Today beloved Molly Ivins is 64 years old. Probably older than that but that is all I have to work with right now. I sure wish she was still hanging around and blessing us with her brilliance but she did plant enough seeds that we can try to imagine in our own minds and in our own ways. I particularly loved her description of Phil Gramm as a thumb with a face.
You can run your own searches on YouTube or Google and find a lot of great Molly memories so I will just try to insert this remembrance here.
Happy Birthday, Ms. Ivins!
I’ll be hoisting a couple of beverages with you today and shaking my head and rolling my eyes and hoping for the best.
I sent Stephanie Miller a funny email this morning. At least I think it’s funny. Guess we’ll find out whether or not Steph thinks it’s funny when she reads or doesn’t read it. It’s about gas prices.
So is anyone going to miss Bennigan’s? Me neither. Although I used to love the prime rib at Steak & Ale, especially when I would win gift certificates at work and could get dinner for $3 plus tip. Sweet eats.
In dishonor of Ted Stevens. I was going to post a series of these, but I don’t have enough time before work.
BTW .. Molly Ivens /|\ :cake: :pirate: :dancers: :knit: :bow: :gate:
More Tea Cheers…
BTW … Ted S. :rofl2: 8) :banana: :yippee: :alc: :rofl2:
… :pirate: A!I!V! :rofl2:
Good luck on your stage dive, Kevin. I’ll be listening. :ear:
cardiologist Dr. Zinn on NovaM has a show on the weekend about health and answers peoples questions about ailments. Ironically the music being used for the promo spot is the theme from MASH, Suicide is Painless. I heard someone call in to Jeff one day and mentioned it but it hasn’t been changed.
I woke up in the middle of the night (not unusual, unfortunately) and turned on the teevee to an HBO documentary Ghosts of Abu Graib, a film by Rory Kennedy. It was haunting. Not because it contained new info, but because of the descriptions by the troops that made it clear that what happened, happened all day and all night and was the norm. One soldier said that seeing naked prisoners chained to walls in their cells was what she saw every day when she went to work.
I finally fell asleep and didn’t see the entire film so I looked up the HBO schedule to find that it’s on in the wee hours of Friday morning and again around 7 AM.
OMG OMG OMG she read it!!!!!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Crap! I missed it! I was in the bathroom! :holla:
What did you write, Kevin?
NYT editorial:
Well, that certainly didnรขโฌโขt take long. On July 3, news reports said Senator John McCain, worried that he might lose the election before it truly started, opened his doors to disciples of Karl Rove from the 2004 campaign and the Bush White House. Less than a month later, the results are on full display. The candidate who started out talking about high-minded, civil debate has wholeheartedly adopted Mr. Roveรขโฌโขs low-minded and uncivil playbook.
Vernon, very nice job with the opening thread!
Not that it’ll probably come to anything, but….
Presto, Change-o! I thought we had a math student around here. She’s 64.
For all of the Kevin fans out there, Stephie is only available for podcast by subscription but it does run on tape delay here
458 Williams Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301
7pm to 10pm Eastern
I am guessing K-mail is on in the second hour, right after I switched to NPR.
Does anyone subscribe to Coast to Coast? I would love to get the 2 hours Harry Shearer did the other day.
Cheech and Chong, together again! :bong:
Vernon, how large an e-mail attachment can you deal with?
It was about ten minutes before the end of the first hour, for those of you with the Stephcast. Here it is:
Remember the ad the McCain campaign ran last week blaming Obama for gas prices?
Since then, the price at my neighborhood gas station has dropped ten cents a gallon.
Can we get permission from Grampy to keep Obama in change of gas prices until the November election? Because he’s doing really well so far, even when he’s not in the country!
Both mooks laughed! Then Jim said that if the Obama campaign had a sense of hunor, they would run an ad like that to respond to the McCain ad.
High praise coming from someone who brings the funny for a living!
It was about ten minutes before the end of the first hour, for those of you with the Stephcast. Here it is:
Remember the ad the McCain campaign ran last week blaming Obama for gas prices?
Since then, the price at my neighborhood gas station has dropped ten cents a gallon.
Can we get permission from Grampy to keep Obama in change of gas prices until the November election? Because he’s doing really well so far, even when he’s not in the country!
Both mooks laughed! Then Jim said that if the Obama campaign had a sense of humor, they would run an ad like that to respond to the McCain ad.
High praise coming from someone who brings the funny for a living!
Kevin, I dont think I have your e-mail addy so check this out
Bud Browne, 96; father of surf-film genre
From Sam’s website:
Lots of folks have been asking about Maron V. Seder. For the time being the show is on hiatus, basically because we lost our content delivery provider. We are working on other solutions. Meanwhile, Marc and I are in discussions which may lead to a Maron v. Seder daily show in the near future. Can’t say any more than that!
Maron v. Seder update
Submitted by SEDER on Wed, 07/30/2008 – 11:45am.
Lots of folks have been asking about Maron V. Seder. For the time being the show is on hiatus, basically because we lost our content delivery provider. We are working on other solutions. Meanwhile, Marc and I are in discussions which may lead to a Maron v. Seder daily show in the near future. Can’t say any more than that!
Ooh. GMTA.
The U.S. should stop arresting responsible marijuana users, Rep. Barney Frank said Wednesday, announcing a proposal to end federal penalties for Americans carrying fewer than 100 grams, almost a quarter-pound, of the substance.
Always did like Barney.
A month early with no crowds of geeks, just herds of cows.
Anne Armstrong, GOP friend of Cheney, dies
Wow, I just noticed we seem to be missing an emoticon.
OK, bang, bang.
Yeah, Freds’ favorite emoticon is gone. Did he take it with him? I hope he’s not planning to use it. :paranoid:
I retired it when he went away.
Machine Gun
Yes, SIR ( ๐ณ my bad) SIR Sauter, I thought it was MY Computer always “blanking things out – always ๐ “-when last I did not see the AK47 for The Candle (in Wind {should have said Window ๐ณ }). I was going to ask “wat up! eek” …this weekend, since I have been working on something. I cannot speak now, except for perhaps a periodic one-liner about how I just watched a few of The Beach Films with Annette and Frankie (Muscle Beach (with Ch…. teehee )…and several Sandra Dee (not Tuesday Weld ATT ๐ :rofl2: ) flicks, during last few days in the background.
PJ, now I will be brave enough to ask,… “where’s FRED?”, — …but I cannot speak much now :knit2: :knit: — but I will read answer…
I am so confused :doh: :fustrate: ๐ … :pirate: :fist: A!I!V!
I thought he could use his explosion “emo” — as an ICON Pix… 8) ๐
I miss Fred. :crap:
I never did get the chance to knit fred a grenade :knit2:
He would’ve liked that, Blue. ๐
Wish I knew fred was at least OK but don’t know enough to check it out except calling every doughnut shop that sells OJ in Colorado on Thursday morning for a while.
Hey, Vern!! :yippee:
Was it Ann Armstrong who said that Harry got “peppered pretty good” by the buckshot Cheney shot him with?? :no: Or was it some other Republican b****? :paranoid:
Good Grief, :knit: These slimy Republicans are just coming up with ALL sorts of naughty doings these days!! ๐ฎ ๐ฎ
It was that very Anne, the one they used to trot out when they needed a female show pony in the 70s.
Hey Blue, how R U? :love: :knit: :pirate: :dancers: 8) ๐
DRU! :banana: :dancers: got your call freakin’ busy- still working tonight! :knit2:
Blue, but the important thing is YOU Supplied A PICTURE OF THE GRENADE {which I now have a copy} {{and “site” which I will probably never be able to use … :rofl2: :peace: :rofl2: }} :pirate: :yippee: … which I WILL put in My Office 8) :doh: ๐ … :billcat: :cat: A!I!V!
I’ll spare you the picture of “Knitler” :tap: :knit: :tongue: :yawn:
I wonder if Travis can edit the emoticons…if so there are a couple of bananas I’d like to see :rofl2:
“clear” Blu WaWa re 41 :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: then :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
:pirate: :knit: :knit2: :knit:
You would be so impressed with the sweater I had several inches started….difficult cool 8) — now :rofl2: what I started WILL NEVER BE :rofl2: (now the pattern looks to be written in Greek)…. now ONLY a simple knit :knit: one day and sew into some extremely simple SIMPLE top.
:knit2: :knit: :nixon: … … :pirate: :tap: A!I!V!