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Morning Seditionists

Mother’s Day Booblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 11, 2008
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I don’t think anybody reads these things anymore, but here goes….

Press the Meat kicks us off with the will she or won’t she, should she or shouldn’t she routine that we’ll no doubt be seeing a lot of in the coming weeks, with Obama dude Chris Dodd and Clinton dude Terry McAuliffe. That will no doubt be followed by more of the same at the roundtable with Chris “chinchilla godzilla magilla gorilla” Cillizza, John “the dick” Harwood, NPR’s Michele Norris and WSJ shill Jerry Seib (whose claim to fame is being held by Iran 20 years ago). Awesome.

Over on Faze the Nation, Terry McAuliffe pops back up again, plus there’s John Edwards and Politico’s Jim Vandehei (who I think is somehow related to Art Vandelay).

Fux News Sunday picks up the theme of the day with David Axelrod, chief strategist for the Obama campaign and Clinton campaign senior adviser Howard Wolfson. There are also the usual fuxheads, and today’s power player of the week is conservative putz and actor, Ben Stein (who would probably be a better economic adviser for McCain that Carly Fiorina, but then Johnny does seem to have a thing for bottle blondes).

Speaking of Carly, she pops up on This Weak with George Snufalufagus, along with Harry Reid, and then 2/3 of the axis of drivel are together at the roundtable, as Cokie “the hag” Roberts and Sam :omg: Donaldson are joined by the WaPost’s Ruth Marcus.

CNN’s Late Emission has some guy named Barack Obama (must be a Muslim terrorist or something), plus asshole Roy Blunt (he’d be better off having Roy Blount, IMHO), DCCC Chair Chris Van Hollen, former Iraq army dude, Ricardo Sanchez, and Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S., Samir Sumaidaie.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Chiquita says it protected its employees’ bananas by paying off murderous paramilitaries in Colombia, but the families of civilians killed tell Steve Kroft the company is responsible.
Dana Priest, Amy Goldstein, and Scott Pelley, look at the horrible conditions in a U.S. government-run prison system that’s killed some of the detainees. And Morley Safer finds out if Alec Baldwin is planning on running for office.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there, and to all you kids and motherf*ckers, I hope you remembered to get Mom something nice. Have a good one.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 10, 2008
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It’s too early to be up, so I think I’ll go back to bed. Wake me up when it’s next Saturday.

Oh, and Jack Dunphy’s full of shit!

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 9, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized  | 62 Comments

So, Friday’s finally here. I’ve learned a lot this week. For instance, I learned I kind of enjoy having an hour and ten minute commute. I suppose if I had to pay for the gas I wouldn’t be to crazy about it, but I like having the time to drive and listen to my podcasts. I also learned that it’s more fun to go to a class to learn about the things I do for a living than it actually is to go to work and do the things I do for a living. My clients at work are just too damn needy and annoying. Oh well. One more day of playtime, and it’s back to the salt mines next week. Have a good one.

Thursday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 8, 2008
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So, yesterday’s class was pretty good, and I think this will turn out to be worthwhile for me. Especially now that I know I don’t have to leave quite so early to get there. Didn’t really get a chance to peruse the whole election thing, except to see that, now that it looks like Obama can get to 2,025 delegates, the other campaign has decided that 2,209 is the real number (and they’re willing to stage a fight in August to try and pull their ‘nuclear’ option). Of course, the point now for them is to make sure McCain gets elected, so expect to see things get even more Rovian from them from here on out. They need to walk a bit if a fine line, I’d think, to torpedo the Obama candidacy while not shouldering the blame for a McCain presidency (go for the old, ‘Obama ran a terrible campaign’ chestnut).

Personally, I think it’s a little late for that. Maybe Clinton should just be the ‘Connecticut for Libermann’ Party candidate for President. But, hey, who knows? Maybe she’ll be a good soldier, and they can both spend the next month or two using the free primary media coverage showing the world what an incredibly horrible little person John McCain is. That would be the mature thing to do, both for Clinton and her supporters (many of whom seem to be having what Frank Zappa called a ‘petulant frenzy’).

So, we’ll see what my Senator does from here on out. She’s got that job for life unless she turns off every Democrat in the state, and she has a good chance to become an upper mucky-muck in the Senate – maybe even Majority leader. Plus I hear if she acts like a grown up, the Obama campaign will pay off her campaign debt (and since she’s loaned her campaign a lot of her and Bill’s money, that has to look like a pretty good deal).

Anyway, the Chat Room is open for Maron on AAR this afternoon. I won’t be around, but that’s not much of a loss.

Have a good one.

Wednesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 7, 2008
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So, today begins the first of three days of ‘advanced’ ColdFusion training (the web application development platform; I won’t be carrying out any nuclear reactions at room temperature) at Cornell, for which I have to drive an hour and a half (each way). Ordinarily, I’d enjoy going down to Ithaca, since it’s quite a beautiful area (‘Ithaca is gorges’ as the bumper stickers say), but this means I have to leave the house by 6:30 AM for the next three days, only to go and sit for eight hours in a classroom (give or take; I guess we get an hour for lunch, so I can get up and then go sit someplace else for a while) and see if they can teach me more formally than I’ve managed to figure out on my own (which I certainly hope is the case).

Hopefully I can at least find a podcast of Maron yesterday to listen to on the way.

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 6, 2008
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As everybody knows, Maron makes an unexpected return to Air America today in the 3 – 6 PM Eastern time slot. So, I’ve opened up the MS Chat Room for anybody who’d like to chat during the show. It’s open now, and will basically stay open all week for the Wed and Fri shows, too.

I won’t get a chance to listen, unfortunately, because I’m rarely able to stream at work, and I have to scurry to get the boys out to the park after work, because Fritz has his first night of school at 7:00. He’s already smarter than I am (no great feat, admittedly), so we’ll see what they can teach him.

Cinco de Mayo Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 5, 2008
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Happy fifth of May. You know, turns out gas in Kingston is about $1.18 a liter. That works out to about $4.50 a gallon when you figure in the fact that the Canadian Loonie is worth $1.02 US (used to be you got a break when you went up there; not anymore – thanks Dubya). So, I guess I should feel grateful that gas here is ‘only’ $3.75. And that I have a job to pay for it. Too bad it’s just to goddamn Monday.

There’s just too many mother uckers out there.

Sunday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 4, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized  | 34 Comments

Didn’t get a chance to see who this week’s boobleheads are. I’m pretty sure whoever’s on, they won’t be worth watching. Have a good Sunday.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 3, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized  | 20 Comments

Hope you’re having a good weekend. Please carry on amongst yourselves.

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on May 2, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized  | 35 Comments

We’ll be taking off for Canada as soon as I get home from work tonight. Since the 9th Circuit says they don’t need reasonable suspicion (let alone probable cause) to search – and confiscate – your laptop at the border, I don’t think we’ll be bringing ours along with us. I don’t have anything illegal on mine, but would just as soon not be without it for months just because they think I don’t look quite right or something. So, enjoy the weekend, and we’ll catch ya again on Monday.