Don’t forget (as if you would), Maron on again for Hartmann today. I generally download Hartmann, ‘cuz I can get it for free. He drives me up the friggin’ wall if I sit and really listen, but it has kind of a numbing affect if you leave it on in the background while you, for lack of a better term, work.
Of course, hearing a real radio show that’s actually funny and entertaining makes it that much tougher to go back to listening to the Hart Man.
Remind me again, how come Maron isn’t on every day?
First again? Wake up, sheeple. You’re making me look like a morning person. Egads.
The reason we have neither Marc nor Sam is that out AAR wise men know what’s good for us and what we should want to listen to. None of this foolish “give the audience what it wants.” That’s why AAR is doing so very well.
Top o the mornin’ , all.
Terrorists among us in the good ol’ USA according to T’day Show headlines.This time a white druggie. Yup, they said he terrized small towns. And on BushCo’s watch.
John McCain engaged in a physical confrontation in 1987 with a left-wing Sandinista leader during a diplomatic meeting in Nicaragua, according to one of his colleagues, Sen. Thad Cochran, a Mississippi Republican.
Notably mild-mannered, Cochran startled many people earlier this year with comments about McCain’s volatile temper, but has since mended fences with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
Still, Cochran told the Sun Herald of Biloxi, Miss., on Monday that he’d witnessed a confrontation between McCain and a Sandinista leader that shocked him, in which McCain “got mad at the guy and he just reached over there and snatched him.”
Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1972 and to the U.S. Senate in 1978, Cochran typically measures his words and his actions carefully. But he drew wide national notice in January when he told The Boston Globe his judgment of his longtime Senate colleague McCain.
“The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine,” Cochran told the Globe. “He is erratic. He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me.”
Sen. Dodd is asking for signatures on his amendment to strip immunity from the telecom bill.
Some people say over on the Seder blog that Sam will be subbing for Malloy next week.
I did not mean to be cryptic about O-E-J but I figured Jack was a private sort since he never got around to posting a usable YouTube I could post. I refused to post “Stray Cat Blues” since I found out Brian Setzer was a devout repug.
So One-Eye-Jack will have to settle for a third day of note on the MS Blog and the immortality of the many previous mentions of his adventures.
Say Hi to Butch.
😉 :billcat: 🙁 :gate:
Madam Marie, 93, passes away
:gate: 🙁
Can anyone post a link to the Firetruck bit? I can’t find the mp3 I had downloaded years ago.
Do we have Maronvision?
Yes we do!
We got Maron Vision!
Yay! But it’s a mixed blessing because now I’m gonna feel compelled to watch and I won’t get anything done.
Lunch with Maron again! With the big-ass salad. I could get used to this. (Nothing personal, Thom.)
Get back to work, save your money, and we can all be on that post election AAR cruise with special guests Ron Reagan and Bob Shrum in November!
I used “Cryptic” cuz I luv the word … and saying Butch and O-E-J … :rofl2: … I think “someone” is “seeing” what is on a zillion levels… :rofl2: 😉 :gate:
I do not have a video of O-E-J or it would have been everywhere posted… Also I Haven’t a clue what to do :doh: 🙄 :rofl2: (OEJ & B 😉 :rofl2: story :nod: :doh: ) I may have picture since I have to develop some “instant” pixs I no longer use my 35m and I have no batteries for my digital camera :doh: (ever 🙄 ATT) .. (I do not keep photos, usually since I usually draw or paint or just remember in my mind.)
And thank You — for Marc’s video.
Madam Marie, 93, /|\ :knit: :gate:
This Lionel clown sounds like Jay Leno on helium.
I NEED :bow: THE CARDINAL :priest: ish :rofl2: sniff 🙁
Hitchens waterboarded. I think this guy is a pompous windbag, but he’s got more guts than I do, and this really, really creeps me out.
Mark Marin sits in for Thom Hartmann.
Today’s podcast looks to be up. Guess MM has moved back to NoCal.
I think this is the whole thing today from KTLK in one piece.
As of a few minutes ago, the kkgn podcast for today’s second hour is Hartman’s second hour from yesterday. The first and third hour are Maron.
Was Hitchin’s in favor of torture before this?
I’m surprised he didn’t insist on being vodka-boarded :40:
I didn’t watch the video but I was guessing it was being done by his sommelier.
Vernon…where do you get Marc is in NoCal? 🙄
Duh…and I was just talking to my friend in Marin county. :smack:
So, the teller in the bank yesterday had a name tag on and her name was Griselda and I couldn’t get this song out of my head. I told her she had a cool name. She was too young to know the reference.
I’ve always had mixed feelings about Hitchens but he’s got huge cahon’s to do that. It removes any doubt anyone might have.
Somebody tell Maron good luck with the LA tap water and being off the grid
Wasn’t it LA that had all the pharmeceuticals in the water? I think it was. Well that prompted Phoenix to test their water and it was reported on NovaM that our water came out clean. :banana: I use the Brita system too but I don’t think those things will filter out the drugs.
Yeah, endocrine disruptors are all over in the water table now.
I wonder when we’ll get water pipelines from Canada
Well, today was another suboptimal day at
:reaper: :slap: The Miracle Center :slap: :reaper:
And then I come home to find that Madame Marie (#7) has bought the farm! :reaper: :knit2:
She sounds like she was quite a character & must have been very interesting to know! :rofl2: May she R.I.P. :jesus:
This world needs more Madame Maries & fewer GWBs.
RG :nod: 🙁 re MM {#7} :bow: :knit: :gate:
:pirate: :knit:
I always say is a certain form of “our legacy” :cat: :pup: :billcat: :banana: … “psychics”, as an example, :reaper: seers, and ghosts :reaper: speakers and similar … :banana: ,,, 😆 8)
:fist: A!I!V! :fist: 😉 *poof*
How is it a line like this
Well the cops finally busted Madame Marie for tellin’ fortunes better than they do
can stick out in your mind almost unlike any other of the millions you hear in your life?
This boardwalk life for me is through
You know you ought to quit this scene too
Yeah, I know why.
If anyone missed Rachel hosting the KO show- not only am I so, so glad to see her becoming more and more visable in msm, but I had never heard of Rosa Brooks- she had a real Molly Ivins vibe to her that I really enjoyed. :banana:
My Dear Vernon, re 34 after my 33 — I have no idea what you mean…hmmm
You do not know what I mean,,,hmmm
I just feel confused & frustrated :fustrate: :knit2: :pirate: hmmm
Does one realize that due to the fact that MANY NON-PERFECT WOMEN were called witches AND THEY WERE JUST THE LAND OWNERS and also CALLED OLD HAGS and “tortured” and “hanged” — ALL UNDER THE NAMES OF WITCH … when they were just nurturers and “herb” CHRISTIAN!!! healers!?! I AND OTHERS ARE PROUD WITCHES (and DRUID 4 me also and also Wiccan AND…)
Yes many a charlaton upon my path but also upon the Christian “path”. :nod: and my path is far more eco, enviromental, a pro animal rights and oh so much more … be careful to assume… 🙄 more to say but “… …but I’m Late I’m Late. I’m Late. … …” *poof*
I’m sure my thoughts were much simpler and in the short simplicity of the song was its brilliance and the beauty for me. I just took it for what I thought it was.
Some YouTube from a guy I work with
That Madame song kinda creeps me out.
I was a house guest at friends in calif.. Early in the morning the stereo came on I hadn’t realized there was a speaker near my head..Bruce whispering my name..I’d never heard the song before or since.
Hear in latte land there’s a ton of caffeine making the seals nervous :penguin:
I made those shots all of the time but no camera.
Hey, All who gets this-
The Maron/Proops experiment lives. UCB Los Angeles tomorrow night, Thurs, July 3rd, at 9:30. Sorry about the late notice. Things been a bit hectic lately.
Maron Upright Citizens Brigade Theater5919 Franklin Ave Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 908-8702
heron, don’t know many (any?) women who would have had that reaction to the Boss whispering their name into their ear no matter what the circumstances.
btw, the Seder blog has changed and the Maron v. Seder header just vanished after 7 months. Seder not subbing for Thom. Marin not subbing for Malloy.
“They’ve got fish-gutting equipment”
— Mike Malloy, on modern-day SWAT squads