Ah, July 4th, when we honor the great white men who forged an astounding democracy in North America. A democracy that considered black folks to be livestock (except when it came to apportioning representatives to Congress, of course, when they were counted as 60% human). And a ‘democracy’ that didn’t consider women – not even the white ones – as worthy of the vote. And, really, people like Adams were so terrified of the common people (the dirty fucking hippies of the time, I suppose), that they came up with the electoral college nonsense, with which wee are still saddled.
Problem is, there already was a democracy in North America – a confederation of the six Haudenosaunee nations – upon which the government of the United States of America (absent that pesky equal rights and womens’ vote stuff) would eventually be based.
Anyhow, back in 1763 or so, the Haudenosaunee had secured from the British a royal proclamation outlawing intrusions by the colonies onto Haudenosaunee land and creating formal procedures by which native nations could, if they desired, sell territory – as long as the sale was endorsed by the British government.
Needless to say, this pissed off our forefathers to no end (maybe even more than that tea tax you hear so much about). After all, this was their goddamn land to steal and kill for, and those bloody redcoats should just stay the fuck out!
So, the fine leaders of the colonies (mostly a bunch of land speculators), in the finest tradition of god fearing white men everywhere, ignored the new laws and encouraged settlement into native lands. Although they were far superior warriors (especially on their native land), the Haudenosaunee, wishing to avoid involvement in a conflict that would strain their confederacy (the Oneidas and Tuscaroras tended to side with the rebels, while the rest of the six nations sided with the British), made two treaties with the colonies in order to guarantee its neutrality.
The colonies, of course, failed to live up to their end of the treaties, and in 1777 the Haudenosaunee took up arms to thwart an illegal military venture into their territory by the “Americans” at the Battle of Oriskany.
The great white father George Washington decided to send General John Sullivan into Haudenosaunee territory in a “preemptive attack” (sound familiar?) to break the back of the Six Nations. In fact, the most significant US military venture of 1779 was not against the British, but Sullivan’s raids against the Haudenosaunee.
Sullivan and his 3,500+ troops were ordered by Washington to “lay waste all settlements around…so that country may not only be overrun but destroyed.” Sullivan launched a “scorched earth campaign” (a lot like US tactics in Vietnam), torching over 40 Haudenosaunee communities and destroying thousands of acres of crops. During the following winter of 1779-80 – among the most severe of the time – thousands of Haudenosaunee men, women and children – deprived of food and shelter – died of starvation and exposure. Their determination to carry on the fight remained, but the British eventually decided to cut their losses, and the 1783 Treaty of Paris between the US and Britain ended the war, but neglected to offer any protection to the Haudenosaunee. Veterans of the Sullivan raids snatched up huge amounts of Haudenosaunee territory, and the rest, as they say, is history
So, happy Independence Day, everybody! Well, to all us descendants of white Europeans, anyway.
That’s a sad history, PJ but it does fit our pattern. And now we have another George who seems to have taken the worst parts of all our historical Georges and added a lack of curiosity and empathy to the already deadly mix.
My poor dogs hate all the fireworks. Emily will hide in a closet tonight (unless it rains) but I will find parking spaces and empty stores, today as so many people left the City, yesterday.
Is this the system? Or is it people that just don’t care? I went to the emergency room once with major nausea, I thought I was gonna die. I wasn’t able to sit on the chair in the waiting room I was so sick so I sat on the floor. The receptionist kept telling me to get off the floor in an impatient manner. There was absolutely no one elsein there so I wasn’t in anyones way. I wasn’t dying or anything even though I felt like it but the people in that hospital were very judgemental, mean and uncaring. Maybe because fishes stink from the head down, the system causes people to not care. But I see that same attitude else where too, so, maybe it’s just America. It’s very difficult to feel patriotic today.
Palemale and Lola have been a pair for at least 10 years. For the last thee years, since their nest was destroyed and rebuilt, their eggs have failed to hatch. Yet, they remain together. Usually, they spend a lot of time in separate pursuits and they sleep in separate places. But, recently they have been finding comfort in each other’s company and Lincoln has some nice shots of them:
And, Druid, I finally did get back to sleep so no #11. :no:
Enjoy the holiday, everyone.
Best healthcare system in the world.
great rant this AM pj!
Former Sen. Jesse Helms dies at 86
Sorry for the weird vid quality.
No tears, no gate. :fu:
Helms :nod: yeh I heard a bit ago …..
I said out loud, with smile … “I am glad” but I thought I didn’t know if people would understand my glee … :pirate: :yippee: … A!I!V!
Sue P, Sadly Beautiful :love: , the story is. Hawks of certain species mate for life.
Have a Great Day All… :banana: :alc:
Sea-Ya … *Poof*
Wow pj, what a downer. Eat a fooking hot dog, dammit!
Hey Gang!!
Going to a BBQ later and trying not to run the AC.
Opera 9.51 OOOOOHH!!
There is a certain irony to the fact that the earth showed its patriotism by choosing this day to spit Jesse Helms off itself.
Me, I’m going to show my patriotism tonight by watching a documentary on the Ramones that I taped a couple of days ago. Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, Johnny, Joey and Dee Dee. It doesn’t get more American that that.
And yes, I know Johnny was a rightie. Which is one of the things that I loved about seeing them live – he always kept his mouth shut.
I always get a tear in my eye when they raise the flag and the children’s chorus sings “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue.”
As chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Michael E. O’Neill helped steer the Supreme Court nominations of John G. Roberts Jr. and Samuel A. Alito Jr. through the confirmation process. An expert on judicial nominations, Mr. O’Neill later spoke with pride to a legal magazine about helping place “some difficult federal judicial nominees†onto the lower federal courts.
The shoe is now on the other foot. President Bush nominated Mr. O’Neill to be a judge on the Federal District Court here last month, and there are signs that his nomination might be a difficult one as well.
O’Neill is the guy who supposedly slipped the provision into a bill that allowed Bushco to fire US Attorneys and replace them without going through a Senate confirmation. He was an assistant to Karl Rove and he was put into Arlens Spectre’s office as part of the deal that allowed Spectre to keep his Judiciary chairmanship.
Last year, a peer-reviewed legal journal, the Supreme Court Economic Review, issued a retraction of an article by Mr. O’Neill in 2004. “Substantial portions†of the article, the editors wrote, were “appropriated without attribution†from a book review by another law professor. In addition, at least four articles by Mr. O’Neill in other publications contain passages that appear to have been lifted from other scholars’ works without quotation marks or attribution.
Lush Limpballs got a contract worth almost 1/2 a billion dollars? Malloy rightly said that no one can get that much money unless they are being propped up by a corporatist cabal.
Or is a sports metaphor fitting? Pro athletes can get that much over a very short career. Howard Stern got that much. But Limbaugh broadcasts to a bunch of shut-ins. An any case, this boggles the mind.
:reaper: Methinks a Morning Remembrance is in order :reaper: :priest:
KP — I spent today working at the
:slap: :reaper: Miracle Center :reaper: :slap: . It was a nightmare. Not as bad as that poor lady in the Brooklyn hospital … that is is just one of a series of abominations that occur in hospitals in the poorest of neighborhoods. The institution I work in is a NYS facility and the only Level I trauma center & Pediatric ICU in the geographic area from the Canadian Border to the Pennsylvania Border & from Rochester to Albany — in fact, this facility has the only Burn Center (all of 4 beds) available to the Albany area other than NYC. I was flabbergasted when I found out there was no Burn Center in the Albany area, which is MUCH bigger than Syracuse and the goddam Capital of NYS fercryinoutloud :omg:
Horrible shit happens in hospitals because the system is so fragmented, too many people who work in them are abused by not being paid for the hours required to finish the work they need to do (gotta work unpaid because if ya don’t yer license & livelihood are on the line because you’re not meeting the Standard of Care = “regulations” and insurance companies wanna make sure they don’t pay for what people actually need and fuck anyone who is sick — they cost too damn much $$ and are cutting intou our sacred profits!!). Burnout is horrific & morale is in the toilet, especially in institutions which serve the poor.
There is no excuse for ignoring someone who is writhing on the floor. But there is a strong prevailing attitude among some that everyone is faking (I have encountered this particularly strongly in the case management work I’ve done for Workers Compensation — even in cases where there is very clear clinical evidence that contraindicates malingering) and so those in “authority”, i.e. admitting clerks, nurses, doctors, whoever have lost their humanity & their souls to the attitude that anyone in that position is just trying to get attention and doesn’t really need help. 😥 😡
If you are black, if you are a woman (particularly if you are black or ANY minority, especially if you don’t speak English) or if you are a child, you could be majorly S.O.L. if you are in trouble and end up in a place where the people who work there are so fried that they let you die on the floor. I’m not making excuses. That poor woman should have been attended to — it does not sound like the hospital she ended up in should have even been open for business and who knows what kind of track record they had.
The Berger Commission was a gift that our dear Rape-uplican governor gave before his exit last year. It consisted of a bunch of bean counters, politically appointed but “non partisan” that did a “study” of health care facilities statewide and recommended privatizing state run hospitals and merging them with private “not for profit” institutions. This is the kind of shit that causes the tragedies that allow human beings to die on the floors of hospitals in the country that has the “best health care system in the world” according to the fucking idiots who have NO clue as to how things REALLY work in the world of what is amusingly(to me, anyway) referred to as “health” care in this country.
PLEASE, Bloggies — take your vitamins, stay healthy, don’t get run over by a bus or anything, and PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS & PHARMACEUTICALS if you can — they’ll kill ya slowly or they’ll kill ya quickly — depends on what’s going on. Certainly Docs & Drugs are needed sometimes, but mainly I would not trust them except for fixing busted bones or other stuff that can’t be fixed except by getting cut open & rearranged. It is complicated. Prevention truly is the best cure and prevention has many levels. :pent: :billcat:
Sorry for the rant. It has truly been a horrible, horrible day in
:reaper: :slap: Hospital Land (a/k/a the Miracle Center) :slap: :reaper:
:priest: Please forgive me for the negative thoughts I have been thinking. :priest:
:omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:
Oh, and, hope y’all had a nice 4th of July holiday! :dancers:
:pup: :pup: :pup: :cat: :cat:
HP Weekend & Charmed VOD :pent: 8) :banana:
Yea To RAGING Granny now *poof* go make “other” magic.
:bow: 8)
:pirate: :knit: :dancers: 8) … you speak well and glad you do … no negative here when advising to be SUPER :pirate: women and men of the day
ALSO PJ CAN I POST — ALWAYS WITH YOUR NAME and at times like today part, or ALL of your WHATEVER… POSTS… TIS VERY GRAND …
on MY “page” since I kinda get — to me — many hits…
I have been posting to get ALL angry with my beliefs 8) :rant1: :rofl2: :yinyang: :pent: :om: /|\ but like today’s :rant1: of YOURS I just think I would like to share you and perhaps of RAGING G’s Great :rant1: s
…and ALWAYS using your name RAGING Granny can I also please use a bit or all of your so seldom :rant1: s and posts? This one is so important also. I think it is important to show and share TRUTH re humanity and “the hospital”. :omg: :growl: :fist: :pirate: :knit: A!I!V! :fist: 😉
I may have said this before but I got to go to a Giants game once with Johnny. He was a huge baseball fan and collector. Great watching the double takes as people went up the aisle and saw him sitting there.
Nice guy and we did not talk politics but I heard he was a little upset I did not make his show a few nights later. I felt badly but was kinda flattered he even noticed I was not there.
Then Again…maybe not, RG & PJ … I just remembered I have a bit radical “stray” “sight” – site. So think about it :doh: You may not ever want to be on my “page” :doh: . I will only be more of an Agitated Activist With ALL CODE 3 ISSUES. … like the old days.