So, I’m on my way out to the park yesterday, driving past the “DEMAND DOMESTIC DRILLING NOW!” signs (not just support it, mind you, but fucking DEMAND) it, and I’ve got the radio on. Apparently I’m officially old now, because if I don’t have NPR on, I’m generally listening to the oldies station (not even the “Classic Rock” station, but the oldies station that used to play, like, Elvis and Frankie Lane and Johnnie Ray and Theresa Brewer and the Ames Brothers and Pat fuckin’ Boone, fer chrissakes, when I was a kid, and now plays – talk about depressing – the music of my life).
In my defense, radio around here really blows, except for some of the weekend shows on the SU station, so there isn’t much of a choice.
Anyhow, they have this regular little banter on with the DJ and the guy who flies around in his airplane giving traffic reports, where the DJ asks a stupid trivia question, and the pilot (who apparently doesn’t have enough to do flying his plane and trying to spot traffic in a town that has none) tries to answer it. So yesterday’s question is:
“Only one crime is defined in the US Constitution. Is it: a) Murder, b) Treason, or c) Stealing.”
OK, I’m no constitutional attorney like Barack “Warrantless Wiretapping is Cool with Me” Obama (BTW, if you think the only thing wrong with the soon to be enacted FISA update is telco immunity, you haven’t been paying attention; the wonderful “compromise” that makes immunity oh-so-worth-it is worse than the immunity itself), but I can make a pretty good goddamn educated guess at that one.
So the pilot says,
“What was b) ?”
And the DJ says, “treason.”
I’m thinkin’ maybe it’s noisy in the plane.
“Treason. T-R-E-A-S-O-N. Treason.”
“Gee, I dont’ know what ‘treason’ means.”
You don’t know what fucking treason means? WTF? Are there, like, no minimum requirements whatsoever to get a pilot’s license? I’ll tell ya, this explains a lot of these midair collisions. Find it in the freakin’ dictionary, dude; look for the picture of George W. Bush, and it should be right there. I mean, c’mon, I’m no William Saffire, but, jeezus, treason isn’t a “big” word, is it? It aint exactly antidisestablishmentarianism (or even supercalifragilisticexpialidocious). I don’t know. Maybe this guy was home schooled or something.
So, the dude guesses “stealing” (since he apparently knows what that means). Oy. Even if you don’t know what treason means, don’t you thing it’s a safe bet that murder and ‘stealing’ are common enough that the friggin’ Constitution isn’t going to go out of its way to make it the one goddamn crime it mentions?
I’ll bet this fella’s DEMANDING domestic drilling, too, damnit! And demanding it NOW!
I’m telling you, as a species, we really deserve what’s coming to us. It’s just too bad the rest of us have to get caught in the fallout.
Happy July, y’all!
American Family Association reverses course on ‘Gays’
Is the American Family Association anti-gay… and anti-’Gay’?
OneNewsNow, the “Christian news service†covertly owned by the AFA, receives syndicated content from providers like the Associated Press and edits instances of the word “gay†to read “homosexual.†Although the site is registered to the conservative, anti-gay organization, the fact is not disclosed anywhere on the site.
An article posted Sunday night about Olympic track and field star Tyson Gay was no exception.
“Tyson Homosexual easily won his semifinal for the 100 meters at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials,†the article read, “and seemed to save something for the final later Sunday.†The headline read “Homosexual eases into 100 final at Olympic events.â€
Comment by andy aka Aquaman — June 30, 2008 @ 1:44 pm
The track and field star! The long-lost seventh member of the Village People.
Too bad Marvin Gaye isn’t around to hear about this. He could put on a special show for them and sing his many hits. “Let’s Get It On.” “You Sure Love To Ball.” And end the show, of course, with “Sexual Healing.”
This strikes me as the kind of semantic bullshit that George Carlin would have enjoyed mocking mercilessly. (I brought Jammin’ In New York to work today. Rockets and Penises in the Persian Gulf!)
And you gotta love the headline “Homosexual eases into 100 final.” No matter how carefully he eases into it, you have to think he must have been getting tired after the first 50.
In the deserving what’s coming to us department:
The Today Show’s top story is Portugal calling off of the search for Madeline McCann. The second story was news that Amerigo Vespucci has given up his quest for finding new lands.
As long as they keep looking for Madeline Kahn.
Three Iraqis and a Jordanian filed federal lawsuits Monday alleging they were tortured by U.S. defense contractors while detained at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in 2003 and 2004.
The lawsuits allege that those arrested and taken to the prison were subjected to forced nudity, electrical shocks, mock executions and other inhumane treatment. They seek unspecified payments high enough to compensate the detainees for their injuries, and to deter contractors from such conduct in the future.
“These innocent men were senselessly tortured by U.S. companies that profited from their misery,” said lead attorney Susan L. Burke, of the Philadelphia law firm Burke O’Neil. “These men came to U.S. courts because our laws, as they have for generations, allow their claims to be heard here.”
I don’t know if I can handle the fill in’s for Steph’s show. Frangela are incredibly annoying. And Imus has taken over Charles Goyettes slot so, I have no alternatives :smack: Good thing we have Maron for 6 hours this week.
I think I liked Frangela for a second the first time. Problem is she has them on every Friday and I usually turn elsewhere during that slot. I wish she still had Elayne Boosler and Merrill Markoe as the designated subs. I liked them better than most of the shows including SM. Elayne said that there was just too much prep needed to do the show properly in their eyes. I disagreed but they still gave it up.
:pirate: :billcat: 🙁 :gate:
Some people say
Marc Maron on last 2 hrs of Opie and Anthony
Submitted by lumstruck on Tue, 07/01/2008 – 10:35am.
Will rerun later in the day as well on XM…
You might find an opportunity to hear a replay somewhere.
Oh..Dear Druid….such sadness..hd to go to the past to figure out V’s cryptic post :knit: :gate:
:jason: , :spank: to speeders.
Dear Heron and Cryptic V. and all to whom cared for 8) :billcat: , noble One-Eye-Jack… (I am trying to remember for years what I called him but he came running to One-Eye-Jack and 3 “super’ whistles (whistles only a few men can do :rofl2: :rofl2: :banana: .) … …
although I am still :knit2: 🙁 😥 … I want to say the positive…
I Save many and so I get many very old young men, some with nary a tooth, starving with a horrid life and a very ugly destiny death…, with many a vet saying it could have been hours to a day of life left in them — and ALL now to die with much love and a reminder of their worth and grand value… with food in their belly’s and love within every breath… and most travel with me beyond their years, here in town, especially — a challenge on “Tara’s Keep” (the land).)
I was viewed with awe from a clerk at an animal store that my dead-rats-walking rats (aka my lil gems) are 3 1/2 plus years (3 females have tumors for many months) … to wrap all up… the animals all have very good Deaths… all good or bad deaths are all endings and beginnings and endings again and,,, but ending with a good death is what we all wish for.. :bow:
Thank You Again All :bow: :yinyang: :om: /|\ :pirate: 8) :billcat: :knit: :gate:
I liked the Boosler too
Now to The Thing that bugged the HOLY Hell out of me this day…
… you have a GRAND life while you wait to kick more ass (even with more of Your Words) … “Stop baby what’s that sound…? Everybody look what’s going down.. (i think :rofl2: ).” … for now with only secrets to follow (& she (me) is not talking of Death… :rofl2: ), she baits :banana: … 🙄 I have to get back to work… :fist: A!I!V! :fist:
:pirate: but these are some ways to follow …”It’s All I Can Stand … I Can’t stand no more…” but only if I can write…sooooooooooo…
PJ you Dear Man… Yes tis true one can die in a blink of an eye
… BUT TO BEGIN … DUDE YOU made your own WORLD … and “it” will only grow & build …the people you work With ADORES You, & your ways, mostly :rofl2: 😉 please wait for just a bit longer
Now i still believe of speaking WHY and putting needed directions (the Beginning – ALPHA)
— only started speaking that way …more to follow ASAP — probably will lose some Friends and so…
have RG interpret … LBH :rofl2: 😉
Giants winning by 1 :pirate: 8)
Druid, I missed your post about One Eyed Jack, yesterday. I am so sorry. I know Jack was a good friend. :gate:
eya D6,
i hate having my friends run over by idjits.
a broken heart is part of life too.
remember the good stuff.