I read a lot of HD forums for DirecTV, and one thing continues to astound me. People keep clamoring to get Fox News in HD. What are they freakin’ kidding me? I’ll watch just about anything in HD but Fux News? I think Bill O’Reilly’s big fat blotchy fucking head in HD would make my teevee explode. Just when I start to think there’s hope for the morons in this country, they go and lower my expectations all over again.
Druid- when you go on these hate obama screeds, are you addressing anyone here on this blog or anyone outside the self-referential mainstream media who is worshipping at the altar of a false duex-ex-machina figure ?
I don’t remember seeing any remark in MS’ist ville who has framed ‘bama as anything more than a first tentative flawed step in the right direction and away from the disaster of bush.
Who are you trying to convince?
What are you trying to convince anyone of that we don’t know?
Honestly, who are you going to vote for?
Best health care in the world.
I think Bill O’Reilly’s big fat blotchy fucking head in HD would make my teevee explode.
Not to mention Sean Hannity. Like that freakishly massive Fred Flintstone head of his isn’t huge enough on a regular TV. In HD, it would probably pry itself off his neck and crawl away in search of something to eat.
artnorton Tea Cheers,
First may I say I have not been able to get any station’s stream re Bill Press, but I can get AAR 🙄 … — which means also my computer is slow bordering frozen so it has taken more than 1/2 hour to get to you since seeing your #1 ALPHA post.
So I will always try answering you but it could be hours before I am able to respond …
Now a bit of the answer…to 1… but I want to get this post out so you know I will try to answer … but this is also the top of my work time also so if futher info the answer will come in “waves” of Time…
During the Middle of my Night I speak as to what I am hearing being talked about — generally…
I do Not Hate Obama. I feel he is a very pretty, handsome, pretty man. He is a beautifully perfect looking and sounding man … but he is a republican with hands in the deep pockets of the nuclear industry and the coal industry… aHe is a MOCK MOCK animal lover, The masses are being sold AGAIN. I, since 14years “beating” the streets for The DEMS, will for THE FIRST TIME Not be helping and not be voting and watch my sacred land be destroyed. I, in my groups, will try to BEND =/FORCE Obama’s will — but I am still holding out for either Gore or Clinton — I just have to finish some other things and if destined with time, be able to get a bloody letter off to Gore…if destined with time…
well I froze for a few so I will send and reread your post and see if I answered…. 🙂 😉
What Druid says about Obama does not bother me in the slightest. Like she mentioned yesterday, Mike Malloy sez essentially the same thing and I keep listening to him every single night.
The bottom line is we just don’t know how things will turn out without access to a crystal ball. And if there is one person that might have access to that, it would be Druid. :priest:
I was just addressing the strawman aspect of the ‘bama bash. They’re all republican-lite- Hillary, ‘bama, Biden. I know it- we all know it. Malloy will vote for ‘bama as will I. I just get tired of all the negativity. It could end up getting mcbush into the WH.
just sayin’
I NEVER VOTED ANYTHING ELSE SAVE FOR DEM — ONLY!!! The Dems could have listened — not the “newbies” . As I said
…I have been on this sight since it began… I always said NOW (for now) I am a misanthrope but that “I was in Town now(with a snapping Z)” I always remind all I was the utopian “…without a sense of humour… … and that my belief is as valid as any others —
You all can “sing in one voice” but off in the corner, in the shadows I will speak as I did in the ’80’s, and sadly, it is again as usual against the mainstream… — I just thought … …………………..
that is why I say I like You, but do You Like me?
I left Greenpeace and became one with The Sea Shepherds.. Plus Leader in certain activist oriented “rad” organizations … with a different concept regarding right and wrong…
Massive Entropy of All in occurring and what did the masses give this earth … Obama … to back-tread
and we haven’t even talked about … how he is proving weak regarding military directions ….. MOST the Admirals were ORIGINALLY with Sen. Clinton … now Obama is speaking to this Activist Witch through a Church and even a bloody MegaChurch…
I can’t write everything about Obama — there is just too much negative to say.
I have anger since nary one post talked then (barely now) about Obama as “..every body look what’s going down.”
I just feel now the DEMS, for the first time, truly is speaking and sounding republican — on memorized speaking points — to soley vote The One Way
,,,And regarding P.U.M.A. — well, there are Female & male ones ALWAYS.
I will try writing Gore (if time), and Hill…but the masses were SOLD on Obama.
All I am saying is this:
Speak Reality … THEN DO NOT LET OBAMA Off The Hook…
These are the Times spoken about IN THE LATE ’60’s, ‘,,,and in the ’70s, & ’80s… We Need EMERGENCY METHODS, now is how I believe… We should be following MY Leaders or similar …. But again this Nation gave me Obama … He should be judged and watched over — we do not need another Emperor — which is how Obama-ites ….
I am a Wiccan Druid who could not have my 503c1 status since I was TOO POLITICAL (especially in 80’s) … who spoke nationally regarding Wiccan and many others political, environmental Earth Rights, and A.L.F. rights.
This )0( /|\ (Wiccan Druid) was spoken to from a church/megachurch
— that’s war … I have spoken out before now it will be in different ways…I have no idea why Gays & others would get married in a Church — since that religion does not embrace those that are a tad different … — and I personally do not think anyone should be of a faith that excludes ,,,,
but whatever…so is the rub…
I no longer can show the patience of my teens & 20s with the same ol’, same ol’ mock peace. I am an animist, a Witch, a Druid … all that lives and dies (and how) is important to me 😉 … it’s my job… mwah haha
Don’t worry Art and the like …
I am trying to quit you… 😉
Why not devote a little time to John McCain, just for the hell of it?
Cindy McLame has 2 half sisters, children of her father’s first marriage. Although she refers to herself a an only child, the father had contact with the his other children and was financially generous to them. When h died, Ol’ Cindy inherited the business and the other 2 got nothing.
Apparently Cindy is not the generous type, as she has no contact with her half sisters and their children.
I will try this again…
I do NOT like to write about this :crap: but i listen for days and both AAR & Nova M, and at Sederville and here… it is BASH HORRIDLY The Clintons
…forgetting that all The Bloody Masses gave Bill was a BASH OF RETHUGS … since so many “wanted change” then too and the emperor was Bush … now Obama is deemed Emperor… :barf: — Bill was too conservative for me, but better than a rethug … Hillary is our only hope for the future instead of just back-peddling — but to this day the media and here and there, & everyone says horrid things about both Clintons — and Obama is the future… and all I am saying is NO HE IS NOT…but if one can see one will not be a “fish” to just be caught… Finally people are (kinda) talking about how Obama is. I just let my negative boil up when I hear here, there, & everywhere how WONDERFUL Obama is and what a selfish egotistical “many different bad words or signs” Hill is and that she just is a spoiler. The TV stations, media, the blogs EVERYWHERE call horrid names for MANY MONTHS Hill … and NO ONE said anything against that NEGATIVITY. 🙄 :yinyang:
So, Obama is exactly the same as McCain, is what you’re saying? Much like Nader said there was no difference between Bush and Gore. Or Bush and Kerry.
For what it’s worth, I think Obama and Clinton are almost identical in every way. I have no illusions when it comes to Obama. Some people do, and I think they’ll be disappointed. I hope that I’m pleasantly surprised. I have no illusions when it comes to Clinton, either. She’s been a huge disappointment.
Either one offers much more hope then McCain, though. I know some people don’t like the fact that Obama didn’t “wait his turn,” but that’s life.
Of course, if Obama loses to McCain, one could rejoice and say “see, I was right all along.” And if Obama wins and things get even worse than they are already, one could rejoice and say “see, I was right all along.” And if Obama wins and is another Republican-lite, once could rejoice, and say, “see, I was right all along.” And if, by some miracle, he turns out to be great, one could rejoice and say “Hillary would have been better!”
From left to right
Gravel (the quintessential long shot)
Kucinich (popular with many but something of a flake with some dubious background)
Edwards (my first choice, could have been a disaster)
Dodd (my second choice, not a chance though)
Biden (my third choice but I couldn’t forget the bankruptcy thing)
Richardson (my 4th choice and now my veep sleeper)
O’Bama (this is where I ended up and that’s OK. Cautiously I see promise. )
Clinton (I would have gotten here but the pointer stopped before going all the way to the right. It would have been a tossup until after South Carolina.)
I would probably have been happier between Edwards and Biden but as it usually seems to happen, the process gradually moved toward the center. Now O’Bama will probably campaign even more toward the center out of some (misguided?) sense of necessity. They will do everything to frame him as some ultraliberal to scary angry radical Black man with hints of Mooslem.
I think O’Bama proved himself to be the sharpest knife in the block, however, and capable of running one of the most brilliant campaigns we have ever seen. He defeated the vaunted (now unvaunted) Clinton machine that was the odds on favorite to win the nomination until they ran one of the worst campaigns ever. Hopefully, his campaign will be strong enough to overcome the %s he will lose to racism and election fraud. Clinton would have faced similar hurdles from sexism and the 16 previous years of demonization and hatred that we would have relived in detail had she gotten the nod.
Most encouraging is that come what may, we should see Dem gains in both houses of Congress, hopefully closer to the magic 60 in the Senate but at least enough to kiss LIEberman’s sorry ass (eww!) goodbye. Then it will be time to really start working, issue by issue.
artnorton, BTW I FEEL that The Masses have already given me McCain… But let’s just say that my a miracle, Obama wins … then He MUST know That it is BY BELIEVING A MORE DEM WAY, is The Only Way he will represent. But he is a selfish egotistical Cad… that just couldn’t put the woman first — ALTHOUGH SHE IS BETTER re ALL — sure she is a bit conservative — but even on the FISA Bill alone he showed HOW RED HE IS and SHE showed TRULY HOW BLUE SHE IS…….but let me hear the “stream” to hear how Hillary is the bane of all…again and always screamed — On some stations this Monday and Tuesday she was horribly mentioned on many shows .. even call Hill a WHORE AGAIN… they are feeding the ratings and most (and here also) have fallen into the constant Hill Bashing. . whatever
So, that’s the problem, then?
It’s pretty rare that somebody running for office gives up and cedes to their competition. Not when they’ve won, especially.
Seems to me pretty much all politicians are egotistical(except maybe Kucinich), it’s kinda required to get elected. And it seems kind of sexist to suggest that Obama should “put the woman first”. This is not a date, it is an election.
Hillary super delegate supporters who switched to O’Bama after he won the nomination and HRC conceded.
Bill Gwatney-murdered
Dianne Feinstein-broken ankle
Stephanie Tubbs Jones-?
The numbers are changing.
I hope the Clintons are on their best behavior next week. Any sign of treachery, manipulation or even ambivalence will probably lead to the end of their run until Chelsea decides to get into the family business.
The big acceptance speech with Al Gore lead up and 70K should be a very impressive event even if fundie rain prayers are answered.
btw, I don’t recall Hillary’s name even being mentioned here in the last 3 or 4 days. I guess that means that any mention of O’Bama has implicit anti-Hillary intent or is the three strike rule a running total with an unlimited clock?
I sort of think Kucinich is as egotistical as any of them, especially in light of his past history. I mean, just because he married a taller woman doesn’t necessarily indicate otherwise. :hubba:
You might want to catch Thom’s show right now if you can, Druid.
So, I’m on a neighborhood listserve so I can keep track of what’s going on in the ‘hood. Like, what was with all the helicopters last night and I have a lost dog, no collar and neighborhood association meetings etc. I get one this morning of a guy who’s warning the neighborhood that his car in the driveway got broken into last night and his checkbook and GUN were stolen. :smack: WTF is he keeping his gun in his car! So, another neighbor replies,
People here are such dumb a-holes about guns, it’s unbelievable. Is that clean enough for you, PJ?
I suppose we see what we want in people we like :love:
Forgot to post this earlier, and I know everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for the women’s water polo results from Tuesday:
Australia 8
USA was up 8-5 going into the 4th period, when the Aussies jammed in three unanswered goals to tie. Fortunately, Brenda Villa wrapped it up with a minute left by banking a shot off the surface of the water that bounced nicely under the arms of a defender and the goalkeeper as soon as they raised their arms to try to block the shot. They must have heard Bill O’Reilly telling them “DON’T BLOCK THE SHOT!!”
USA vs. the Netherlands tomorrow for the gold.
Druid- I suggest you turn off your radio, teevees and just monitor the 100%, utter and complete lack of anything being said negative about Hillary that occurs here every day all the time 24/7.
Also the off the scale admonisment of the slightest illusion, notion or awareness of anything resembling a Messianic genuflect towards ‘bama who’s just a good-looking corporatist with a hot wife and cute kids- tho not nearly as cute as the beautiful peaceful looking baby at the top of the page who’s tranquilty has not yet been bothered with thoughts of nuclear plants, coal in their stocking or being grounded for a week.
Congresswoman Jones has passed.
🙁 :gate:
For those who missed it yesterday
AM1090s “We The People” the 2008 Town Hall Forum
Links audio and video at top of page
Sam Seder
Rachel Maddow
Mike Malloy
Randi Rhodes
Stephanie Miller
Thom Hartmann
‘Moderator’ Ron Reagan, Jr.
Runs almost 3 hours, audio in 2 parts, video in 9 parts
Congresswoman Jones 🙁 :gate: I’m getting suspicious :tap: :tinfoil:
Oh Yea Same Ol’ same Ol’ MindSet :nod: “go with the flow” if one sees NO DIFFERENCE between CLINTON AND OBAMA — then one DOES NOT WANT TO “see”…
Decades I have been active with ONLY THE DEMS — this is the FIRST I WILL NEVER VOTE … because of Obama & Obama-ites … it was “you folk” that accepted Bush… if each had been active decades ago I would now not be living a nightmare…?
You do not need my decades of work since A CHILD for the DEMS …. You who voted for Obama I feel and think and believe you are destroying the Country. I am giving a KEY — therefore go and KEEP Obama Honest, which he is not — he is a lying republican in DEM clothing…. IT IS UP TO ALL YOU Obama-ites WHAT HE NOW DOES….
Most “folks” are FORCING Obama — Upon me and so many others YOUNG AND OLD throughout this nation… and I am talking about a few of those that are fairly high on “the national ladder” …
Sure it is easy to win when ALL MEDIA and the Obama-folks CHOSE Obama — AND A MAN!!! whose media “flood” is to tear apart BOTH CLINTONS …. for a weak ass rethug that “holds hands” with The Nuke Industry amd The Coal nation …
even The Nation CHOSE Obama and TORE apart The Clintons — so I cannot even believe in the Nation — for me since last year and before when they and AAR & Nova M deemed Obama the New Emp… — well have at it… I feel he will lose.
ALSO — It is Not Nice To FORCE The Bad Upon The Good! PUMA’S are Male and Female Grand Cats,,, do NOT put an ugly reference on Glorious Cats — and if one does then, well TACKY >>>>> for they are SACRED CATS.
Congresswoman Jones has passed.
🙁 :priest: :rabbi: :yinyang: :pent: :om: /|\
:bow: 🙁 :knit: :gate:
I might say that if one sees a clear difference between Obama and Clinton, then it’s because one WANTS to see a difference where it doesn’t exist.
But then, you single-handedly elected every Democrat to office over the past 30 or whatever years it’s been while the rest of us ignorant lazy slackers were sitting on our asses doing absolutely nothing, and only YOUR opinion counts, because everybody else is just lazy and stupid.
And Clinton is in bed with the nuke and coal industries as much as – even more than – Obama is. So if you want to get all high and mighty, at least pick somebody besides Clinton to get all sanctimonious about.
Well, there you have it.
Stephanie Tubbs Jones
Good lady, this is a tragedy for us as well.
eya pj
i can feel the pressure rising
on most days. getting nasty lately.
I fell into a vat of chocolate.
:rofl2: I just called to “some” that are pro Hill and LIVID about Obama (even a Head Nurse of a certain Hospital near here …) to make sure I was not CRAZY .. I was “calmed” by hearing how so many still ONLY BELIEVE SIMILAR TO ME that: SHE is The Way, not He …
BTW A Glorious Black Bear slept at times just alongside my cabin, in the “wild berry” patch … as off in the “wild” one could hear the Mountain Lion feed…
It was a F…’n’ Rethug Mock Hunter that brought UNBALANCE to that side of the mountain … and bragged to me when he MURDERED The Grand Black Bear — which I then growled to him that I WAS NOT IMPRESSED — he just brought CHAOS to The Mountain.
Rep Tubbs-Jones is in critical condition but she has NOT died.
I have a bird feeder on my porch and have been happily watching all the different kinds of birds come to eat. This summer a couple, or two, or three grackles joined the group. Then more grackles, until a whole flock, probably nearly 100 came and ate all the bird seed in a morning. All he other birds were turned away. I’ve stopped filling the feeder. I hope the grackle crowd will thin out.
Environmental Stances Are Balancing Act For McCain
As a result, McCain scores significantly lower than his Democratic rivals for the presidency, Sens. Barack Obama (Ill.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), in interest groups’ studies of his environmental voting record. McCain’s lifetime League of Conservation Voters score is 24 percent, compared with 86 for Obama and 86 for Clinton; Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund’s conservation report card gave him 38 percent in the 108th Congress and 40 in the 109th. (McCain has missed every major environmental vote this Congress, giving him a zero rating.)
:jason: :reaper:
Sorry, AP and CNN and Bloomberg reported as such and there were over 100 related articles on Google. I looked it up before I posted it. Now it looks like they have all retracted.
Hope she is THE Comeback Kid of 2008.
superb interview on the bee problem.
scary conclusions, sounds like the almond crop will be hit hard this year.
Buzz Kill — NRDC
Honeybees continue to die off around the world and researchers are scrambling to address the crisis. Meanwhile, environmentalists sued the EPA this week, saying the agency failed to disclose data on certain pesticides, which the suit says could be harmful to bees.
Host: Dave Iverson
Aaron Colangelo, senior attorney for Natural Resources Defense Council
May Berenbaum, head of the department of entomology at University of Illinois
Rowan Jacobsen, author of “Fruitless Fall: The Collapse of The Honey Bee and the Coming Agricultural Crisis”
:bee: :bee: :bee:
RE Tubbs-Jones
:priest: :rabbi: :yinyang: :pent: :om: /|\
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
I heard first that she was found in her veh off the side of road, then many would not offer any info … it sounded bad…
then to get FROM HERE one that is usually correct…
I have LEARNED to not even believe him….but ultimately MY BAD because I ASSUMED info here was correct.
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :yinyang: :pent: :om: /|\ :bow: :gate: Tubbs-Jones
Rudy Giuliani will be the keynote speaker at the Rethug convention. Could it be that he will talk about 9/11? What will the noun and verb be?
Rudy did himself damage in his run for prez. His business and his reputation have suffered. He is trying to rehabilitate himself. I guess the RNC is trying to help.
Confusion Over Tubbs Jones’s Condition
Based on information from a reliable Democratic source and stories from other news outlets, Capitol Briefing reported at 2:10 p.m. that Tubbs Jones had died. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer, the Associated Press, and CNN came out with similar reports at the same time, all based on anonymous sources. At that point, neither Tubbs Jones’s office nor the hospital had confirmed her death.
This will probably get a Congressional hearing.
But WTF, so many sources GETTING A PERSONS D E A T H WRONG :growl:
Sorry Vernon, what can one do? I would have believed THAT all those sources would have been correct to we peons … :smack:
But he is a selfish egotistical Cad… that just couldn’t put the woman first
So, that’s the problem, then?
It’s pretty rare that somebody running for office gives up and cedes to their competition. Not when they’ve won, especially.
Comment by pjsauter — August 20, 2008 @ 11:31 am
I and others were TOLD what to think and believe, like now — i.e. FORCED to “believe” Obama was the winner.
Sounds a bit Christian, especially Evangelical, thought-speak, “1984” to me…
{sorry, PJ just had time to back-read blog … I’m late, I’m late …etc}
… but Hill would win and Obama will lose … is MY OPinion!
Nirvana – Aneurysm
I use to like this song, but I’m not so sure that’s the case anymore
Confusion Over Tubbs Jones’s Condition
Based on information from a reliable Democratic source and stories from other news outlets, Capitol Briefing reported at 2:10 p.m. that Tubbs Jones had died. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer, the Associated Press, and CNN came out with similar reports at the same time, all based on anonymous sources. At that point, neither Tubbs Jones’s office nor the hospital had confirmed her death.
This will probably get a Congressional hearing.
Comment by vernon — August 20, 2008 @ 4:50 pm
My guess is that Dennis Kucinich is kicking ass and taking names concerning this as we speak. His district is adjacent to hers and they are close.
Regardless, whatever happened to confirming a source? WTF is this, Fox News?
The Plain Dealer used to be a decent (albeit not great) paper when I was growing up in Ohio. Hell, my grandfather subscribed to it, and he lived in Akron! Those days are long gone, obviously.
Our thoughts are with Rep. Tubbs Jones.
Anyone else read Maureen Dowd’s column today?
I promised myself I wouldn’t inject myself into this particular shitstorm yet, so I’m not going to post it. Of course, NYT online is easy enough to get to if one wishes to peruse the piece.
Kevin, i have a very low tolerance for Dowd so, no, I didn’t read her blather today, but, I read Dailykos’s Abbreviated Pundit Roundup to wit:
“Maureen Dowd: What if Clinton and McCain each, for their own reasons, wanted Obama to lose? How clever of me to think of that all by myself.”
Does that cover it?
travis, I’m glad your friend got good medical care. I hope he get home safely.
Sad, but not unexpected news:
A Cleveland Clinic official says Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio has died.
Clinic spokeswoman Eileen Sheil says Tubbs Jones died at 6:12 p.m. Wednesday after suffering a brain hemorrhage caused by an aneurysm that burst and left her with limited brain function.
The 58-year-old Tubbs Jones was the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress and a strong critic of the Iraq war. She suffered the hemorrhage while driving her car in her east side district Tuesday evening.
A Cleveland Clinic official says Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio has died.
🙁 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: 🙁 :yinyang: :priest: :rabbi: :pent: :om: ( 🙁 ) /|\ :knit: :gate:
I am away but “around”. I just don’t want to continue the :slap: if no one else does … although I am representative of many with my beliefs… so I am not speaking in one voice. It goes from Washington D.C. to California… as Obama drops again in the Polls…
…hmmm I wonder if it will be the 3 men for VP… and is she being “dis’d” again by Obama & Obama-ites…?
and is he so arrogant that he is willing to destroy my Ol’ Party … knowing 1/2 elected H.Clinton … depending how one counts depends upon which has the higher vote (but close enough)?
I like this side of the pond better :knit:
Dru… I love reading your opinions. but then we’ve talked.
Aghhh must try to sleep :yawn:
I feel like some are “baiting” you and then criticizing your reactions and feelings. :yinyang:
My requests are usually ignored :bf: :spank:
And WTF is Condi up to? Colder War here we come.
Blue, :yippee: , :nod: , :bow: :knit:
… Blue, :love: & :fist: within the :knit: :gate:
I am sure everyone has seen these MS pix but just in case…
WHT, Thx re earlier … 😉
What a tease!
Maron V. Seder Friday 3pm 8/22
Submitted by SEDER on Wed, 07/30/2008 – 11:45am.
Lots of folks have been asking about Maron V. Seder. For the time being the show is on hiatus, basically because we lost our content delivery provider. We’ll have some news on Friday 8/22 at 3pm!