Well, the Bush years have come full circle, with the Dow now lower when it opens this morning than it was in 2001 when King George Jr. took over. I haven’t looked at my retirement stuff in quite a while, and I’m not about to start now. There just aint enough lipstick for this pig.
Good morning. I’m the Decider. I decided you people were going to give my good buddy Hank $700 gazillion dollars. But you didn’t do it!
You’re not allowed to think independently! That’s not how it works. I’m the Decider, and I decided this bill would pass. So get your shit together and make it happen, or else I’ll go nu-cu-lar and hold my breath till my face turns blue.
Then you’ll all be sorry.
Now watch this drive.
Oh yeah, I forgot, I quit playing golf to support our troops. Damn, am I a patriot or what?
jeez pj, that video’s too scary this early in the morning. :omg:
That’s the same percentage that this guy says they’re going to steal it by
I just watched that video. My breakfast is coming up.
The baltherers on CNBC are trying to find silver linings, so they are thrilled to say that home prices are coming down. The reason this is good? Income hasn’t risen in 8 years.
Stocks are rising sharply at the opening but this is BAD news. Why? Because if stocks rally there will be less pressure to pass the Wall Street bailout.
Honestly, they actually said this.
John McCain and the Party of Whiners
Whatever your take on the bailout plan is, one has to take exception with the Republican response as to why they failed to deliver the votes necessary for its passage—that Nancy Pelosi gave a partisan speech. I thought I learned in Kindergarten that “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Yet the preschool mindset of the GOP seems to be that if your political opponent offends you, you should put the economic future of the nation and the world at stake, and then whine on national TV about how your feelings got hurt. Of course Barney Frank put it best.
Holy crap, I think that Stephen Spoonemore guy is related to an old friend of mine. :omg:
This was really interesting to me because I have been saying for a long time that human emotions float around the planet like clouds or weather systems. As humans and probably even living beings on this planet, we are all connected. When 9/11 happened I was camping in the White Mountains and did not find out about it til the next day. But I had a really intense dream, right about the time that it was happening, that caused me to wake up screaming, or trying to scream. The dream didn’t make much sense but the emotions that I felt in the dream were consistent with what was happening.
Sad Bastard Plant
Okay, now I wanna know who the chicken shit dems were that voted for it. :tap:
A strong disturbance in the force….as though a million voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Okay, finally found a breakdown. I was gonna pick out all the Dem yes’s but it proved to be too tedious so here’s the link to the page.
So, it looks like Pelosi voted for the bail out. WTF! :tap: She needs to go.
Tell me about the rabbits again, George.
I heard Bush’s approval rating was at 19% the other day. Can’t remember where I heard it, maybe Stephanie Miller.
Crap! I’m gonna miss the debut of Maron v Seder because I have an interview. :fustrate: So do we have to pay for it after the debut?
I think I’ve got Zencast (or whatever the software for that is called) set to capture Maron v Seder, which will be a good thing because my computer can’t handle it as it is. Putting in on the mp3 player will help tons. I won’t see it live, but I wasn’t going to be able to anyway.
BTW, Caribou Barbie has come up with a new one. She apparently things Joe Biden is older than John McCain:
THINKS not things. It’s obviously too early in the morning for my fingers to work in connection with my brain.
Good morning, Seditionisti, and Happy New Year, Marc and all the other Jews around here and there. :sdavid:
Here’s a better picture of the vote breakdown
Hey Gypsy! :pup:
Yeah, the 19% was an ARG poll. The one above is Gallup. Either way, people aren’t too crazy about their Bush these days.
:fire: Kabloom! :fire:
Congress goes back to drawing board on bailout.

Hey Krista, in case I forget to post before work tomorrow, good luck with your interview. :love:
What kind of work is it?
It’s a scenic painting job. But I just talked to a painter today about working for him and he was real impressed with my faux finish work and would like to be able to offer that to his clients. His guys can’t do stuff like that so, hopefully I’ll be able to meet him tomorrow. The scenic painting job is probably 30-35 miles away :smack: and starts at 7am. So, the pay is gonna have to be pretty damned good for it to be worth it, not to mention my truck is old and I hate to rely on it that much. I don’t even know if the buses go that far north and that would be a 5 hour bus ride here. Our bus system really sux.
KP, good luck with the painting job, even if you turn the job down.
I guess Sarah is going to be presenting her fresh, new, spunky self as a contrast to Biden’s od, tired experience.
So, Jeff was just now talking about a monument to surrender and John McCain is the subject of that monument.
You’d think that with all the advanced technology in the world there would be a product sold with table or circular saws that reduces the sound effects. Maybe, anti-sound wave amplifiers or something. I don’t. That sound sure makes my blood pressure rise. 😡 :jason:
Air traffic noise is a pain, too! If Fred were around, I guess he might say I’m complaining about cockroaches on the Titanic.
Have to get back to math kool-aid.
Where’s Fred! :jason: