Tonight’s the big 30-minute Obama ad on several of the networks (all but ABC) and MSNBC. Of course, the wingnuts are all in a kerfuffle over it, but fake outrage is about all they’ve ever had in their bag of tricks, and it doesn’t seem to be working anymore.
Oh, wait, that’s right. They do have one other trick.
PJ, Art, Andy, FK, KP and Vernon, your kind thoughts are appreciated. Thank you for them.
This is positively priceless. You betcha!
Screenplay by
Maureen Dowd
If you’ve got a pumpkin carved and a trash bag for your clothes…, the weather’s supposed to be pretty mild friday :billcat:
Sue P…So sorry to hear about Minnie…hang in there. :knit:
Nice of them to give an hour
when it takes 12 hours… :knit:
Ooooh! Art, thanks for the link to the Naked Pumpkin Run. Looks like there’s one here in Phoenix. I know what my costume is now! :boobs:
If you need to get time off to vote, here’s a place to check the laws in your state.
Here in NY, if the polls aren’t open for four consecutive hours before or after your scheduled shift, they have to allow you ‘sufficient time’ to vote, and they have to pay you for up to two hours of that time (as a NY State employee, election day is an optional holiday for me, so I can take the whole day off with pay if I want to – though I’ll be working and banking that day for use later on).
Of course, insisting on your legal rights these days isn’t necessarily a good career move, and as blue, um, I mean, sheeple said, it doesn’t do you a lot of good if there’s a 12 hour line. We don’t seem to have those problems here, though we have optical scan machines for the first time this year, and we’ll have to figure out how to use them.
I’ve been doing the mechanical lever machines for about 30 years, so this will probably be pretty traumatic.
eya Sue P,
love em while you can.
give Minnie an ear scritch for me.
How these gibbering numbskulls came to dominate Washington
The degradation of intelligence and learning in American politics results from a series of interlocking tragedies
Maron and P.W. McDonald . :cat:
Sunshine Jim, scratch dutifully administered and happily recieved. thanks for the thought, Sheeple Blue.
Why would anyone want to learn mathematics? Ugh… :sammy:
Mathematics is my ticket to glory. Either that or it will drive me insane.
WE WON!!!!!!!! :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :banana:
:yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :banana: :banana:
:alc: :alc: :alc:
I noticed that finally after all these years, I have made it to the top 25 posters on MorningSeditionists.
As John Gielgud would say, “Alert the media”.
How ’bout the FBI?
And Santa :santacool: He’s all into lists, too, right?
Oh, I’m just being immature again. Guess I’ll skulk my way out of this joint and go learn some Greek.
Sign me up for 8 years please…
As a dedicated fan of the Senior Circuit, I extend my congrats to art. :banana:
As a suffering fan of a fairly recent 2 time Fall Classic loser, Kevin has my total sympathy. 🙁
Nice to see Pete Happy contribute.