I hope everybody had a good holiday yesterday. I pretended to be a good little American, and had a barbecue in my back yard. Of course, it was a barbecue for one, and there were no horse shoes or volleyball or frisbee or anything. I did play solo catch with the lacrosse stick and a tennis ball for a while, so that was fun.
The big news of the day seemed to be that Cindy Brady had a hangover and had to leave a radio interview to go puke. I guess that’s somewhat apt, since Cindy Brady always made me feel like puking too. Her and that smarmy Kathy on Father Knows Best. It’s no wonder Robert Young was hitting the bottle pretty good back then.
I wonder what exciting news today will bring?
The fourth was drizzly. After the Macy’s fireworks, the usual constant of firecrackers in the neighborhood was disrupted and the dogs were very happy about that.
There wasn’t much to celebrate, at any rate. Our constitution has been diluted, we’re fighting two wars and trying to start at least one more, and the future of the planet and the world I will leave too my grandchildren is depressing.
I can only hope that by July 4th 2009 something will be better.
By Hook or By Crook :nod: 😉 {& trees & seas} … :fist: … :fist: A!I!V! :pirate: :fist: :tap:
Court order on YouTube user data fans privacy fears
By Kenneth Li and Eric Auchard
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – A U.S. judge’s order to Google Inc (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile, Research) to turn over YouTube user data to Viacom Inc (VIAb.N: Quote, Profile, Research) sparked an outcry on Thursday from privacy advocates in the midst of a legal showdown over video piracy.
Viacom, owner of movie studio Paramount and MTV Networks, requested the information as part of its $1 billion copyright infringement lawsuit against the popular online video service and its deep-pocketed parent, Google.
Speakin’ of the YouTubes, I think I bundled this one with some others the other day and it may have been overlooked even though I know y’all pour through every post I offer with a fine tooth comb (or a long stick) to glean every morsel of brilliance and insight contained therein.
It features a Colorado tomato farmer covering a song originally sung by the famous Ringo :nixon: :jesus: about friends. Those Beatles were always very crafty slipping in the secret messages into their songs to warp the minds of generations.
It’s been awhile . . . geez, has it been awhile. Nice to see some of the ole gang remains. I’ve pretty much been a Barack Obama supporter from the start of this campaign. I read an article on cnn.com that Obama is still having trouble attracting Hillary Clinton supporters. Some say they’ll just sit this election out. How lame is that? Do we really want 4 more years of Republican rule? There is no perfect candidate. Hillary would certainly disappoint some were she to have been the nominee. I think we all need to look at the BIG picture here and realize that Obama is our best hope. BTW, I’ve thought about all of you ladies and guys since I’ve been away. I hope all of you had a great 4th. Mine? Blah.
I don’t like watching this shit but that’s what Druid’s post had led me remember.
Hey Travis, long time no talk. What are you up to these days? Are you still in Seattle?
I’m still here in Seattle. You still in Ala bam?
Nice seeing you on the blog again.
I’m in Birmingham. Bought a townhouse last July 20th. So I’m coming up on one year living here (in the townhouse). I’m actually in Pelham, Alabama, which is a small town just south of the city limits of Bham. I like it here except for the neighbors dachshunds which seem to bark constantly.
So anyone out there with “Skype” want to talk sometime call me. I’m “cnickthomas” on skype. I’d love to talk. No prank phone calls though. Well, maybe it would be interesting.
Cool video Druid. We were in Breckenridge for a couple of days. Somehow we got to “ground-zero” for the fireworks. They were AWESOME
Anyone who hasn’t been to Colorado in awhile- prepare yourself for brown forests. The pine-beetle is killing all of the lodge-pole pine. As we were headed back east by Dillion Lake this morning, entire mountainsides were covered with brown dead and dying trees. :omg:
inothernews- local Ch 2 news asks for viewers to comment on current events in real time. They asked one about what the founding fathers would think of the u.s. on it’s birthday- they ranged from “unreadable on air” to “They would lock up every member of the current administration”.
Not one genuflecting phony patriotic response
I’ve been watching the Maron v. Seder videocasts. And I was sorry Sam no longer has a weekly show on AAR. The only thing I don’t like about Sam’s videocasts are that sometimes the replays seem out of sync. But its cool to see them together. The biggest mistake AAR made was canceling Marc Maron’s show. That’s when AAR started its slow decent into oblivion. Maybe somehow they’ll see the error of their ways. But I kinda, sorta doubt it.
My, we have some fancy posting today.
AAR hired still another suit from Clear Channel and I swear I don’t think anyone noticed here or on Seder. It is on LTR.
Fancy posting huh? 🙄
Damn . . . I just realized! I’m hungry. Just what do I want to eat today? Hmm
Hey, cnick,
Saw you somewhere else a couple of months ago.
I agree with what you said about O”Bama. I don’t get the resistance from so many, especially in the face of the alternative. I had a fantastic 4th at a friend’s annual b’day party. Always a big, long gathering of music people, Berkeley lefties/progressives, Pacifica radio types, artists, film makers and usually a celebrity or two. I had the honor of delivering this man across the Bay. Archie is a 92 year old labor activist, folklorist and historian. We weren’t in the car more than 30 seconds before he proclaimed his admiration for Barack. I don’t need any better endorsement than that.
At the party, I did not hear a lot of politics being discussed (now I wish maybe I had done some more polling) but it seemed that folks were pretty satisfied with what we have here. This crowd is pretty saturated with old left progressive Berkeley types who have been around the block a few times and have a pretty acute awareness of things. Maybe that is the problem.
Just don’t see many high fallutin’ postings with embeds and pix other than those of sandbox master.
I need to change my gravatar now that I think of it.
Hey man . . . long time. Good to see some of the same ppl are still around. Since I’m in the heart of Bush country I still see those annoying “W The President” stickers on ppl’s cars around here. I don’t know if they’ve got their heads up their asses or what. The result of 7 years of Bush: Gas here in Bham nearing $4.00 a gallon; ever escalating food prices; Stocks plummeting; Starbucks closing 600 + stores. (I’m not a la-tae drinking elitist anyway so . . . ) GM heading toward bankruptcy. What else?
I just hope after the first Tuesday in November I have something to grin about. And there is still an outside chance Obama will pick Hillary as his running mate. Although my bet is with Jim Webb of Virginia.
Until a few days ago I would have guessed Wesley Clark. It could still happen since he really did not say anything wrong. It might cost Barack Ranti’s support but so be it.
It’ll be interesting to see who ends up on the ticket. This is all pretty exciting. I’m wondering if McCain will pick Mitt Romney as his running mate?
I think MkKain’s masters will pick Romney. I wouldn’t rule out Graham or LIEberman.
I think it’ll be Romney. But who knows. And really . . . who cares? If the ppl of this country elect John McCain president I’ll just see it as a sign of the end times! :omg:
I’m hearing the sound of thunder in the distance. Another afternoon thunderstorm brewing. I’ll be loosing my DirecTV signal before long. It always happens when I’m getting interested in something. The Olympic trials are on Universal HD and I really like looking at Michael Phelps.
:pup: :pup: welcome back cnick :pup: :pup:
Hey there Wanwenxia. How is Oregon?
If I sign off abruptly it is because there is a T-storm heading my way. So know that I shall return.
Hey Cnick, good to see! :40:
elephants have a long memory :cat: :cat: :cat:
He did something before Alison Krauss?
too much pudding last night… :barf:
If I am able to post later I will …..since it was brought up, the only ones I now believe are MY LEADERS that “got it right” DECADES AGO whereas Obama shows he will even be so far rethug WORSE than Hilary — well most that voted EMOTIONAL for Obama and not RATIONAL-LOGICAL for Hillary has just voted in a RETHUG! I told you so … 🙄 … LIE and Break the LAWS Further Obama & Obama Camps that I was to join as Hill said but due to his recent actions I WILL NEVER … nor will MANY here in CA… Or even younger friends and family-ish in AZ and … …..
And the “OL’ Conservative Ones” perhaps are and have ALWAYS been the problem … and you are making the BALANCE More To The Right-Center Conservative. 🙄
Tea cheers “cnickthomas”. Sadly yet bored :yawn: 🙄 I see the :crap: against Hillary has to continue..
BBL — maybe not, since I have other things more important to focus upon besides “the constant keeping of the masses on the safest route”, thus society and animals will lose!. (SAME OL’, SAME OL’ :yawn: 🙄 ) :fist: A!I!V! :pirate: Past, Present, & Future :knit: :knit2: 🙄
This one’s for you Dru… :cat:
So I get to see Allen Toussaint tomorrow. Hopefully I can have a second to ask him if this can’t become the best campaign song ever.
Then again maybe it is too old school and should be relegated to the old scrapheap like “This Land Is Your Land” and ” Feel Like I’m Fixing To Die Rag” and “For What It’s Worth” and “We Shall Overcome”.
btw, Word is the Neil Young Box Set is done.
Hey Kristapea, Druid, all . . .
Druid, I’m afraid you’re doing exactly what the John McCain camp wants you to do. It may be that Barack Obama is further left than Hillary. I know we sometimes feel that the majority of Americans are on the left and are thus with our every cause. But this isn’t fact. Barack is doing what he must do to win the Presidency. After witnessing what harm Bush has done to our democracy do you really want this country to continue to bleed? I don’t want John McCain appointing the next vacancies to the US Supreme Court. Do you? I don’t what permanent military bases in Iraq. Do you? Barack Obama is our best hope. Do you really think Hillary Clinton wouldn’t move to the center, i.e., do what Barack is doing, to get elected? His every move is like the moves of a good Chess player. He wants to win. The perfect candidate does not exist. Note that neither Barack Obama, nor Hillary Clinton support gay marriage. Does that mean Nick Thomas will refuse to vote for them? Certainly not. There is more at stake in this election than my narrow interest in living to see a time in America when gays are treated as more than second class citizens. Think long and hard before you make the decision to sit out this election. We can’t afford 4 more years of Republican rule.
Welcome back cnick 😀
Hey man, thanks. How are you doing tonight?
Trying to steel myself for going back to work after a too short reprieve.
John McCain is an old codger with a short fuse. Don’t risk it. I don’t have to speak politically correct here. Hell, most of the time I don’t give a damn if people are offended or not. Fact: John McCain was a prisoner of war. His captivity has without a doubt affected him. Do we want a man like this to hold the key to launching a third war in Iran? This is what Republicans know best. They certainly do not know how to look after the economy of our country. Their all just good bullshiters. They talk big and tough, but where did all this BIG talk get us? An economy in the shit house and an endless war in the Middle East? What more do you want before we throw these bastards out of office?
tres 8) Blue …
8) :bow: :billcat: :cat: :pup: 8) :banana: :yippee:
CNick! Long time no see. Thought of you many times in the past however long it’s been. Great to see ya.
Hey man, cool to see some of the old gang here. Nice to know you did not throw in the towel with Maron and Sam’s demise at AAR and the whole shitting mess over there. I catch Maron v. Seder usually on the replay. I’ve grown so tired of the regular media sources. Their so fucking biased and all. It’s like all this is just a game or something and not the future of mankind. That’s why I’m so excited about the prospect of electing a democrat albeit an imperfect one.
on the technical side of things. So where is the source of the hyperlink in my name here? When I click my name it does not go to my current WordPress page. I do not know where to go to correct this. :doh:
Eh, I’m too stubborn (and dumb) to give up.
Yeah, McCain would be a nightmare. I figure Obama will be about like Bill Clinton; full of potential that he won’t live up to. The next prez is gonna inherit a world of shit, though. I hope he can turn things around (assuming McCain doesn’t get “elected.” I never in a million years thought Bush would get a second term, but there he is).
It’s in your profile. Post it here, and I’ll change it for ya.
cnickthomas, I care not what people say….as long if you “dis” Hill (although she is my last choice … going from Gore) you know I MAY respond. :nod: I just will not waste my time just debating ”
And I will be more than happy to say to the bull-nose-ring tethered “MASSES” …I have other ways I will further the needed venue… but I voted for decades to see AGAIN (for my last time) fair-weathered masses screw this future Earth.. :growl: 🙄 by voting for a true rethug…
… I will no longer work nor stand with the DEMS…
…and I am changing back many from young to very old, some in certain GOV high up places — I can’t NAME 🙄 … and some my age were life long WORKING DEMS
So if MCCAIN gets in (and he can now because of Obama) it is you Obama rethug-lites supporters. It is _______ choice for trying to FORCE AN INTENSE MEDIA MAN–IPULATION. 🙄
…as an Old Witch Saying…”Be Careful What You Wish For…” :rofl2:
My wordpress page is http://nickthomas.wordpress.com/ and for the curious and uninformed. I am gay and my podcasts in my WordPress page are sexually explicit and are less political in content. 😉 So you might wanna skip my podcasts folks. I have thought of doing one podcast a week devoted to my political rants. But my gay listeners probably would not like that.
Of course, Druid, you respect everybody’s right to express their opinions, just as we all respect your right to express your opinion.
I changed your profile, Nick.
I love you regardless Druid. Can’t you just compromise a little? :rofl2:
Thanks PJ
Appears to only change the link from your last post forward, though.
Okay, PJ . . . what about my name under my posts? Where do I change that?
oh, okay that’s fine
Can you fix the link in the right sidebar to link to my WordPress page also? I know I’m asking a lot for the first night back. But I just like things to work right.
BTW, Druid. It was you who got me thinking of morningseditionists.com today. And so I posted that old podcast interview you did for me on my WordPress page. I do not know the exact date we recorded it. But it’s you in all your glory. Nice to see you have not changed during my long absence. For anyone interested. That podcast is safe to listen to. Well . . .
The audio is not of high quality because I recorded it low tech. All my new podcasts benefit from high quality mics and preamps though.
OK, I changed it. Gee, you better stick around for a while after all this work! 😉
Oh I will
Wonder what Melina is up to? She still wander in here from time to time?
cnickthomas, I tried to contact you different times and in different places (a bit) but none of your old sights worked for me, but I just thought it was My Computer saying no . :doh: :rofl2:
8) 😉
My web address has changed on .Mac. And I decided to get a WordPress page awhile back since so many bitched about .Mac. My podcasts download much quicker off Libsyn than they ever did off .Mac. I want to transition away from .Mac altogether in time. This does not (however) mean that I am going back to the Windows platform (sorry PJ) but I still love my Mac. Just not .Mac Apple has something to learn about web hosting before I’ll ever depend on them exclusively.
Oh, Druid if you still have skype you can always call me. My skype name is the same as my user name here: cnickthomas Anyone wanna talk sometime feel free to give me a call. Skype is a free download and you can talk to people anywhere with it. I think the web address is skype.com :doh:
I guess everyone is watching the television. 🙄
* Druid_666 (10786) dropped the 6’s
* fred (10720) dropped out recently
* pjsauter (9060) who knows?
* NickiRose (9018) well, you know
* Susan Joy (7046) Susan passed away 🙁 :gate:
* Kristapea (5339) Still here
* Melina (5267) Drifted away a while ago but still at RIPCoCo
* travisdem_04 (3894) Still around, studying math and shit
* Sue P (3151) most regular
* Farmerkat (3008) up in the NW lawyering
* sblueheron (2840) still around from time to time
* cnickthomas (2556) well, you know
* vernon (2379) needs an income stream
* isi (2274) I never really knew isi
* andy aka Aquaman (2089) still a regular
* Kevin M (2047) still a regular
* King Kong (1297) checks in on occasion but not recently
* jasonwkinney (1231) MIA
* artnorton (1160) still a regular
* quietgirl (1122) very occasional check in
* roxieseattle (1083) Also, like Susan Joy, passed away. 2 devastating losses. 🙁 :gate:
* wvmc3d (1000) fooking idiot hit the K and split
* citizenkahn (805) MIA
* Sunshine Jim (769) Frequent drive-by’s on some sort of motorpickle
Oh, yeah. Late nights get pretty quiet, Coasts East and West.
Something of an update
So what am I, Vernon, chopped liver? :tap:
lol at vernon. Thanks for the info. Sorta sorry to hear of the loses. Yeah, I talked to Travis earlier and I guess he must be studying or something. I still do not have that cap he promised to net me. I did not even note Druid dropping the 6’s. She’s still got a streak in her and if you look close enough I bet you’ll find those 6’s somewhere hidden on her body. I still see Farmerkat’s hubby on the television. Boy is he tall. I figured if Travis was still around sblue couldn’t be far away. Sorry I missed Fred’s departure. He was a character. I wonder if the NIA picked him up? Nice to hear Andy aka Aquaman is still around. We had some nice chats when I was last here. wvmc3d? Can you think of a harder name to pronounce? Or spell for that matter? I guess Sunshine Jim came after me cause I know I’d remember a name like that. Hope you soon will find a way to make some money man. But its hard out there. I guess you’ve noticed.
I remember brilliantatbreakfast!!! Hey you! I thought some names were missing from that roster.
OK, JBrill, you weren’t on the top 25 and I thought of you several times doing the recap.
And yes, JBrill, I also know you noticed and commented on the new AAR suit over at LTR so you could also bust me for that as well.
So, yes, B@B is still around and is one of the hardest and bestest working folks in blogtopia and I hope she still considers me something. Most of Melina’s blogging gets on there as well. Ain’t nobody there but those chickens.
I will try to get some Austin tips ASAP.
Just want to add that Raging Granny keeps us up to date on SICKO LAND and keeps pj in check.
Sue P has done a great job being our own buzzflash on political and activist stuff (along with keeping an eagles eye on palemale)
vernon is the minister of music and dry humor
Kevin and (I think) travis are occasionally having some :hubba: moments over gap-toothed women http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/55/Rosabrooks2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Brooks&h=248&w=214&sz=8&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=Bxl9a1WyVs94DM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=96&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drosa%2Bbrooks%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG…..,
no, wait- that’s me
B@B has a great blog which I just visited for the first time recently :banana:
Good job, Vernon. Thanks a bunch!
You got that right and I am not trying to get out of the Brilliant :pup: house. I would love to be at NetRoots this year.
And below the Top 25 fold I figure that RG has pj rig the blog to obscure her activity from the NSA. Painting Girl was around for a while but I think she devoted more time to her studies and started doing stand-up. Maron is looking for work, too.
Damn, before I get in more trouble, I forgot Gypsy who pops in occasionally (go figure but we’re starving here) and ex ny’er who I had the pleasure of taking to a Maron show a while ago.
Yeah, I’m looking for work too. It’s pretty bleak here in Az. The only thing that saves the day is the pool. But I wonder how I will pay the bills this month. ACK! More :40: and :bong:
Don’t forget about Seanie Sean…still driving and expected near Seattle soon. We may just miss each other though.
I am really worried about fred…he went to take the laptop into another room and just never showed up again.
I met up with Nicki Rose in Portland…we teared up 🙁 but I think he is well. A right, admirable soul, I found.)
And gypsy still checks in between her crafty projects.
I think Travis forgot how to :knit2: (Spelled Knit) :nod: :tongue:
Forgive me for this
blue elephant, remember i was raised in the south and in very bad schools. I’ll try to do better. You keep pointing these things out to me though or I’ll never get them right. As for Seanie Sean? He is the only ONLY blogger from here I have actually met in person. I’m beginning to wonder if the rest of you actually exist or not! Yes, Seanie Sean called me from the Flying J out on I 65 N one afternoon and we spent a few hours together. No hanky panky. Sean is straight and would not appreciate a guy coming on to him. But he is cool enough to be a friend. And that gives me hope that not all gl str8 guys hate gay guys. I think that is way cool.
So was blue elephant f/k/a sblueheron?
You know, I swear I thought Sean was on that list. I had his wrap in my head. Something about still driving all over the country but never making it to SF and calling me but I figured he thought I was gay. Somehow he got lost in Susan’s gate.
Susan and Roxie. Still 🙁 :gate:
Hey krista, sorry about the job situation. Sorry to say that I benefit from the misery of others. I feel really guilty about that. But it is what I do for a living. It pays the bills. I don’t like to talk about my job. To many ppl looking/listening. Not even my gay podcast listeners know what I do for a living. But they’ve tried to find out. Boy have they tried. One day maybe I’ll tell all. Just know . . . I feel your pain.
:knit: feeling mutable today
Have you seen Sicko yet? :barf:
Who me? If so, no I have not seen “Sicko”. So you’d recommend? I’ve heard it is better than 911.
A Cheery day watch Sicko, Maxed Out and listen to the Giant Pool of Money on This American Life….
Pj did you get a chance to listen yet???
Sounds like I’m gonna be depressed. I might ought to have my meds refilled before doing this. I stay depressed much of the time. I wish I knew some cool guys who smoked pot. I’d love a little of that shit right now.
OK Gonna go watch Wal-E or somethin…
I thought you were blue elephant? Now you’re blue water? I’m confused or I really need my meds.
check it out
waahh…can’t get rid of the elephant! :fustrate: :rant1:
I was just wanting you to say. I figured. Long time no talk to. Except for tonight which I have throughly enjoyed. Thank you so much. Tell PJ, you want to get rid of the elephant. He has helped me with my blogging issues tonight. He can help you to.
I’m gonna write a song now that I found something to rhyme with suitable.
So where did those avatars come from anyway? That’s new isn’t it?
:dancers: :banana: :yippee:
I meant the pic of Jesse Helms and blue’s elephant she can’t get rid of.
It just takes a little time to clear.
Long time no see buddy! I’m sorry I didn’t email more ( I think on your birthday and that as it) :spank:
Go to Gravatar.com for on of these fancy avatars.
I haven’t read all the posts, is everything good with you?
Yes, I’m doing good. About to run out for awhile. Maybe we can catch up tomorrow if you’re around.
Cool, I work until about 4:00.
Cool . . . well all you folks have a great evening. It has been nice chatting with you all. Yall. Good night.
elephant? grrr :tap: :tap: :tap:
:bee: 8) :bee: Well cnickthomas 😉
:bow: :knit: :dancers: … :fist: A!I!V!
:santacool: :sheep:
Blue I :love: the elephant. Seeing the elephant “icon” reminds me that elephants will be included :dancers: :pirate: :growl:
should be a cat now :cat: :knit:
that :santacool: :sheep: on my last post was an error. Then waiting for weirdly frozen computer, I got 😡 bored :yawn: and while waiting I fell asleep … 🙄 … elephant Meow :cat: … mice anyone … :rofl2: 😉