So, I see the Republicans have raised $39 Million for their party in St. Paul. That should buy an awful lot of purple heart band aids. Oh, wait, that was last convention. Any display like that this year would be deemed unpatriotic and anti-military, I guess. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be quite a good time anyway. Too bad I won’t be able to make it.
Meanwhile, speaking of Minnesota, according to Rasmussen, Al Franken has a two point lead over Norm “Jaws” Coleman – 44%-42% (a net five-point swing from last month).
Go get him, Al.
Oh, by the way, do you realize that last night (or early this morning) was the second anniversary of the final Marc Maron Show? July 14, 2006. Two years gone in a flash. Damn.
I heard this morning on a wingnut radio station that Google is making dire warnings about the safety of visiting the web site of The American Spectator, a long time conservative rag published by Emmett Tyrrell.
Sure enough Google puts up “This site may harm your computer” if you search American Spectator, but radio wingnuts like Jim Quinn think it is another case of out-of-control liberal bias.
But the thing they forget is that American Spectator is also a porn site on the west coast … with a different domain extension.
Ha Ha Ha, more unfounded fear. :slap:
Here’s a brief memoir of a hotdog vendor at the old Ebbets Field (Brooklyn Dogers). It may take a strong stomach for the fastidious. Although he doesn’t mention it, these hotdogs, and the ones still sold from carts on the street, are called “dirty water hotdogs.” I haven’t eaten one in decades!
Al F is my guy. I have to first admire and then vote for someone that scored perfect on the math portion of the SAT.
Well, the little love bird was doing fine last night, climbing around the cage and eating. For some reason he was stumbling around the cage this morning and didn’t look so good. He died. I hope I didn’t give him too much birdie gatorade. 🙁 :gate:
A close friend of mine had a CD that came due, yesterday, at Bank America. He asked for the cash, several thousand dollars, and was told the bank didn’t have the cash. A call to a branch in a nearby town produced the same result.
Not to worry, said the bank. We get a cash delivery on Thursday.
KP, sorry about the bird. Birds are very hard to nurse back to health.
A good news story for a change.
Dennis says…
Man! these Mike Malloy Super bean commercials are really annoying and stupid. And if he made it sound like Fox and Friends on purpose then :spank:
No word on Maron v Seder?
Are you Mad about FISA?
Sign on to the ACLU’s ad. 😡
Sir, I salute you. :alc:
Sarah’s single!!!
:hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
If I was cruel, I’d say I’d try to forget my involvement in this, too. Fortunately, I’m not cruel.
We’re off to Rochester for a family thing. If we were any closer I’d be tempted to do a drop-in on pj and RG……………just kidding
Maybe Druid will drop back in or Fred will reappear while I’m gone. 😯
keep it lit u’all :peace:
:bong: Yup! :cake: :menorah:
Okay, I have a dilemma. I really need some income here. I applied for a yob(that’s not a typo) at Uhaul and I have an interview tomorrow. But I have to fill out the online application, which I did, and at the end they have an authorization form that gives them consent to look at your credit. I usually walk out at about this time but I’m in financial deep shit and I really need an income. I’m having an extremely difficult time clicking that little box. This makes me soooo angry and $10-$12/hour doesn’t make it any easier. It’s sooo wrong to associate your credit score with your performance as an employee. Not to mention the personality test I will have to take too, and I’ve taken a few of those and I don’t see how they can come up with anything conclusive about someones personality and their performance. Those questions can be interpreted so many different ways. I may be an introvert and hate people, but I can do the job I’m supposed to do. And I’ve always been a good employee but is a prospective employer allowed to find out about that?? NO! They’re NOT ALLOWED to ask too many questions and they are NOT ALLOWED to give out too much info about job performance. I tell you, this society we live in is, literally, driving me to the nut house. I can’t take it anymore. I want out. :fustrate:
KP- You’ll find something- if not this thing, than another. Just remember how talented you are- :bow: that that’s the world you’re creating and the world you’ve come from You’re very talented and very creative and that’s what you draw your substience from. The rest is all BS and irrelevant.
Keep you head up KP :yippee: