doh: :rofl2: :pirate: :pup:
It’s Monday. It’s raining. It’s cold. But I’ve got to go to work.
AP has a headline, “McCain Hopes to Attract Young Voters.” He certainly won’t do that by making them inspect his bearings. Maybe they’ll like the 100 years of war better, or the healthcare plan that assures them they can’t afford it. Maybe they’ll just want a hug like he gave Bush.
McCain hasn’t lost his bearings. He keeps them in his cheek lump.
Maybe they’ll just want a hug like he gave Bush.
Comment by Sue P — May 12, 2008 @ 6:22 am
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit
Maron at the Turf Club tomorrow. Ticketmaster got me for a convenience fee of $4.50 plus a handling fee of $4.33 plus an “are you nuts fee?” fee of $.10. It almost matched the actual ticket price. I wish this stupid fee crap would go into the performer’s pockets.
Just c&p
Clinton Deadline Looms for Recouping $11 Million Personal Loan
Hillary Clinton may have a financial incentive to remain in the presidential race for a while. And she has Senator John McCain to thank for it.
Stolen Mac helps nab burglary suspects
A remote-desktop access feature found in some Macintoshes is being credited with leading police to two suspects in the burglary of an apartment in New York.
Wisdom from a Yogi :om: :yinyang: :bow: :cake:
Anyone have Bob and Tom VIP access?
Monday, May 12 2008
Hour 1
MP3 Hour 1
Monday Mornings – Bob Kevoian
Horrible Smells
Teenage Girls – Marc Maron
The Dead Grandma in the Bathroom
Animals in the News
Neil Young’s New Spider
The Ex-Wife – Mark Maron
Coinciding – Mark Maron
Hour 2
MP3 Hour 2
Clinically Heartbroken – Mark Maron
Minature Golf Announcer – Marc Maron
Bad Comedy Audiences
History Lesson: Hailton’s Affair – Scott Dunn
History Quiz – Scott Dunn
Politics – Andy Kindler
Bad TV – Andy Kindler
Hour 3
MP3 Hour 3
Jeff Foxworthy (How to Really Stink at Golf) Editor’s Pick
Golf – Marc Maron
“President Bush” calls in
Special Tour – Andy Kindler
“Donnie Baker” calls in
The Guys of the Stand Uppity Tour
Hour 4
MP3 Hour 4
Right Wing / Left Win Radio – Marc Maron
Props and Comedy
Hebrew School – Marc Maron & Andy Kindler
Career – Marc Maron
Obscure Radio – Andy Kindler
HMO – Andy Kindler
The Scotts – Marc Maron
From Russia – Eugene Mirman
Self Help Book – Eugene Mirman
Y.B. tis 8) but Rats, I thought Yogi and BooBoo :tap: … :tap: A!I!
JFI, I am NEVER the one that mentions Obama nor Clinton FIRST … only in DEFENSE … :fist: A!I!
that’s Mzzz.. 2 u :rofl2: :pirate: 8)
LBH & Edit re The Rooster :rofl2: – I watched also, & miss sniff/ :rofl2:
Oh, really? :rant1:
Yeah, I saw that. Look at all the hair he used to have!
Yeh … :nod: … :pirate: A!I!
You’d think Coal Ho’Bama would be doing better in West Virginia and Kentucky.
Barack Obama’s West Virginia blues
Oh, really?
Moving on to McCain…
Since Friday, McCain has lost two advisors because of their firm’s work in Myanmar. Well, it turns out that’s just the tip of the iceberg. McCain’s campaign is loaded with people who have worked on behalf of some of the nastiest dictators on Earth.
:pup: :pup: :40: :pup: :pup: :yippee: :pup: :pup:
So all you PDXers who go to Marc etal”s show at the Bagdad stop and say hey to me in the wheelchair corral at the back right (as you face the stage.).
Those of you who see the show in its earlier incarnations, please let me know how long it runs. I have to make advance transportattion and care arrangements. My email address is marciaw AT pmug DOT org
TIA :banana: TIA :dancers: TIA :yippee: TIA :billcat: TIA :sheep: le
gravatar. if it works, is my dead dog Baobao z”l gone not quite 13 months.
Wanwenxia 8) to seeing Marc… I never get to see Marc … sniff …guess I have to get him up here … now school is out soon :doh:
My Bad :spank:
Awwwww Cute Spirit Pup :pup: … And any others? :pup: or even a :cat:
:omg: HAHAHA … :pirate: :cat: :fist: A!I! teehee LOL 😉
No Maron v. Seder tomorrow morning. Maron on the road.
Wanwenxia & Artnorton,
Wanwenxia: TIA = ?
TO IMPEACH! ARREST! ? :rofl2: :doh:
Artnorton .. talking in past re 22 awwwwwwwww :omg: thats how it was in the mountains … just when I thought snow FINALLY is over … in the middle of MAY :omg: a horrid Snow spell … NOW YOU HAVE GLOBAL WARMING :billcat: :omg: LMAO sorry couldn’t help laughing awwww :rofl2: :omg: 😐
DITTO BLUE re 23 :billcat: :rofl2: :peace: :knit:
76 degrees yesterday with blue skies- now cold wind-driven rain blowing in. Expecting 2-4 inches of snow in the morning with 12 in plus in the mountains. Beautiful Colorado where winter never ends! 👿 :cold: :cold:
Still no avatar 😯
unless………….., :billcat:
Yeah that would be a good Avatar for me………………………………. :billcat:
Have you tried the avatar thing? Maybe I’m just too :doh: but I haven’t gotten it to work for me yet.
ArtNorton, I swear, if I can then either done wrong (hardly) or ya got a ghost … boo ;
so “check” did you get success in link Back Confirmation?
Did you check SPAM … that’s where I found mine — when done correctly …
Are you using Same UserName — even V had to go back to wvmc3d (AND I think password, if I used for that?)
Druid- Their HELP section said that to get past the MSN filter to enter into my address book so I did that. They said it would be 24 hr. It hasn’t been quite that long yet but I’d think something would have happened by now.
Is there a link on their page called “Back Confirmation”? I didn’t see it.
I tried entering artnorton but it told me to use a legitimate email address.
so is that the browser used for MSists? … I had to use my ole hotmail account
… I just went through link PJ set up …
….. I think this is for the World’s Maker’s realm … :pup:
yeah, I used the link on MS’sts. Do you have a spell :pent: I could use?
…so you go to PJ’s link and can you set up your ole MSists site adr or does The Computer tell you where to go? :slap:
Re :pent: … the Computer has it’s own attitude :slap: ,
my answer is :rant1: and a threat by reminding IT there is a HIGH window right here or :alc: 😉 …
I also have a MSN account & filters … can you make a new hotmail or gmail account and go through a new MSists site and then link again?
awwwwwwww :smack:
I just went to the link and entered my email address. My head’s hurting.
I feel for ya Art. I think it was 1985 there was about 5′ of snow in the first week of May.
yeah, but you expect that sort of thing in Gold Hill don’t you? :cold:
TIA=Thanks In Advance :banana:
Live pups 2: a13yr old bichon named Leo and a 6 yr old brown short hair chihuahua/Italian greyhound +55 other breeds in ancestry. Her name is Tangtang, Sweets in Chinese Both came a week apart 10+ months ago. :pup: :pup:
I have 3 more spirit pups: Xiangrou, Meimei, and Tianxin. :pup: :pup: :pup:
No fish, reptiles, birds, rodents or :cat: :billcat: