When it comes to the future of the human race, sometimes I’m hopeful. Mostly, not so much. While I, personally, have no desire to suffer and die, I’m pretty sure the universe would be better without us. If you’ve ever thought otherwise, sit down and watch Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit, and the Era of Predatory Lenders.
It’s not that I think we’re all as horrible as these people are – or even that more than a small percentage of humans are despicable. It’s that we – the vast majority – allow these scumbag bottom feeders to rule the world.
And that’s why the sooner we make room for a species that won’t poison the planet we were lucky enough to have been given, the better.
Well, no matter how dark you think the future might be…..,
It’s “Take your Dog to Work Day” :dancers: :pup:
So, the House will vote today to cave in and legalize warrantless wiretapping and grant retroactive immunity to the telcos, courtesy of Steny Hoyer.
Cool, huh?
Call your rep, if you think it would actually do any good.
Annabel sounds very familiar.
For anyone who cares about tortured comics, here’s a longish story by the same writer about Don Becker, an infamous local comic no longer with us; his humor was kinda in the genre of Maron.
Screw Steny Hoyer. Rusty to the rescue!
CNN said at 4:00 am ish (about an hour ago) that 57% is pro drilling in ANWR …..
Weak WHORES and Lying twits this is why I no longer believe in humanity “en masse” … so easily swayed :fustrate: … I just need to continue focusing on certain of my works :fustrate: … A!I!V!
Submitted by SEDER on Fri, 06/20/2008 – 8:45am.
Pj – Have you listened to the Giant Pool of Money on This American Life?
Also caught a bit of Rush the other day before an appointment on the eastern side of the state abslutly gleeful about the prospect of possible drilling in ANWR.
All of this has been carefully orchestrated. :knit:
No, I haven’t listened to that. I hardly ever get to catch TAL (on the radio; I record the teevee show) these days. I’ll have to go and listen to it, and set up my podcatcher to download it. There’s a real dearth of stuff to listen to these days, what with AAR being all crap most of the time, and mostly crap all of the time.
And that makes it okay for otherwise, decent people with less character to buy into it.
I would be happy to send you a CD pj.
Give him some love LA.
Thanks, Heron, but you can stream old shows, so I’ll listen to it online. It’s not like I’m not in front of a computer 90% of my waking life.
There’s a teevee commercial for one of those business schools where some kid says. “oh, I just love computers, and getting to work on them every day would be like a dream come true!”
Trust me buddy, that’ll wear off real quick.
morning gang!
cloudy this morning.
Pelosi hosing us all thoroughly.
Sam Seder/Maron show on in a few minutes!
Thanks to Cat Chew
Maron v Seder 6-20-2008 MP3 download links
Submitted by Cat Chew on Fri, 06/20/2008 – 1:29pm.
Oops. Too much hurry. Almost forgot I recorded the show.
These links will take you to a download page at MediaFire.
The number after the date is the bitrate.
(Sorry about the pop-up or pop-under advert.)
Maron v. Seder – June 20, 2008 -24.mp3 (9.3MB)
Maron v. Seder – June 20, 2008 -40.mp3 (15.5MB)
Untested and unbought
I caught the last half hour or so. Sound like he’s really getting screwed in the divorce. A shame people have to do that.
House Democrats cave again, 239-129, including 105 Democrats voting to pass it. :fu:
McClellan is testifying before congress (C-Span 2) . Very interesting!
Lincoln Karim has pictures of a young redtail, some baby squirrels and a cat he found abandoned and took home.
Beatiful pix as always , ZooP. The Cathedral shots literally give me flashbacks from when I lived across the street.
Noo Jerseryite, Vernon?
“With the exception of the cross-burning episode … I believe John Freshwater is teaching the values of the parents in the Mount Vernon school district,’’ he said.”.
That’s the defense Mr. Freshwater, an Ohio “science” teacher received from a good friend.
XM Radio is retooling it’s “Air America” channel (XM167). Come July 14, the satellite provider brings back its former name – America Left.
The channel will still carry Bill Press, Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Thom Hartmann and Mike Malloy. They are also adding Stephanie Miller and The Young Turks. Miller will likely take the 9A-noon shift currently held be Lionel. No word on what role the Turks, who left Air America earlier this year to do an internet-based afternoon show, play in this grand scheme. The show initially got its start on rival (and soon to be partner) Sirius. And there is no word on possible time shifts for the channel’s current offerings.
Can’t Feingold stop the FISA bill from coming to a vote?
If they can filibuster, they can stop it. Reid had previously refused to honor Dodd’s hold on the bill, so I think a filibuster is the way to go. I can only guess that if the presumptive Democratic nominee worked with Feingold, Dodd, and the person who came in second in the nomination, telling Reid and the Democratic caucus that their nominee was committed to a public filibuster, and to not support him would be a terrible blow for his chances in November, they would be forced to support the filibuster.
However, never overestimate a Democrat.
I wonder what the gentlemen’s agreement is in the senate to filibuster your own party? I can’t see ‘Bama taking that much of a risk.
This goes beyond the definition of spineless bastards
Is there anyone left in Congress representing what’s left of america? or what we were under the illusion of what america is/was?
The question is always being asked by malloy “Is there ANYTHING that the republicans can point to that they have accomplished?! I think it applies to the dems even more- Let’s face it, the republicans have accomplished EVERYTHING they wanted in the face of absolutely no :fu: ‘in resistance from the dems 😡 :fustrate: Constitution- destroyed
Civil rights- layed to waste
Unending War- check
Utterly docile citizenry living in fear- check :growl: 😡
Obama is opposed to the bill. At this point he has no choice but to throw Reid, Pelosi and Hoyer under the bus and publicly support the bill’s defeat. If he doesn’t, he will be seen as capitulating to Bush, and by extension, McCain.
People have been saying Obama needs to be more assertive. I can’t think of a better way for him to do that than by standing up for the Fourth Amendment and swatting this bill away. I would guess that he’s waiting until the news cycle starts back up next week, rather than coming out with a statement on Friday afternoon.
Not that I’ve watched much news this week, but didn’t Obama meet with a group of retired generals and admirals who support his campaign? Maybe he knew this was coming and decided to make sure his military/security backup was in order in time for the attacks he will surely receive from Fox, Rush et al, not to mention Grampa McAngry.
Nothing against Obama, but it sucks that Russ Feingold will never be president. Of course, it sucks that I’ll never have sex with Scarlett Johannsen either. Such is life.
Enough deep thinking. It’s Friday and I need :40:
I’ll see you a Lieberman and raise you a Hagel-
Maybe you could ask ‘Bama for Scarlett’s email address.
Joan Walsh on msnbc just said that ‘Bama will support the FISA bill. He’s against immunity but, you know what can you do :crap:
My guess is that if there’s an attempt at a filibuster, he’ll miss the vote. The bill will pass in the Senate, and he’ll quietly vote against it, but more than enough Democrats will be on board.I hope I’m wrong, and that he’ll make a strong statement and lead the filibuster (the key there is that the Democrats have to back him, or he’ll look like a chump). I would like to see both of my Senators out in front of this too. But I’m not holding my breath.
Never mind.
7:59, Happy Solstice! It’s all downhill from here.
Yeah, down hill into HELL! But I have a pool :sammy: so, I don’t care anymore. It’s the only thing that keeps my spirits up right now. That, and making Wavy Gravy mugs.
Well, it is obvious that Obama is not the Great Black/White/Ebony/Ivory Hope — he’s in a tough spot. But he’s got a lotta ‘splainin’ to do about the FISA vote. WTF? Do we need to guess whose side he’s on? Whaddaya think about THAT, Randi?
I just wanna :barf:
Dru, what the hell is going out there on the Left Coast??? Be safe :pent: :pent: :pent: !!
:cat: :pup: :jesus:
I think he’ll be, at best, another Republican like Bill Clinton. I look forward to seeing other Senators stand up for the constitution. Other than the usual handful (and one has a brain tumor), I don’t expect much.
My Computer is acting up … but Keep On Keeping On,,,
… and :yinyang: Cheers King Kong…/|\ and Cheers to Fred, the “elan” of this sight …
:tommygun: :pirate: A!I!V! :pirate: 8) Cheers RAGING Granny :peace: 2 :jesus: :pup: :cat: :dancers: 😉
…and I am “forced” to acknowledge — I am so very sorry Sue P (not, :rofl2: ) … BUT “ZooP” :rofl2: another perfect one. :bow: Brilliant :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: LMAO :rofl2:
(sorry Sioux but i do not laugh much these days)
John Dean implied that the FISA bill might still make it possible for the telecoms to be subject to criminal charges and that maybe ‘Bama would be open to that…….., I don’t know, I’m confused 🙄
still kinda smells like :crap: to me
Heron ( who? teehee), re :cat: Litter, I think mine is called Good News – but it is 100% recycled and can be flushed and I like :banana: … but I hate where I have to purchase it from … so Between The 👿 & Deep Blue Sea … :doh:
One for the birth state
145! :cake:
From Facebook…
Carl Kasell is amused at the US Senate….and also happy the thong song is making an appearance on the show this week.
8 hours ago
Networks: Chicago, IL
National Public Radio
Facebook :smack: :fustrate: WELL, my blog thingy is at least getting pixs and things just cuz i can send from myspace … and pretty bloody great (NOT) for 2 years 🙄 :doh: …
You just like to torment and show one’s frailty :fustrate:
i am at least trying to figure out “How To Enter What Bloody Code?”
I did enter every code to try which main pix .. but The Computer of course said No! :billcat: 🙄 :dancers: