PJ is obviously enjoying a late morning, though how his dogs are allowing this I do not know. Mine would never allow such a thing. They start early waking me up and if that doesn’t work, the cats join in. It is not possible to sleep with a dog pawing you and a cat using you as a runway. Better to get up and feed them than to try to pretend you are sleeping.
I’m sure McCain would like to sleep late today. That’s got to be better than waking up to a day of defending Sarah after the Troopergate report found she had abused her powers. She did this by allowing Todd to use her office to promote his personal vendetta against her brother in law. The Palins do seem to have problems keeping their personal and political lives separate.
What really struck me was McInane telling the crazies that Obama is a decent man of whom they need not be afraid. I guess today he can just say, “Don’t believe anything I say. I’m just trying to win n election.”
PJ, you’d better feed those dogs!
Have a good one, everyone.