So, summer is here again. And another all too short weekend. I hope to get the grass cut, do my laundry, and keep the dogs entertained. Other than that, I’m not expecting much out of myself. That way, I rarely let myself down.
Posted by pjsauter on June 21, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized | 14 Comments
So, summer is here again. And another all too short weekend. I hope to get the grass cut, do my laundry, and keep the dogs entertained. Other than that, I’m not expecting much out of myself. That way, I rarely let myself down.
It’s a beautiful morning, here. Now I’ve gottta get some stuff done.
Hey, we might actually have a governor’s race down here in 2010. Charlie Crist is being reviled by Repigs and Dems alike for his flip-flopping on offshore drilling. No one seems very happy about his decision to stop protecting Florida’s beaches and tourism industry so that he will be in a better position to slip McCain some tongue, I mean push his own political career.
The only support I’ve heard for Crist so far came last night on a local PBS panel show from a Repig apologist who apparently gets hot flashes whenever she speaks the holy name of Charlie, because she was dropping his name so much they probably had to mop under her chair afterwards.
Who knows, this may even cause his approval rating to slip under 60%. Not to mention that Grampa McAngry is going to be less likely to choose Crist as his VP if FL Repigs hate Crist more than they hate Grampa.
Tee hee.
beautiful day for Summer Solstice here in BC!
i love saturdays, and have all my life. i’m working today, another early Camaro fix.
From Gail Collins op ed on picking a VP:
did you know that William King, Franklin Pierce’s running mate, was the only bachelor vice president, and that he lived for years with James Buchanan, the only bachelor president?
Stonehenge Was Cemetery First and Foremost, Study Says
Stonehenge stood as giant tombstones to the dead for centuries—perhaps marking the cemetery of a ruling prehistoric dynasty—new radiocarbon dating suggests.
The site appears to have been intended as a cemetery from the very start, around 5,000 years ago—centuries before the giant sandstone blocks were erected—the new study says.
Maybe a ripost…
:bee: :bee: Merry Meet Merry Part Merry Meet Again
Beltane & Summer Solstice & Whatever 8)

{sorry PJ – I did not know that the photo would show … 😳 (i thought only The Code would)}
Billie Holday’s Summertime
Janis Joplin, too
Listening to Janis’ rendition … TRES Cool :pirate: 8)
my computer is perhaps threatening to saying :nod: perhaps 🙄
Maron v. Seder 6.20.2008
When I said :nod: above on previous post, I meant :no: ….. oops 😳 😀 … :doh: 🙄 :peace: 😀
I could say something bad about Obama but i want :peace: 4 now ..
Evening all, well I’m off tomorrow so it’s Stooges and Star Trek in the morning. Only one day off though. man grocery hours suck.
The latest MPG calculation is 42.008.
Maybe pj can add the Stooges to the Booblehead wrap
Performing on Austin City Limits, Gretchen Wilson – a yeee-hawww” type of Gal sang “…ain’t ya glad we ain’t all Californian girls…” grrr Well, since I was Born and Raised in California – gosh I guess I am a Californian Girl.
…and since she is from Texas …”Well Ya Know..”..”.ain’t ya glad we ain’t all Californian Girls” – my response is, ” Yep!!!”
Oh, & Andy aka Aquaman, LLaP … 😉 & just keep remembering”They Have To Pay You. :rofl2: :alc: :nod: ”
Also, thank you Vernon for posting M v S VOD. :fire: I have not got to watch yet and it sounds that I must before working on other project . Hopefully I will get to listen to VOD later tonight. :sammy: