So, another Sunday, another morning filled with pompous windbags. First up, on Press the Meat, it’s the only man who could possibly fill in for the godlike Tim Russert, NBC News God, Tom Brokaw. Today, Tommuh is at the Western Governors Association Annual Meeting in (Michael) Jackson Hole, Wyoming with Arnold “the pig” Schwarzenegger, Wyoming’s Governor Dave Freudenthal, and Colorado’s Bill Ritter. Oh, and sphincter-faced twerp Chuck Todd, too.
On CBS, Bob Schiefer hosts Wesley Clarke, who will hopefully strangle Joe “droopy dog” Lieberman (or at least shove something down the slimy bastard’s throat so nobody has to listen to him; frankly, I have no idea why they give this little sideshow freak any airtime at all). Along for the ride will be David Sanger,
Editor-in-Chief of the New York Times.
Fux News Sunday and Weaselface Wallace have Obamabot Ed Rendell, St. McCain boot (et. al.) licker Rob “Natalie” Portman, and everybody’d favority lunatic, Bob “Roseanne” Barr. AS if that wasn’t enough, there’ll also be the usual Fuxheads, and “Power Player of the Week” Carol Joynt, who owns Nathans Restaurant.
On This Weak, George Snufalufagus hosts the rather icky Rahm Emanuel, and the very icky Tim “Bridges? We don’t need no stinking bridges” Pawlenty. Then professional narcissist Ralph Nader will teach George some “black” talk. Then, on the “Roundtable,” it’s Arianna Huffington, Byron “dork” York, the very disgusting Hugh Hewitt, and editor of The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel. Holy Shit! No George :jerk: Will? It just won’t feel like Sunday.
CNN’s Late Emission mit Wolf Blitzer has Mitch “the prick” McConnell, Jersey Jon Corzine, LA Governor Piyush “Bobby” Jindal (they’re outsourcing all our jobs these days, aren’t they?), U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, Ryan “don’t call me Betty” Crocker, my homeboy, Terry McAuliffe, and Sy Hersh, on to cheer us up with some happy news, no doubt.
Later, on 60 Minutes, Lara Logan isn’t on, so who really gives a shit?
Enjoy your Sunday, everybody.
Marc Ribot, Buddy Miller, T-Bone Burnett
Louie Armstrong canceled a 1957 trip to Moscow after President Dwight D. Eisenhower refused to send federal troops to Little Rock, Ark., to enforce school-integration laws. “The way they are treating my people in the South, the government can go to hell,†he said. “It’s getting so bad, a colored man hasn’t got any country.â€
Administration officials feared that this broadside, especially from someone so genial as “Ambassador Satchmo,†would trigger a diplomatic disaster. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told Attorney General Herbert Brownell that the situation in Arkansas was “ruining our foreign policy.†Two weeks later, facing pressure from many quarters, Eisenhower sent the National Guard to Arkansas. Armstrong praised the move and agreed to go on a concert tour of South America.
Good for John Foster Dulles. Somebody oughta name an airport after him.
GOVs of CA, CO, WY = :barf: :fustrate: my head hurts 🙄 …A!I!V!
:omg: :growl: :fist:
I guess I should say further reasons why …
OIL + Nuclear Development is the answer so says the whoreDEMs + 1 whore rethug — typical –:fustrate:
re talking heads on Meet The press 🙄
Wish I had seen more of This Weak. Seemed like Nadir stumbled through his usual tired talking points. Sad to see a once great man destroying his legacy. It was a better than usual panel. :hubba:
Gay Pride Parade here today but I think if I venture out again it will be to see ex- Kronos Quartet cellist Joan Jeanrenaud :love: doing an in-store at Amoeba Music.
SNL really wasn’t that great. Carlin really didn’t connect that well with the audience, there was another woman stand-up who’s long been lost to history and not that much of the cast. It’s amazing that the show continued. The thing I remembered the most about it was Andy Kaufman. The earnestness of Janis Ian was almost laughable.
We went to see Wall-E……….., and if you go, there will be things that connect with a lot of what Maron talks about lately. 😯
:pup: 🙄 that’s why I like truth of wolves… LBH :rofl2: :rofl2: but always with a seed of truth :rofl2:
artnorton I WATCHED SNL thx 2 U … tres 8) I Thank You Truly :nod: 😉 :banana: :rofl2: … I liked George….. :bow:
he was important to the times…
FEDERER Great Play … and ass :hubba: now I am being a :pup: :rofl2:
:smack: …I gotta get to work and find my bloody reading glasses ,,,*poof*
Then, on the “Roundtable,†it’s Arianna Huffington, Byron “dork†York, the very disgusting Hugh Hewitt, and editor of The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel. Holy Shit! No George Will? It just won’t feel like Sunday.
Yeah, it was GREAT! If no George Will means we get to see Arianna and Katrina :hot: :hot: :hubba: double-teaming Hugh Hewitt, by all means bring it on. Adrianna even had the audacity to use the “sleazy liberal tactic” (not Hewitt’s exact words, probably, but something like that) of READING HIS OWN QUOTE BACK TO HIM WORD FOR WORD. The truth is such a pain in the ass to some people.
Now if we could just get rid of Snuffelupagus and Charlie Gibson, I might watch ABC more often. But I’m not holding my breath.
But on the bright side, Amy Winehouse seems to be getting her energy back.
Spit out her gum? Looks more like someone just took away her crack pipe.
Strawbs and Cream
Fingers crossed
re: #11- Ginger Baker sponsered a concert by Elvin Jones in Denver a few years ago when he lived here. At intermission, I watched him smoke a whole cigarette and, I swear, he never exhaled :bong:
re:#12- WTF ❓
I think Vernon was just getting us prepared for Maron on Hartmann tomorrow, when they’ll hopefully have the camera turned on. I hope I’ll be able to tune in while at work.
11 … :rofl2: I liked the “ribits” 2 :rofl2: :rofl2:
but … :knit2:
TreeHugger Wasting more time …well back to work…
This has all been said since the ’60s with a major move in the 80’s …………………… :fustrate: 🙄 :reaper: :dancers:
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:pirate: :knit: :fist: A!I!V! :reaper: :dancers: .. first breathe again …
That little Maron Vision set looks a little like the teevee I have in my bedroom that’s so old it needs rabbit ears, pre cable prepared. Although there is one of those old roof top antennaes I could try to find the hook up to. I’m goin’ low tech :fist: They’re not gonna force me to buy a new teevee for HD. Hell, I think I’d be happy watching a little black and white tv like we had in the early 70’s.
You’ve heard of the Florida panther? Apparently there’s a new breed of cat in Orlando this weekend… the tagging cougar.
Party unity is still a work in progress, I guess.
:yawn: 🙄 … oh and 2 b’s for ribbit 🙄 :doh: …
:fist: A!I!V!
Covers du jour
:parrot: :parrot:
oooooo I wish I had TIME to respond to so many “funny” things post’d
:pirate: :rant1: 🙄 but gotta go wash some dishes and clean some wood floors and do some more laundry and … :omg: :billcat: *poof*
what are old men called ? … that’s all I am saying …
…and I did CROSS and was meeting folks from SF until he voted poorly against FISA, thus proving he is a LYING WHORE and same ol’ same ol’ whoring rethug…(thx randi :nana: ) … BBL now *poof*
I assume you mean Obama? You realize the Senate hasn’t voted on FISA one way or the other yet, right?
I don’t like what he’s said one bit (nor am I surprised, frankly), but I think it’s important to be both accurate and accurately informed.
Oh, pj, such triviality.
PJ, sorry I was wrong … :smack: I believe you totally. This was one thing if I went a tad bit public, I never wanted to do which was to be so running around to make such a stupid mistake … if I just was able to read this week or two plus and not half-ass listen on the run.
I guess when I heard him all week I thought I HEARD” that he did and she didn’t … my bad :spank: I am mostly away so I shouldn’t even look nor try to “play” here, since this proves to me I must be in different “places” & elsewhere… :smack: … 🙄 … :fustrate: :doh:
:tommygun: Be well :pirate: 8) Fred … :hubba: 😉
:fist: A!I!V!
Alright, it has been a week. It can go on as far as I’m concerned. Longer than reegan, longer than russtard, every day.
Thanks, George! Sorry if it has been done but it is worth repeating. Rave on! :rant1:
🙁 :gate: :peace:
3 days in a row o’ Maron?
Maron V Seder .. Tuesday …July 1 time TBD ..
Submitted by SEDER on Wed, 11/07/2007 – 11:40pm.
Maron v. Seder videocast show onTUESDAY time TBD
One piece of music I always wanted to get was the Kronos Quartet version of the Television song Marquee Moon.
Spew Spewitt:
“Last football game we will be able to see before the United States gets blown up by Islamic terrorists”
Embarrassing quote for the Huge Halfwit.
It is probably around here somewhere. I’ll look for it.
vernon is the library of congress of music