Today on Press the Meat it’s the next Vice-President of the United States, Joe Biden. Then Tom Brokaw chats with Tom “my head is flat” Friedman about Friedman’s new book (he’s the new Al Gore, doncha know).
Meanwhile, over at CBS, it’s Maverick John McCain on Faze the Nation. :yawn:
At Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has David Axelrod, chief strategist, Obama campaign and Rick Davis, McNutz’s campaign manager. Plus a bunch of fuxheads.
On the Goebbels network, George Snufalufagus hosts the next President of the United States, Barack Obama.
CNN’s Late Emission has Krazy Jon Kyl, Tim Kaine, Barbara Boxer, Texas hottie Kay Bailey Hutchison, Robert Gibbs, Obama Campaign Adviser, Nancy Pfotenhauer, McNutz Economic Adviser, James Carville, weird cupie doll looking motherfucker, Alex Castellanos, Republican stooge, Tara Wall, another Republican stooge, and political mastermind Donna Brazile.
Later, on 60 Minutes, Bob Woodward hawks his new book, Morley Safer interviews Alec Baldwin, and Bob Simon reports on how the yuppie desire for sushi (because people will eat fucking bait if you tell them it’s the “in” thing) is killing off the bluefin tuna.
Mostly, though, it’s the first Sunday of football season!