Nothing like a weekend of pick and shovel work, and hauling around sand, gravel, and 100 pound slabs of slate to make you glad to get back to work and get some rest. Unfortunately, four day weeks seem to last forever. I should’ve taken today off, I think.
The trouble with long weekends is that they are never long enough. Summer vacation has the same problem.
It’s raining and muggy out. In spite of that, I’m going to the ballet this afternoon. :dancers:
Sue P. Tres Cool 8) The Ballet… 8)
Is Marc On TODAY? :fist: A!I! :fist: :dancers: I Need To Brew Tea :pirate:
It’s rainy and cold here. The only dancing I’d want to see on a day like today would be in my dreams while I drift off into sleep, listening to the soft rain hitting the roof. :sheep: :cat: :yawn:
Druid- he is :banana:
But no M vs S
Thx artnorton, 8) … … :pirate: :joe: Party A!I!
No fred since about May 10.
That was when the avatars appeared
Dear Heron (Tea Cheers ) … I even called to him a few times …
“That’s ALL I Can Stand. I CAN’T Stand No More…
but i do not have O.J. & Doughnuts …… : :tap: :peace:
(I was going to post at 11:37am but got “Charmed” by Charmed — and Friday The 13th.) mwah haha 8) :peace:
Former Air America badboy investor, Evan Montvel Cohen, was arrested and faces 10 years in the slammer:
Someone PLEASE say that they’re recording Maron today!!!
I knew there was something I forgot to do this morning!
Wonder what Hartmann will have to say about the HRC assassination remark. His show ended Friday before the story broke.
Now the AAR site says we should expect to hear David Bender (not Marc) this afternoon…
Sounds like a last-minute change. This whole thing – especially with Sam who has a family to support and no contract – makes me very uncomfortable. I hated having to listen to Kuby last week and I’d like them to make a decision soon. I know Marc will do the right thing vis a vis Sam and vice versa.
As I said before, only LTR had the story of Maron’s week on AAR. Never saw it anywhere else.
It did look like Maron’s date in Washington was changed from Sunday to Monday.
Fred, you are probably very busy — but just say Cheers or Hi or
:tommygun: :reaper: or :pirate: TEA :joe: Cheers … A!I! the V!
Heron … 8) Ya got an ICON — but too dark of pix for me — rats — what tis it?……. teehee
Marc Maron guest-hosts on “American Afternoon” tomorrow through Friday on Air America, heard locally on WWRL (1600 AM). …
NEVERMIND (I just saw above) :doh: :fustrate: :growl: :pirate: A!I!V!
No Maron. WTF, AAR?
Afternoon all,
Much heat and mugginess today in the Land of Cheesesteaks ™
Bender just announced that Maron will be in tomorrow.
He also said he’s taking over Sam’s “Seder on Sunday” slot and
that he was proud of Sam and hoping to hear him “all over this network”
in the future.
I hope he knows something.
Thanks for the info, Colette. I hope “all over this network” means something a little more permanent than floating guest host.
If past is any predictor of the future, AAR has given Bender Sam’s spot because Sam had a following. 3-6 slot will go to Roseanne Barr ’cause she doesn’t have a following and they’ll piss off Rachel so she quits.
Did I get it all?
I saw a dress rehearsal of Swan Lake at the Metropolitan Opera. Very nice.
I managed to find the right train and, sandwiched among my fellow NYers, got to Brooklyn. As I left the station I was met by a windstorm so violent, it set off the car alarms. Then it rained furiously for 10 minutes and stopped.
Maybe AAR just exists as a tax write-off. If anything comes close to being a success they have to kill it because they might start making money. I had a friend who got some buisness people in Sedona, Az to back an alternative newspaper years ago. He put his heart and soul into it til the ad revenues started paying for it- then they pulled the plug. They wanted the write-off.
<Hey,Maron here-
Don’t know if or how you get it or if you want to but I will be hosting American Afternoons out of the NYC studios from 3-6 ET on Weds Thurs and Fri May 28, 29, 30 on Air America Radio. Hope all is well with all of you.
I’m fair.
So, no Maron today then. I thought I missed it.
Fred does not worship false idols.
Marc is fair. Definitely not fine.
Evan Cohen in action, I remember from the documentary “Left of the Dial” about the early days of AAR. There is a fitting scene of him taking a cab as he leaves the premises for good, gabbing on the phone as it drives away .. presumably setting up his next mark.
The guy just looked like a tool. How could they have been so gullible?
Earl Hagen :gate:
Composer of the theme song from every favorite tv show of yours from the fifties and sixties,0,3376917.story
WebHubbleTelescope , re 28 … since I am the only one calling FRED
I get so tired of people assuming they know what I believe … since I believe in PROOF First … EQUAL to Proven FACTS: to me… if you haven’t heard or seen what is there and/or have been taught how to “see” (mostly) then it is JUST up to philosophy or the wanting to believe.
This site is also “feeding” The Fire.
:tommygun: :pirate: :tap: A!I!V!
Avatars = False Idols = joke
For a blog founded upon appreciation for a humorist ie humor which involves “jokes” it can get a little thin here sometimes.
Ohhhhhh WHT … a LBH … So Sorry….. when I first came to this sight (years ago) I did not have Much Humour, now I have even less by certain deaths and actions and changes and whatever else :doh: … that is one of the reasons why I can no longer “dally” much “here, there, & everywhere”…
I like your “communication” problem. 8) … :pirate: A!I!V!
BTW I liked Marc when I was at ‘SC in the very early 80’s (even seeing him a bit before). When I first heard him — after PHYSICALLY working FOR THE INTENSE ISSUES — like Wolves being aerial Hunted and Whales being MINED and Otters Killed by Fishermen and Entropy and thus the same with so many other issues including GLOBAL WARMING and when I left Greenpeace to JOIN SEA SHEPHERDS … and so much more … I did 40 years (remember I have done since 13 yrs — the best I knew — then alone…)… working for the causes… “I Am What I Am And That’s All That I Am”.
art, not if I can help it…
Harlem Nocturne
That’s a great version of Harlem Nocturn. It put a 8) on my face (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
What is it that Marc sez about left-wing liberals with no sense of humor?
BTW Harlem Nocturne was an all time fav of mine (even to dance to (as in classes and performances)) since a young teen …by many different artists. Going back to listen more to. A!I!V!
also Sydney Pollack died (Great Writer, Actor, Director, and Producer and…) :yinyang: :pent: :peace: :om: /|\ :gate:
Pollack- just one of the great old-time Hollywood liberals. Watching scenes from “Tootsie” still cracks me up.
Druid- If it was time for a slow dance and they were playing Harlem Nocturn, I’d ask you to dance with me. I bet it’d be dreamy.
There’s nothing like junior-high meloncholia
Artnorton, :nod: It would have been Grand 8)
“…Utopians without a sense of humor…” … I felt I was included, since I was a part of the Microcosm to the Macrocosm …that thought that Marc was ALWAYS The Funny… …Also after Denial I cried when Kennison (sp) died *poof*
Earl Hagen :gate:
Didn’t he whistle the theme to The Andy Griffith Show. I think I just heard that on NovaM.
Now I know about the sweating in the pasta
:hot: :smack: :rofl2:
Hagen had a number of great ones. Harlem Nocturne may have been overlooked so I went with that. Dick Van Dyke, too. Those damn tunes go through my head almost daily.
I get The Addam’s Family theme quite a lot, did he write that?