Only one guest today on Press the Meat. Some Muslim terrorist guy named Osama or Obama or something like that. He’s married to Angela Davis, I think.
Over on Faze the Nation, Bush buddy Bobby Schieffer has Chuck Hagel and Jack Reed (not that you can tell by their website).
On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has McCain lackey John “the goon” Thune, on to tell us how Obama’s trip to Europe and the Middle East was a disgrace, while John McCain’s stirring speech to dozens of people at the Ashtabula Rotary Club stole Obama’s thunder. Plus there’s Claire McCaskill, the still un-indicted Karl Rove, the usual Fuxheads, and this week’s “Power Player,” Ben “Bueller?” Stein.
Over at the Goebbels Network, George Snufalufagus will give grandpa McCain yet another chance to get his story – any story – straight. Then former Bush lackey and current ABC political “expert” Matthew Dowd joins a reunited axis of drivel as he huddles around the roundtable with Sam :omg: Donaldson, Cokie “the hag” Roberts and George :jerk: Will join George.
CNN’s Late Emission has both Obama and Grandpa McCain(and an extra special show on “the next president” at 7:00 Eastern tonight, for those of you who just can’t get enough of that Wolf.
Later, on 60 Minutes, it’s some mafia hitman, a story about sending people back to the moon, and Scott Pelley interviews The Boss.
Have a good Sunday. Oh, by the way, if birds have been eating your garden, this could be the solution.
Seems to work for me….