Only one guest today on Press the Meat. Some Muslim terrorist guy named Osama or Obama or something like that. He’s married to Angela Davis, I think.
Over on Faze the Nation, Bush buddy Bobby Schieffer has Chuck Hagel and Jack Reed (not that you can tell by their website).
On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has McCain lackey John “the goon” Thune, on to tell us how Obama’s trip to Europe and the Middle East was a disgrace, while John McCain’s stirring speech to dozens of people at the Ashtabula Rotary Club stole Obama’s thunder. Plus there’s Claire McCaskill, the still un-indicted Karl Rove, the usual Fuxheads, and this week’s “Power Player,” Ben “Bueller?” Stein.
Over at the Goebbels Network, George Snufalufagus will give grandpa McCain yet another chance to get his story – any story – straight. Then former Bush lackey and current ABC political “expert” Matthew Dowd joins a reunited axis of drivel as he huddles around the roundtable with Sam :omg: Donaldson, Cokie “the hag” Roberts and George :jerk: Will join George.
CNN’s Late Emission has both Obama and Grandpa McCain(and an extra special show on “the next president” at 7:00 Eastern tonight, for those of you who just can’t get enough of that Wolf.
Later, on 60 Minutes, it’s some mafia hitman, a story about sending people back to the moon, and Scott Pelley interviews The Boss.
Have a good Sunday. Oh, by the way, if birds have been eating your garden, this could be the solution.
Seems to work for me….
Mark Green was saying the last “special” man to be president LIKE Obama was Clinton. As you dear Lion, the two are the same, except men; therefore, “generalities of character” occur. 🙄 … … :pirate: A!I!V!
Well, there’s two Americas: there’s the haves and the have-nots.
I keep going back to Thursday’s post and trying the video tags and I have not been able to get it to work. You can even see the link with the tags around it at the bottom of the post.
I was just woken up by a request for emptying a catheter. I’m sure RG knows how that whole thing works. :barf:
I won’t abandon the blog after my requests are heeded like Cnick.
Fixed that for ya Travis. For some reason, you had the html code for the less than and greater than signs. Which is the ampersand, followed by lt; (or gt;). So while it displayed <video> it wasn’t acting as a tag.
I guess I’d rather empty the catheter bag than have to insert the catheter. I don’t do much sticking things into other people these days, and I’d rather not start with that one.
I was thinking about taking a computer science programming class this fall- very simple, beginning html 110 or something.
Web skills come in pretty handy for just about every job. HTML is pretty simple to learn the basics, and then you can get creative from there.
So, that’s what my life is missing: web skills! But, that’s why I have grown-up children. In exchange for correcting papers, my daughter Jenn gets to do all the computer stuff. We even have an agreement: I correct her papers with a smile ( I include a very goofy smiley when I send them back) and she answers my computer questions, minus the snark.
My son, who has his own computer techie business, loves to fool with my computer. And, when he’s finished I need Jenn’s help to make it work in a way I can undestand, once again.
It’s cloudy here in Seattle. Surprised?
I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but I’ve heard more like 5 billion years, not 10.
Sunday Morning
Seder filled in for Pappantonio,yesterday. It will be rebroadcast at 8 PM on AAR.
:knit2: Travis I was taking a class like that at ‘SC but a few months (it was a year long class with how to do and build WEB sites plus) but other things grew in importance.
At a local college I had to take again, but I always seem to run out of time.
Again, I hoped to try to take ALL ABOUT W O R D>>>Both a young friend and I where unable to stay long, due to other WORK :smack: demanding to spend TIME on their class alone.. :knit2:
Always and Now I have disks to one day play with, thus one day (probably darker side of 108) I hope to learn,,,probably never cuz …I’m Late.. I’m Late, for a very important date… 🙄 …
:pirate: 8) A!I!V! :pent: /|\ :fist:
It is “cloudy” here…drizzled a tad in the wee AM (mornings/mourning)
BUT the Sun might “peek” a bit…this afternoon… gentle :cold: winds prevail.
Sue P., 8) Great Pixs {as usual} from L. Tres 8) … :knit: :gate:
{The Gate is not just for Death but also for LIFE :yinyang: /|\ )0( }
CLINTON was Given a Bloody twit-ville Rethug Congress….. Doesn’t anyone here Remember how DEMS Could Not Do ANYTHING — it was CONSTANT Horrid Battles, ENDLESS ….. and we NOW should say, “Rethugs you have been in Overall power for DECADES… SOOOOOO SHUT UP, BACK OFF — we will take in your constant anti-speak as advisement. It is Now TIME for DEMS TO BE in Power.” :pirate: :tap: :fist:
But DEMS have proven they are “lying” to lose and voted for a rethug-lite
but whatever … :pirate: :fist: A!I!V!
{listening to Maddow & Bender)
Fook it
Meanwhile, someone just gave me a ’93 Geo so I have wheels again. I’ll have to feel it out to see how much I trust it but it seems pretty good. One little panel window busted out in the back so I think I will be replacing it with an O’Bama poster rather than glass until the rainy season starts again.
Slept in this morning and missed Obama. Morning rain does me in every time. I’ll catch it on the MSNBC replay at 6 PM, then maybe watch that CNN thing at 7.
Finally got caught up on Comedy Central stuff last night. Especially enjoyed Nas on Colbert Wednesday night, with the MoveOn petition drive against Fox. Bought the CD last weekend but haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet. The track he did on the show was EXCELLENT.
I think maybe Melina was lurking around here because of the Edwards news, if that’s even news.
So, we got no Seder on Sunday and who knows if there’ll ever be another Maron v Seder. What have we got to listen to!? :fustrate:
Vernon, you have a draft saved that’s scheduled to be published July 27, 2012. I may not even be around :reaper:
Travis, I was trying to figure out how to place an embed in the comment but nothing is working.
Actually, I think 2012 is when we all move to the next dimension or die. If you listen to Coast to Coast, you’ll know what I mean (Mayan calendar and all that). The rest of you, well, you’re on your own.
Some things are better left unsaid…or unread.
Yeah, I heard some of that shit earlier today on youtube. I think George is supposed to retire that year, so he’s building it up all he can.
Opening threads and comments are different. For the comments use the actual embed code, not the url with video tags
Vern- I work with a guy who owns a GEO w/ over 200,000 miles on it and going strong. They’re pretty reliable little cars.
Druid- you got it right. :nod:
Evening all! The christofascists are now talking about 2012 as the return of jeebus.
Oh, thanks. I checked the visual editor, PJ.
You know, that whole 2012 thing is gonna end up being a self fulfilled prophecy. :smack:
Auntie Em… click 3 times … There’s no place like HOME 8) …
The House is Falling … 😮 … … :pirate: :growl: :fist: A!I!V!
Yea WE Good Witches (although I can “look” bad :spank: )
:reaper: :hubba:
:tinfoil: Aliens are real says Dr.Edgar Mitchell :bong:
So is Santa :santacool:
Travis, Oh BTW re 35 8) re Witches … & “Time Stand Still” Mwah HaHa 😉 … The Band was kinda “scary” though . teehee LOL, LBH
Dr.Edgar Mitchell , :nod: Yes, I have been hearing him speak around. 8) … about bloody time …. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: A!I!V!
{yes i know there is the Monday Thread, but I just wanted to answer these posts here… 😉 )