I didn’t watch any of the festivities last night (although Michelle Obama is getting very good reviews this morning, despite being scary and, you know, so black and everything, and I caught a clip of Ted Kennedy, which was kind of sad, knowing that he probably won’t be around much longer). So, if you caught the show, what did you think?
:joe: Good Morning, Bloggies :joe:
Found this in my Grannymail this morning. RGs plan to sing to Obama in Denver, although it is unknown whether he will hear them from the “Free Speech” zone 😮 😡
Oh, Obama
Tune: Oh Suzanna)
We wanted change in our dear land,
The seeds of hope are planted.
We want to vote for you, dear friend,
But don’t take us for granted.
Oh, Obama, oh, will you work for me?
Or will you cave to Wall Street
When you get down to DC?
We want to bring our soldiers home:
We really want them back.
We should respect the wishes of
The people of Iraq.
Bring back the soldiers from Iraq
And from Afghanistan
And no pe-emptive strikes against
Iran or Pakistan
Oh, Obama, oh, will you work for me?
Or will you cave to the Pentagon
When you get down to DC?
The oil corporations
By tax breaks and by stealth
Have managed to accumulate
Most of the planet’s wealth.
Oh, Obama, oh will you work for me?
Or will you cave to Exxon
When you get down to DC?
We hope to save our precious earth
From deathly exploitation.
The beasts, the birds, the fields so sweet
Will need resuscitation.
Oh, Obama, oh, will you work for me
Or will you cave to polluters
When you get down to DC?
:slap: :dancers:
random thoughts
I was a freshman in high school when JFK was murdered. Seeing Ted brought back all the pain of my first political heartbreak and all the many since then. It doesn’t take much to bring the tears these days as I’ve heard for eight long years that progressive politics, hope and renewal are just around the corner and just one uncorrupted vote away. Then Michelle- super smart, hot, doing a great sales job to submerge herself in the role of supportive wife and mother so she doesn’t threaten the brain-washed lazy body politic too much with her intelligence…..
and it seems like we’re so far, far away from any sense of normal that I was familiar with . And that even if we could get over the racism and “otherness” that’s become such a part of the narrative imposed on us by the msmedia……., :tinfoil: all the evil forces at work for the last thirty years that would deny us that one moment of peace
and to see Denver turned into an utter, complete police state with all the shaved headed cops getting to try on their shiny new storm trooper outfits
and to see complacent citizens on tv who don’t question any of it :omg:
Heh. Jill over at BatB:
Ellen Jamesian obsession. I like that. Not that they should cut their tongues off or anything. 🙄
Link to Maron v. Seder (The Maron Monologues) audio from yesterday courtesy of JMach1JP.
Looks like Stephie can’t get her shit together at the vaunted Jones Net. Running a show from London for a second day in a row to cover from glitches, today from the top.
Let’s see how Sammy does today. I get really ticked off at how he acts like the tech problems have something to do with Marc or our inability to ‘refresh’. Sam’s tech skills are pretty lame (suck?) and even a naive novice like myself can see it. I am waiting for him to cough up a “Is your computer plugged in?” at some point. I never ‘refresh’ until I know I have a connection somewhere else because I usually get dumped out indefinitely when I do.
As I have to take my pleasure where I find it, I only saw a bit of the convention yesterday, Teddy and later a replay of Michelle O’Bama. Don’t know if the heart strings could have stood much more. I wish they had gotten the Clintons out of the way Monday afternoon and brought these two up closer to the climax of the week
Great lyrics, Granny! :pup: I didn’t watch any of it. As Travis would say, I got nothin’.
‘Cept it’s my birthday today and we got tons of rain last night. :cake:
Hey, HFB KP! Now that you’re legal, you can finally toss that fake ID.
:cake: HFB!
I think this morning may be the last I wake up to someone yelling for me about their catheter.
Before you know it, you’ll be waking somebody up by yelling for them about your catheter.
That was for Travis, not you, KP. 😉
Yeah, except I’ll probably be dead before I get to that stage of life. But one could hope that I’m not, I guess.
Yeah, I’m closer to that reality than Travis. :smack:
I’ll know I’ve lived too long when I start saying to myself that toasted french bread is
if I eat it.Or if I eat a New York steak instead of a tender loin, I’ll accuse the cook of attempted murder because of the possibility I’ll choke on the gristle.
Oh well, when you get to my age, a tender loin is a thing of the past, and you’ll be more than happy with a NY strip.
I’m recalling from my recent past experiences. Every night here is tender loin, fillet mignon ’cause dentures are only so forgiving.
When you hit the 91-year-old wall, then we’ll talk steak.
Actually, I try to stay away from the whole beef thing. I’m not up for any mad cow.
I’m worried about :love: attacks!
I’ve heard the O neg. blood types do better in the meat department.
Yeah, according to Peter J. D’Adamo, “O” needs the meat.
Not really sure how he came up with that, but it’s in a book, so it must be true.
Has a lot to do with iron, I think.
Is that “Eat Right For Your Blood Type”?
My naturopathic doctor subscribes to that. I keep forgetting what blood type I am for some reason. :smack:
Yeah, that’s Eat Right 4 Your Type. Granny seems to take it seriously. Me, I refuse to take anything seriously. I do like the red meat, though. Just never eat it, ‘cuz I don’t trust the commercial beef industry, and I really don’t like the way the animals are forced to live and the way they’re slaughtered. I eat chicken, but I don’t like the way they’re treated, either, so I mostly go with veggies and turkey from the organic turkey farm.
:ear: Joe Biden forecast.
Press the Meat: Biden on Iraq
BTW :growl: The DNC started this Convention WITH CHRISTIAN & JEWISH PRAYERS and OFFICIALLY STARTED WITH A Native American Woman Giving Praise TO GOD & Christianity & Country & CHRISTIANITY …
So Where Is UNITY? … Isn’t that against AMERICA? That goes against the Founding Fathers and the Founding Fathers…
Unity 🙄
Seems like it’s working good today.
oops, spoke too soon.
So, if you caught the show, what did you think?
Teddy looked good. I wasn’t sure what to expect since he hasn’t been out and about in a while, but he was walking and talking and looking almost spry.
I got going a little when Chris Matthews said something about this being the first time we’ve seen a Kennedy grow old. I assume he was referring to the brothers and not Mama Rose 😆 but it was nice to hear Tweety say something pithy without putting his foot in his mouth all the way to the ankle like he usually does.
Not to mention the introduction by sweet Caroline :hot: :hot: :hot: :hubba:
And those Obama kids are waaaaaaay beyond cute. This is coming from someone who generally regards children as vermin, so take from that what you will.
I’m not really up for listening to Hillary tonight, although I’ll probably have it on in the background just in case the Pepsi Center is overrun by rioting pumas. I’d hate to miss something like that.
Ellen Jamesian obsession. I like that. Not that they should cut their tongues off or anything.
Comment by pjsauter — August 26, 2008 @ 7:57 am
That was my favorite book in college. But the quote reminded me of something else from last night. Apparently during Hardball (which I didn’t watch), Tweety was accosted by three pumas who insisted that Obama is a “registered Muslim,” whatever the hell that means. After discussing the incident at the top of the convention coverage with KO, they decided the pumas in question were nutjobs and that this was a non-story.
So then later in the broadcast, why did Tweety bring it up again? Twice that I noticed before I cashed out and went to bed. Stephanie Miller is right – he’s a right-wing tool.
Actually, the convention started with a “Call to Order” by Howard Dean. Then there was the Invocation by Polly Baca, former Colorado State Senator and President & CEO Latin American Research & Service Agency. Next a Presentation of Colors by the Navajo Code Talkers Association: Keith Little, Frank Willeto, Bill Toledo, Jimmy Begay.
Then the obligatory Pledge of Allegiance, led by Angela Morgan of Alexandria, Virginia who served 9 years in the Marines and now runs a leadership development small business, and of course the National Anthem
sung by Colorado Children’s Chorale.
Yeah, Kev, I saw a bit of the PUMAs on the intertubes. They made all these outlandish claims, and when asked for any kind of sourcing, of course couldn’t come up with anything. The probably got it from a very reliable blog or perhaps a mass e-mailing.
Then there was the “former Clinton delegate” who insisted that McCain is pro-choice (which the McCain campaign quickly denied).
A silly bunch, and a very small minority that the media will play up as if they actually mattered.
Ah, I have half a picture that says “see you at 3” now.
Ah, a full still picture of the two of them, with no audio. It’s almost time to play, “can you hear me now?”
Hmm. To quote Pink Floyd, “your lips move, but I don’t hear what you’re saying.”
Link! my interuppted kingdom of sleep for a working link!
got it
Got a skin error on the player. No video, but I have audio now, which is good enough.
That’s a pretty severe haircut Sam got.
Pix frozen but I wasn’t really watching anyway
#37 Enuf with the factiness, Sauter
Aw, you mean I can’t copy and paste today’s agenda?
Houston, lost contact @ 1:41pm MST. Any easy way to find CatChew for reboot or archive? :doh:
David Bender looks like Phil Silvers now!
that must be a 20 yr old picture they’ve got of him with hair.
Lionel would be Doberman
Well, that was worth waking up for 🙄
I’ll be looking, art. However, you have done Doberman wrong.
A replay just started for me here. :omg:
That’s weird, I didn’t shut the window for the vidcast and it just spontaneously started playing from the beginning. :tinfoil:
Hah. But Doberman was more likable.
Speaking of David Crosby (and Graham Nash)….
Sorry if this is a repeat
Who’s Doberman?
Thanks for the Crosby link pj and the opportunity for me to say what a piece of shit rag the Examiner is, a wannabee Washington Times. Watch out for their garbage.
“Yogi Berra is Doberman” :rofl2:
arriva durchi, ‘u all :rofl2:
That was a not too frustrating M vs S.
The convention coverage has been awful. Every media dope has found a way to offer criticism. Michelle Obama didn’t humanize Barack enough or she did it too much. McCain hasn’t been attacked or Pelosi attacked too much. The only thing that was hard to see was the actual speakers because the talking bobbleheads seemed to think their drivel was what the teevee audience wanted. Ugh!
I have decided that a McLame – Ghouliani ticket would at least win the succinctness award. To any question McLame would answer POW and Ghouliani would say 9-11. It would at least save a little newsprint.
PJ did that “person” doing the “MOCK invocation” Raise repeatedly GOD and CHRISTIANITY throughout that wee lil speach?!? — That was the Issue.
(which I thought was before … H. Dean …. but whatever … since I care naught – and I was doing mental and physical work so I was not focus’d until … christianity)
I didn’t see a Druid nor a Wiccan … & this is My/ Our (I thought 4 All (not)) Country, too!
ALSO I am “0” Blood ………….
Holy shit! Another xtian whoor is invoking the Dem Con. :omg:
Audio link to M v. S today
courtesy JMach1JP
Do tell about the invocation …. I must have missed it because I just came in to hear that very PATRIOTIC SONG …SUNG by a Choir of beautiful children of ALL colours.
Sounded like the Democratic values and platform put into a ‘prayer’. Pretty non-sectarian, really. Guess it depends on the lens.
First, I was working or doing “things” for the local DEMS even NOW I would have been running the DEM Booth at The County Fair …. I (and others). I do miss that, but Danu is happy since I am NO LONGER DOING DEM THINGS…
:yippee: for the other “projects” I am trying to find time for…
I think this is the FIRST election I am watching kinda ( 🙄 :yawn: — still working, but now at home working) …
I think I might switch over to C-Span tonight if the pundits become tiresome. The speeches go down better for me without all the analysis.
Linda Sanchez was on during dinner. I always enjoy hearing her, although I usually think about Loretta instead :hot: :hot: :hubba:
There’s a tribute to Stephanie Tubbs Jones around 6:25 Eastern, and Dennis Kucinich is speaking right after. Better get that beer run now before the fun starts.
Evidently, you are talking about yesterday……I guess if I was Christian or KINDRED to Christians I too would not have a problem …agnostics even have betrayed truth, since no one is saying anything…
See No Evil! Speak No Evil! Hear No Evil! Yet Evil ABOUNDS, around. 🙄
I thought this was 2008c.e. not “The Dark Ages”
CHRIST or CHRISTIAN was used throughout “mock” innvocation!
THAT IS NOT “Pretty non-sectarian, really. Guess it depends on the lens.”
There was NOT a “joining”& INCLUDING of NON-CHRISTIANS by including them in mock-innovation. ……ONLY those of the Judaeo/Christian Faith! “Get It?” 🙄
Rep D Kucinich is an inspiration! I wish…. sniff
Thou dost protest too much, methinks.
Today’s evil, horrible terrible schedule included:
A Call to Order by Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin. Today’s invocation was from Reverend Cynthia Hale of the Disciples of ChristChurch in Decatur, Georgia, the Presentation of Colors from the Mile High Chapter of the American GI Forum (a Congressionally chartered Mexican-American veterans & civil rights organization), the Pledge of Allegiance led by Koby Langley (got the Bronze Star for leadership in the US Army and is credited with design & implementation of 1st Foreign Torts Claims Policy Act – Iraq), the National Anthem sung by the Rocky Mountain Children’s Choir (multicultural, multiracial choir committed to forming community around music) remarks by various people including:
Eleanor Holmes Norton (Non-voting Member of the US House of Representatives, District of Columbia),
Ted Sorensen
Special Counsel, advisor and speechwriter to President John F. Kennedy
Researched and drafted Kennedy’s “Profiles in Courage”
Dr. David Gipp
Member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
President – United Tribes Technical College
Linda Sanchez
Member of the US House of Representatives, California
David Paterson
Governor of New York
Patrick Leahy
US Senator, Vermont
oh, and lots more….
Methinks that tis an insult upon me (LBH :rofl2: )… I was on Larry King Live and many other talk-shows, many years ago — as C.O.G. (COVENANT of the GODDESS – L.A. & national speaker) P.I.O. (public information officer) for sole reason was to talk about NON-Christian Rights…
Many things have not changed for decades. One cannot keep doing “The Same Ol’ Thing — and expect a different outcome”. :no:
— but my hands are tied at this time and I cannot go & do except to “SEE”
and plan on actions, in the future … but “My project” IS MORE IMPORTANT ATT — and I see no one doing a damn thing for THE Causes, and yet that is not as important as The Wolves and The Wild!
So Methinks I do NOT PROTEST ENOUGH NOR LOUD ENOUGH (take names & pictures 2)!!
Ah, just another COG in the machine. Now that’s lead balloon humor!
Evidently I was watching it on C-Span at that very moment it was being invoked by Reverend Cynthia Hale of the Disciples of ChristChurch in Decatur, Georgia (thx, pj).
As feeble as I have become and too fooking stoopid to ‘get it’, I still have some degree of sense of now and then.
But, seriously, if you want to feel dissed, be an atheist (or maybe anti-theist would be more accurate) who thinks it’s all bullshit, and see how well represented you are.
Oh, and Clinton is a poopy-head. :nana:
Obama is, too! :nana:
Just my luck we get two Irishmen – McCain and O’bama – and I don’t really like either one.
Of course, McCain is fucking horrible, psychotic little man, so Obama gets the edge. No brainer, that.
But, seriously, if you want to feel dissed, be an atheist (or maybe anti-theist would be more accurate) who thinks it’s all bullshit, and see how well represented you are.
Comment by pjsauter — August 26, 2008 @ 7:46 pm
No shit. Realistically, an atheist could never run for office in this country, because his or her opponent would have the election in the bag as soon as said atheism was made public. Not that I would want to run for office, but it sucks that if I wanted to I couldn’t.
Same with the phrase “morals voters.” It implies that non-religious persons have no morals, which is not necessarily the case. I myself have plenty of morals…
…although several of them went out the window about half an hour ago when Maria Cantwell gave her speech in that black dress. I’m considering moving to Seattle now. :hot: :hot: :hubba: :hubba:
Personally, I have more respect for people who are moral (or ethical, or kind, or whatever you want to call it) just because they think it’s the way to be, and not because they have a sentence of eternal damnation hanging over their heads.
talkin’ ‘ bout god
I just saw Alejandro Escovedo (of the Bay Arean Escovedos) rocking the convention. Now that is some shit! I hear the Boss may show at the stadium on Thursday. Does he get to precede or follow Gore?
But, seriously, if you want to feel dissed, be an atheist (or maybe anti-theist would be more accurate) who thinks it’s all bullshit, and see how well represented you are.
Comment by pjsauter — August 26, 2008 @ 7:46 pm
Right on, PJ. Just try being a kid who doesn’t think this is one nation under God. Or respond to the question, “What are you?’ with “An atheist.” to realize just how great the discrimination is.
I just heard that disgusting Ghouliani crashed the Dem convention.
So Everyone Here is Christian? … I do not have problems with Christians … My Grandmother and Grandfather was …AND I knew the mass in Latin by 6 years old…… We were all Very Catholic …. but I was also called (nicely by friends) by 9 years “a Catholic Witch…”
BUT I do not believe a Christian prayer was involked….(or whatever) at a DEM Convention not in this fashion EVER….. if it was then it WILL BE STOPPED ….and oh goody a old-new cause… but it will have to be “soon” not “today” …
(BTW RG’s song was great …. I hope Obama LISTENS.)
I am and my religion is of the wee minority — but whether America likes it or not IT IS MY RIGHTS as an American and by THE FOUNDING FATHERS and Founding Mothers… ! :pirate: :tap:
I think we may have established that maybe no one here is a xtian but that there is some bigotry and intolerance in the mix.
Did you even bother to read what was written above?
I agree the Jewish children should NOT have Christianity “FORCED” upon them by Christians in PUBLIC SCHOOLS, especially! But Jews ARE a part of the Judaeo /Christian Pantheon
Other BELIEFS, even Agnostics or Atheists, and others …. including … Druids or Wiccans or Pagans are Valid
Not Nick Cave, Kp
Druid, you didn’t read a word of what I or Sue P or Kevin wrote, did you? All due respect, I think you must skip over things or don’t bother reading things very well. It would explain a lot.
Just saw Chuck Todd said that so it’s gone. Ewww! 😳
Attention to detail and credibility.
Oh and to KEEP things VALID …. BTW
as P.I.O. and BEFORE, RE MANY ISSUES also — I (also FOR Some others including husband) CONSTANTLY was given DEATH TREATS … and I had Wolf & a Wolf Hybrid and ex-strays Dogs (awwww Gawain) and Lugh (which sadly I finally released to be given to a member of my circle)– I trusted to protect me, when I was leaving my car alone … and/or home alone….
AND BTW … ANYONE Allowing Christians to DICTATE THE DEMS
— without saying ANYTHING –Speaks LOUDLY Their Actions … In My Opinion…….
Is that clear enough?
I guess the answer would be, “no” then?
Religion should be a personal matter. One should be free to pursue or not pursue religious observance. Having god included in the pledge forces children who do not believe to either shut up and go along with the crowd or face ostracism because of their views.
I come from a long line of atheists. As a kid in NYC, I heard the bible read every week in the assembly and I recited the Lord’s Prayer every day.
Having the Koran, or other religion’s text included does not answer the problem.
I believe the Dem convention, congress, the public school day could all begin and end without invoking anyone’s god or gods. It’s not just that such invocations favor a particular religion. It is that they completely ignore those of us who follow NO religion.
And, as long as having religious rites begin public secular ceremonies, it will encourage people to try to impose their religious views on others.
Exactly Sue P. :bow: I agree… so very much…
Rudy Giuliani made an appearance just around the corner from the Democratic National Convention in Denver today at a nearby exhibit on terrorist attacks.
“People forget…this is ongoing,†Giuliani said, referring to a threat of terrorist attacks in the United States and worldwide. “This is a museum about what is happening to us now, the present, and what will be happening to us in the future.â€
I guess he thought that nobody would hear him yelling 9/11, so he did the next best thing. Where is that machine gun emo when you need it?
Yep, and if the Dems did that it would be two months of commercials and distraction about the godless Dems. Get some reality based perspective. We are losing ground here and need to get it back an inch at a time.
Pick your battles and don’t listen to ajitaters.
This VA dude is not doing it for me. I need a shot of Clinton. I imagine she had some say in who gave this keynote so she would not get upstaged.
Tony Bennett is crazy about O’Bama! :love: Who knew?
I understand, Vernon. And, you are right of course. The Rethugs would have a field day. And, of course I’d rather have a president who will do some good things than one who will continue the disgusting, distructive, lethal policies of Bushco.
But, I gotta bitch occasionally, ’cause I’ve been putting up with this religious imposition for a lot of years. Worse, My VERY religious sister in law just spent 5 days with me, during which she constantly mentioned god’s will for me and the need for prayer.
She went home this morning, thank god :rofl2: !
The DEMS LOST — hopefully you Obama folk will get your behinds out and “hit the streets” and do what is needed … because YOU DEMs left me and NOW I am doing OTHER important ACTIONS for the future … and do what is needed ……….
Obama looks beautiful, but he LIES about His NUKE & COAL “ties” instead of WORKING on a SEA CHANGE, a Manhattan Project, a First Moon Mission type of mindset…or promises for these changes
But most here want the pretty black man with is charming CHRISTIAN (remember his Minister) FAMILY…..
and YOU DEMS are giving me a rethug-ite, now a christian dem “invocation” daily — now it seems — and everyone says Yea and “Hook, Line, & Sinker.”
I would have still elected him (yuck) BUT YOU dictate the President …
and it was the Christian belief which separated the people… and that was fine by many… therefore I leave. (Now my delayed projects will finally get precious time).
I was thinking GRN…but I’ll do what the DEMS did for many, such as me = DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
I thought the VA dude did a decent job.
Evening all and happy birthday Krista!!
* I like 101!
It’s OK, Ms. P, you know I agree with you. I lost my religion over 40 years ago but I do respect religion, especially when it is unorganized like the Dem party.
*Warner was OK but he is from VA and he was no O’Bama. I watched O’Bama’s keynote 4 years ago in NOLa and was blown away unlike any time since Mario Cuomo’s speech some years before.
Oops, just missed a PBS interview with Michelle O’Bama, that ‘Christian Whore’.
Krsta’s birthday? Have a good one, KP.
Tomorrow would be LBJ’s 100th birthday and also the birthday of Painting Girl. :cake:
This Montana guy should have been the keynoter. He even got Bill on his feet.
I will say it NOW Vernon …. I see MANY For Hillary and OTHERS thrilled with Hillary, EXCEPT THAT TOXIC NUKE/COAL Toxic BITCH-WHORE, showing M Obama’s EVIL SOUL…..
I am AMAZED Michelle Obama smiled only when Obaama :sheep: rethug was named for president …. :jerk: …
I will NEVER… …!
Oh she smiles when HER (m. Obama) or her husband’s name is mentioned.
See, that close was acceptable.
Well done, Senator Clinton. I hope Bill can top it.
I think she did a great job! Yea, Hillary!
Yes, Hillary did great, but it was Obama’s ACTIONS, especially the NUKE & COAL :crap: then FISA and…so much more……
then All in DNC pro solely Christianity …. that lost me……
AGAIN… this is not 1980’s it is 2008c.e
and DNC is proselytizing Christianity. I thought we GREW out of that type of stupidity. :pirate: :fu: :fist: :reaper: :dancers:
It is interesting to see how the whole thing has changed. In ’84 I had a floor pass that a photog friend was handing around for sessions. I was in the house for the Jesse Jackson speech and stood at the base of the podium as JJ spoke about 30 feet above me. Heady stuff. Very electric.
Unfortunately, whatever evils Obama will perpetuate, McCain will make them worse, and whatever good Obama will do will NOT be done by McShame.
More soldiers will die. More Children will die. More of our planet will die. I think a little better is preferable to a lot worse. That’s the only choice we have and many people (and animals) depend on that choice.
In 1980 I was an alternate delegate and I got to yell and cheer for Uncle Teddy. Unfortunately, that division in the Dems cost Carter the election and ushered in the Reagan Dark Ages. 😥
The only good that ever was caused was DUE TO Physical Actions..
Ex: 3 women was to do aerial jumps to save the wolves … and 1 (one) led others to take over places, especially the L.A.Canadian Embassy.
So many ACTIONS THAT THE MAJORITY of people have no Idea what MANY people do to keep the focus forward. So many lil and large actions … but no one is willing to demand A TRUE DIFFERENCE …
Obama is a republican … I said Hill was AS FAR RIGHT i was able to go before turning GRN .
Go and get Obama elected … if he is not or if he turns worse than he is now … well it’s on all of you for choosing him…….your turn. I am done.
I see I am gonna get another chance to watch Warner
so I’ll cut him some slack. It would be nice to have that many ‘D’s in VA, even if they are semi ‘D’s.
So, then you should should vote for McCain, then, Druid. Because that’s your choice, Obama or McCain. Gore is NOT going to run, face it. Your choice is Obama or McCain. That’s it. Or, you can sit it out and that would be a vote for McCain too. You’re either “on the bus or off the bus”. We all know the quote, I think.
‘Decent job’ was about all I will give him. It won’t go down in keynote history but I would guess one of the keynote titans might have been wary of an upstart stealing his show.
3 strikes chick…
KP, WOMAN, I have gone out of my way to be NICE TO YOU and not to speak to your insults
Then You Addressed Me this Night. ……..
WHEN YOU CAN COME ANYWHERE NEAR OF 40 Years for THE DEMS, then talk to me … but do not EVER ADDRESS ME THE WAY YOU JUST DID! When you were shitty before … I was nice.
KP, WHAT WERE YOU DOING FOR THE DEMS WHEN YOU WERE 14 years PLUS? ….. Go through the DECADES since I have only mentioned A TOUCH of listings ……..
I would even changed RETHUGS and even GRNS BACK Over to DEMS — but no longer … YOU MADE YOUR CHOICES.
WTF have you done? Maybe ya did things for a few years …
You made your choices KP, now go “beat the streets” answer phones or CALL to DEMS, do something besides the attempt at saying derogatory statements to me.
PUT UP OR STFU TWIT! DO NOT SAY STUPID :crap: ideas to me, for you know nothing and you just showed You Are Not Getting “it” 🙄
You FORCED Obama and he is a rethug . So Vote … I will no longer since YOUR VOTES cared NOTHING for this GOV … whomever, since they are all rethugs ….. and ALL the fights FOR WOMEN’S rights you chose not Hillary but Obama..
SO if this DEM is now FOR MAINLY CHRISTIANITY, well when others friends left the party .. I would say “Hang Together or …etc”
But NOT THIS DAY, SOLELY DUE TO DEMS … by voting for Obama, You voted for a CHRISTIAN DEM CONVENTION and no one complained — not to Obama-ites — that this is a NATION FOR ALL FAITHS!
Druid- there’s no nice way to put this. You have some mental problems. I’ve looked at your posts at sederville. Now you’re bringing all your toxic name-calling over here in full-blown manifestation. Please, seek some help. If it was up to me, I’d take down your posts here anytime you call Michelle a whore and/or bitch. My heart goes out to you as one human to another who needs some love.
I , after 40 years, am saying all these choices to go and do, for I, after 40 years am done.
I find it funny that you are TELLING me …….
Why don’t you go and DO … and not finding power at throwing :crap: at me…..
I have DONE my forty years, have you? If You haven’t, then look at yourself….?
I , after 40 years, am done. I have said all these choices, to go and DO, eye-roll, for I, after 40 years am done.
I find it funny that you are TELLING me …….
Why don’t you go and DO … and not finding your power at throwing :crap: at me…..
I have DONE my forty years, have you? If You haven’t, then look at yourself…….
art, in all fairnessiness, I don’t think D6 called Michelle O’Bama a ‘Christian whore’ on this blog but rather it was me quoting her comments from the Seder blog.
Well, there was this:
“I see MANY For Hillary and OTHERS thrilled with Hillary, EXCEPT THAT TOXIC NUKE/COAL Toxic BITCH-WHORE, showing M Obama’s EVIL SOUL…..”
I assume M is for Michelle (or maybe their 8 yr old daughter, Malia Ann). Not sure if she’s the toxic bitch whore, or just the evil soul married to the toxic bitch whore.
Left my mea culpa over here before seeing this bled to the newer thread. I must confess I can’t always read/decipher everything so that one slipped by me.