I’m gonna cop out, and just copy this, from Free Press:
Rupert Murdoch and his on-air bully Bill O’Reilly launched a laughable attack against Free Press, the media reform movement, and quality journalism everywhere.
Murdoch uses his media empire to attack his political foes and — not to inform citizens or tell the truth. The fight for media reform is about regular people like you and me fighting undue corporate control of the media. This kind of abuse of media power aggravates progressives and conservatives alike.
Visit the link below to sign the letter and thank Bill O’Reilly for proving once again that Fox News Channel has nothing to do with real journalism in America.
Take action at: https://secure.freepress.net/site/Advocacy?id=269
Speaking of O’Reilly, have a good hump day. Oh, and John McCain, John McCain, John McCain.
The second of the three little hawks has fledged, and like the first, was picked up by animal control. The parents must be frantic. I believe this is a very misguided attempt to protect the hawks.
Better than coffee and a newspaper to rev up your engines today
They should name at least one of those baby hawks ‘Elian.’
I must repeat
SEDER V. MARON wed. 3pm edt,
Submitted by SEDER on Tue, 06/10/2008 – 7:57pm.
be here or be ….
Noon for the West of us.
And hopefully I will remember… :doh: :billcat: :fire: …
:fist: A!I!V!
So, according to this page (and, granted, they’re trying to sell these things, but anyway):
So, instead of handing out $600 tax ‘rebates,’ why doesn’t the federal government send every household 20 or so of these things? They could probably get a good deal on them. Then we could save about 500,000 megawatts a day, and save money at the same time (and with those savings, stimulate the economy by buying gas)?
From: Jim Earl
Jun 10, 2008 11:58 PM
Jim Earl announces the Clutter Family band!
Visit The Clutter Family site at:
starring Matt North, Jim Earl, Chris Hobbs, and Clint Davidson playing their instruments. Yes, their instruments.
The Clutter Family
Rock / Powerpop / Pop Punk
“Songs about things and other stuff.”
LOS ANGELES, California
United States
Re 6 … I have read similar info regarding LED Lights for my many here…
that is all I use (from Costco — but eek I just noticed from China :barf:
— my bad :fustrate: ) :pirate: :knit: A!I!V!
The Clutter Family rocks! The first song sounded kinda like Guided By Voices, if Bob Pollard had Tourette’s. The second song was a little more Fountains of Wayne. Good stuff.
Why Obama Won
h/t TLL
We use all compact fluorescent wherever possible at our house (pretty much everywhere). The LED ones are kind of pricey.
The following is an article from the New York State Humane Association’s Spring/Summer 2008 Newsletter…
NYS Animal Population Control Program Fund Raided
In order to balance this year’s budget, the New York State Legislature authorized the Paterson administration to siphon dedicated funds from special accounts, including the Animal Population Control Program, established to assist adopters of animals from shelters and low-income pet owners with the costs of having their dogs and cats sterilized. Over $1,000,000.00 was taken from the fund designed to prevent the births of unwanted pets, thereby preventing unnecessary animals suffering and burdens for animal care and control organizations.
NYSHA encourages its members to contact Governor David Paterson (Executive Chamber, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224; email info at http://www.ny.gov) and Agriculture & Markets Commissioner Patrick Hooker (10-B Airline Drive, Albany, NY 12235; email info at http://www.agmkt.state.ny.us) to protest this lamentable practice and to strongly urge that it not be continued in coming years. If a “surplus” in the Animal Population Control Program makes it vulnerable to such sweeps in the future, any such excess can be readily eliminated by simply applying it to its original legislated purpose.
Effective publicity about the program throughout the state, including New York City, would ensure that no such surplus will accumulate and become the target of reallocation.
Heh. I wonder how many people know who the Clutter family was.
re 10, I guess one must fight why they have voted for a rethug … A!I!V!
PJ, “compact fluorescent” that is what I use … but I was thinking LED and wrote that :doh: … then had to go elsewhere, for a bit …
I had just barely began hearing about LCD lights and that concept interests me and “how are they any better than the fluorescent lights”, which is 8) but… hmmmmm? I just have other concerns regarding fluorescent lighting… but it is all there is now I guess…
12 is traumatic … that type of action is happening everywhere in this World
:knit2::knit: :nod: … :reaper: :fist: A!I!V!ALPHA Sue P., Lincoln sounds melancholic. 🙁 :knit2: :knit: .. :fist: A!I!V!
Hi Druid,
Yeah, Lincoln is pretty upset. I’m sure the hawks are too. Me too!
change is good :knit:
from past article from Slate: …whatever… WAS ALWAYS FOR GORE
…(continued) Obama’s Friend of Angelo: Barack Obama’s choice of Jim Johnson to vet his VP prospects is already embarrassing his campaign, thanks to a WSJ story reporting that Johnson (according to the NY Sun)
took at least five real estate loans totaling more than $7 million from Countrywide Financial Corp. through an informal program for friends of the company’s CEO, Angelo Mozilo. …
Mozilo and Countrywide were deeply enmeshed in the subprime meltdown, of course, and Mozilo has been denounced by Obama for his business practices and multi-million dollar compensation. …
a) Always trust content from kausfiles!
b) Obama’s response suggests these were “completely above board transactions,” which is a little different from saying they were “arms-length” or “market-rate” transactions. Why would Johnson avail himself of Mozilo’s “friends of Angelo” program unless he got some kind of special deal, better than the deal Joe Citizen would get? (And if it’s so difficult to tell “the factors that went into these arrangements,” as the Obama camp contends, then how “above board” were they?)
c) Johnson headed Fannie Mae. If Fannie Mae was really “the biggest buyer of Countrywide’s mortgages,” should Johnson really have gotten enmeshed as a consumer with Countrywide, particularly if it was hard to tell if he was getting a special deal or not?
d) I don’t know if Mozilo is a benevolent genius or evil. I saw him at a conference once and he’s clearly an impressive person. But it’s also quite clear that Obama has made him a symbol of the subprime mess, as McCain has noted. Update: As the RNC has been pointing out, Obama’s campaign previously attacked Hillary strategist Mark Penn because he did some P.R. work for Countrywide–and attacked Hillary’s campaign because it took contributions from representatives of Countrywide. ** (Now-embarrassing self-righteous David Plouffe quote below.)
e) Johnson was an atrocious, tin-eared choice on many other grounds. He’s a symbol of old Democratic elites–the Mondale Restoration!–and of Beltway business as usual. He’s gotten obscenely rich off of public service while pursuing a failed liberal antipoverty theory (community develpment) and taking credit for spreading around other peoples money. He failed to catch Geraldine Ferraro’s problems before they blew up on Mondale. He helped lead Fannie Mae into a multi-billion dollar debacle (even though he let his successor catch most of the blame). He said Mozilo’s firm had “done a brilliant job of insulating itself for the down cycle” shortly before Mozilo’s firm was clobbered in the down cycle, eventually selling itself to Bank of America for about a tenth of it’s former value, according to the Sun.
Why would Obama, in his first big personnel decision, choose a paleoliberal greedhead with a track record of failure? You tell me! He’s described Johnson as “a friend.” It looks as if he was at best highly susceptible to amicable overtures from someone he about whom he should have retained some critical perspective.
f) Is Obama really going to let this story drag out all week? Are Johnson’s allies so powerful he must be protected–the way Rev. Wright was protected, for a time? Why not say “This is not the Jim Johnson I know” and throw him overboard? Remember the Parable of the Band-Aid. …
**–From WaPo back in March:
“Obama aides also said Clinton is in no position to stiffen oversight after taking contributions from mortgage industry lobbyists, including funds from representatives of Countrywide, which has been at the center of the mortgage meltdown. ‘If we’re really going to crack down on the practices that caused the credit and housing crises, we’re going to need a leader who doesn’t owe these industries any favors,’ campaign manager David Plouffe said.” [E.A.]
JAY LO (or however one spells the slime’s name) wears furs and she just met with Obama, personally, behind closed doors …. She claims she is for him…
I believe Obama’s wife was there … which means both parents are teaching their children that “animal abuse and animal murder”…is fine
in this society. Obama Is Such A Deceiver…..
Vote for McCain. That’s John McCain. John McCain‘s wife is Cindy McCain. I wonder if John McCain and Cindy McCain eat a lot of McCain french fries?
I love this ‘Link to McCain‘ button. 😀
Never too early to connect with the SammyCam.
Recent experience for me indicates that Internet Explorer and Safari (Mac) work the best.
Last show, the whole thing worked for me quite well, even from here at work (FireFox on Winders). Now that I’ve said that, I’m probably jinxed. And I have a meeting at 3, anyway, damnit.
I wonder if John McCain will be watching?
I’m voting Republican because I think any animal species that has at least one male and one female, should be taken off the endangered species list. Then Dick Chaney will have plenty to shoot, besides his friends.
Isn’t John McCain a repug?
It should be any species that has one male OR one female. They can always clone something for Cheney to shoot (like, maybe a few rich old white guys that they can release when Uncle Dick drives by).
There are many reasons to vote for Obama, though he is far from perfect. One of the most important is the make-up of the Supreme Court.
McCain says he will appoint more Alitos and Roberts. And, he will probably get to appoint at least 2.
That would be enough for me if that was the only reason although I can be swayed by fashion and I hate those shades mccain wears.
I guess the choice would be whether to vote for Obama, or to not vote at all. Or maybe vote Green or something. I can’t imagine voting for McCain.
I think Obama will probably turn out to be a Bill Clinton type of Republican lite, which (while not exactly what I’m looking for) is way better than McCain. And, who knows, maybe with a solid Democratic majority and public opinion behind progressive ideas, he can be pushed into doing some good stuff.
Besides the Supreme Court, it will be interesting to see what his cabinet looks like. Giving Edwards AG and letting him loose on the corporatists would be a thing to behold. And if he can get Clinton to champion healthcare reform in the Senate, that would be great, too.
Since the candidates will now begin to “run for the center,”
I think its important that we push the center as far to the left as possible.
It may be more important to work on issues right now than it is to
work for a candidate.
If, God forbid, McCain is the next president, I think it still may be possible to make him run on an ending-the-Iraq-war platform. He is already feeling the heat on this issue.
We need to keep the issues hot for both candidates. We know the mainstream media will not accurately represent the real mood of the country. Let the candidates make no mistake on where the people stand.
Here’s an article Druid will find interesting:
Switzerland Exonerates Executed Witch
Did you see this?
Ya think? Or how ’bout, “I’m a War President.”
I want to fall asleep, but then I remember Marc is to be on :yawn:
Time to brew more Tea…
I am a part of many … watching every move the Obama-ites and Sen. Obama’s … actions in alienation, young to old. I have called to recheck my sanity … and they are all AGAINST Obama. We have voted “correctly”, with little help… It is my turn to do Nothing and just let all of The Masses Speak Their Voice … I will now only work on what I am working on…to go for “The Future Strategy”.
The candidate who says they’re going to make bringing down the price of hops and increasing subsidies for hop farmers their #1 priority is the one I’m going for.
I don’t have any illusions about Obama. I do think he will be more to my liking than what we have or what else is offered including HRC. I certainly have a lot more faith and trust in the man. I also think that he may be more open to what people and progressives want but it will take work. If there is enough of a majority in both houses of Congress, even better, esp. if the Dems can reach 60 in the Senate. That should be something that the Clintons should be able to get actively behind.
So far this week, I like what he is saying. I like that J & E Edwards showed up at his Raleigh speech as well as the govs from MN, WV, and NC. He said off the cuff that he would be working with Elizabeth on health care. However, a friend who was there said she did not look too good.
I like that he apparently told Liebermann to STFU, too.
Take the challenge.
I’m with stoopid. Ha ha, haha, ha, teehee.
Go ahead, John. Pull my finger. Haha, haha, haha.
Dunno, pj. mccain might be looking to do for the beer what bush has done for oil and gas. Some artificial shortages, supply and demand issues, rising prices of raw materials could turn out to be quite a windfall for someone in, say, the beer distribution business. Rising hop prices could also hurt the pesky brew-it-yourself crowd.
NOOOOOO! This monster must be stopped at all costs!
Obama has lied — why is that alright?
The commercials are already touting Nuclear Power as the CLEAN Energy — saying also the same for COAL. No One is demanding Obama to stop that type of speak nor even to address this issue PUBLICLY..
When is Maron On? :yawn: , but now I am hungry. :billcat: A!I!V!
Here is another challenge (aside from sourcing and substantiation).
Who would you trust more as president guiding the nation’s energy future including coal and nuclear, O’Bama or mccain?
Not to mention that mccain would be much more likely to unleash nuclear weapons as foreign policy if bush doesn’t beat him to the punch.
I “see” SAM and now MARON 8)
Sorry for the c&p but Wayne Madsen is subscription so I can’t send a link that works. I got an racist e-mail this weekend with a string of pictures of O’Bama’s African relatives. It’s source was fundy xtians but was being forwarded around to frighten Jews.
Here’s WMR’s report about the fake Obama birth certificate
Submitted by Catharine on Wed, 06/11/2008 – 2:30pm.
June 10, 2008 — Obama readies rapid response cyber-team
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama is forming a cyber rapid reaction team to counter an expected GOP political dirty tricks campaign. The team will work 24×7 to counter rumors about Obama concerning his religion, patriotism, and personal matters.
WMR has learned details about one dirty tricks effort now being formulated by GOP operatives. It will soon be suggested and spread through right-wing web sites and cable news networks that Obama is constitutionally barred from serving as President of the United States because he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya.
WMR first reported last February that a GOP political operations team arrived in Kenya to dig up dirt on Obama and his late father, a Kenyan national.
The rumor that will be advanced by the GOP operatives will be that Obama was not born in Hawaii in August 1961 but in Mombasa, Kenya. A birth certificate showing Obama was born at a maternity hospital in Mombasa will be produced and it will indicate that Obama’s mother was not Ann Dunham of Kansas who met Barack Obama, Sr. at the University of Hawaii and married on February 2, 1961. A photograph purporting to be that of Dunham will reportedly be produced and will show the 18-year old woman wearing a bikini on the beach at Waikiki in July 1961 and will show her not pregnant. Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Hawaii.
The planted GOP story will claim that Obama is the son not of Dunham but of a light-skinned Kenyan Arab woman and Barack Obama, Sr. and that he was not born in Hawaii but in Mombasa, making him ineligible to be president since the Constitution requires all Presidents to be native born in the United States. During the GOP presidential primary campaign, similar questions were raised about Republican Senator John McCain who was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which was a U.S. territory at the time.
Obama’s parents were divorced in 1963 and Obama’s father was killed in an automobile crash in Kenya in 1982. Dunham died in 1995 from cancer at the age of 52.
The information about Obama, Sr. and the light-skinned Kenyan Arab woman who will be falsely described as Obama’s actual mother will use as a basis purported MI-6 British intelligence files held on Obama’s father in 1961. Kenya was a British colony until it attained independence in December 1963. Britain kept close tabs on any Kenyans who were politically active having fought a war with Mau Mau rebels from 1952 to 1960.
Word is Jim Johnson has stepped down
Jim Johnson out as VP vetter
Submitted by ghettodefender on Wed, 06/11/2008 – 3:09pm.
AH HA! I always knew Obama didn’t look Hawaiian!
That lyin’ bastid.
Oh those rascally conservative judges.
Audio of today’s Maron v. Seder courtesy JMach1.
Thanks Vern, I caught the middle portion. The audio and video have seemed synched up, which has been nice.
I have to say, it’s kinda frustrating not seeing the video while listening to Maron v Seder. :fustrate: I love to see Marcs expressions and Sam laughing at Marcs’ frustration over the technology.
Obama now has proved he makes bad choices and walks with criminals…
Sen. Clinton did cause me to at least pause to listen to Obama …but I will for the first time not vote but there is 50% chance, I will Vote for Obama or vote totally for him if he chooses Sen Hillary Clinton for VP; however, if he doesn’t, well, I will keep my own council.
:reaper: :fist: :knit: A!I!V!
Why would you want Clinton to take a crap job like VP? She’d be much more effective (and powerful) as Senate Majority Leader or with a cabinet position. Arguably, more effective and powerful than a President is.
And Clinton says we should do everything we can do to get Obama elected, so if you respect her, then you ought to be out working your tail off to get Obama elected (unless maybe you think she was being disingenuous in what she said).
Or is it just that you see Obama as the flashy young “man” who comes in at the last minute and takes all the glory for the hard work the “woman” has done, stealing what is rightfully hers? I heard about that from an NPR reporter (a female, I feel compelled to note) who was embedded in the Clinton campaign, who said the OWW’s saw Clinton as Dolly Parton or Jane Fonda or Lily Tomlin in 9 to 5, and Obama as Dabney Coleman.
I don’t know how accurate any of that is, but it would explain the animosity, in light of the actual facts.
I think Clinton moght be a good Supreme Court Justice.
By the way, did yo know that each of your feet has 250,000 sweat glands, and can produce a pint of sweat in a day?
I know, ‘cuz I saw it on Dr. Know on the Science Channel HD.
Either one, and WJC would be a hell of a confirmation hearing!
I’ve loved Dabney ever since I first noticed him in Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. Great bad guy!
Buffalo Bill!
I heard on that “pausing” of Sen Clinton’s campaign speech, to LISTEN to Obama and not to just say “No”.
I have done more than many… I do not have to ever vote again.
I am one that did the calls, knocked on doors — what the DEMS wanted …(plus work, plus worked on different Saved The Animals/The Wild groups) … … and we were ignored …and laughed at and called horrid names on blogs, TV, & radio, or even cus’d at by Obama-ites — fellow DEMS. I even hear on AAR Shows that even people like Binder (sp) and callers on their shows – thinking anyone that disagrees with Obama is a RETHUG This is why I and others may leave the party … 🙄 whatever a!i!v!
Must have thought it was the other Jimmy Johnson.
Arrivederci. :yawn:
Might catch some Neil Hamburger tonight.
Oh BTW Vernon just recently I was going to say to you … “I accept that WikiP (sp whatever) was correct regarding Mary Hartman, M.H.” … So of course you would “tease” now… … very funny
I think Dabney sneaks in here somewhere
I am just watching HellBoy and his Kittens…
eek 😮 i thought he was going to eat kittens but he is so very sweet to them and even “saved” kittens … I wasn’t able to watch before, then I got a VCR copy of HellBoy which didn’t work, I got bored and did not seek further until now… 🙁 … I hope there isn’t anything too very horrid about him.
I will No Longer Be A Dem … and obama has not proved his worth. Only good is Elizabeth drank the “Obama Kool-Aid”. whatever 🙄
“I am what I am and that’s all that I am.”
:reaper: :fist: A!I!V!
Tick Tock … :tap: A!I!V!
There Ain’t No Sweet Man