So, as expected, Saxby Chambliss retains his Senate seat. Well, goodie for him and for the all the wonderful folks in Georgia. The media seem to be treating this as a “big comeback” by the GOP. Will these Bozos ever get it?
Oh, and why the hell are they still giving Sarah Palin coverage, as if she wasn’t a twit and a loser? Is she really the best the Republicans can do? And will the media install her as the next preznit after they declare the Obama presidency failed?
Well, if it’s what God wants, then that’s how it’ll be, I guess. As Roger Waters wrote, “what God wants, God gets. God help us all.”
Meanwhile, it kinda sounds like Hillary isn’t eligible to be Secretary of State. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Let the conspiracy theories begin.
Richardson for Secretary of State! Hillary for Secretary of Going Back to the Senate. Bill for Secretary of You Almost Got Free, Bubba, But Not Quite.
The bigger question for some whackjobs is still whether ‘Bama is a ‘natural-born’ US citizen.,0,2815658.story :tongue:
Did anyone really think draft dodger Chambliss wouldn’t win? Seriously? Georgia is backwards, uneducated, unproductive, and….should I go on? They voted for McSame AND they have black box voting with NO way to verify the vote. No Democrat will ever win a prominent position in that state until their voting method is changed. The margins are too slim.
I was just listening to his speech about what his win means (which is really nothing). To quote I think O’Bama knew where that one was going and that is why he did not spend to much of his ‘capital’ on it.
What I really think it means aside from what 49er said is that the old South and is related ‘strategy’ is becoming smaller and more marginal as things evolve and become irrelevant when looking at the nation as a whole.
Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) told Politico, “I am considering” a run for Senate, after Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) announced yesterday he would retire in 2010. “A lot of people are calling him and contacting him and encouraging him to look seriously at this,” a source close to Bush said. In an e-mail to ABC’s The Note, Bush wrote, “I am going to think about it for the next month or so.”
Florida w/o a Bush is like a day w/o sunshine.
I would move. Seriously. I had to put up with that poster child for anger mismanagement for eight years as governor. The last thing Florida needs is Jeb in the Senate, preening himself for a 2012 run at the White House. HELL TO THE NO.
The dream will never die for the Bush clan.
Jeb was the one who was supposed to be 43 but somehow cur W with Rove help managed to jump the rope and do it instead. Remember Poppy Bush choking up when talking about Jeb’s fate a while back? They will try to keep the dream alive in hopes that the family disaster that we are living out now might be forgotten or spun into a perceived success.
For the life of me, I can’t see how that can ever happen. Jeb may be able to take a senate seat in Florida but I don’t think the Bush brand can be rehabilitated nationally.
They would be wise to keep on with that Paraguay real estate investment if you ask me.
If you move, Kevin, move to New Mexico. That what I was thinking after Sherrif Fascist Bully Boy got re-elected along with his enabler. It totally killed my Obama buzz and I thought, “Fuck this state, I’m moving to New Mexico!” I have an artist friend who has some land in Taos and a friend in Aluquerqie(Crap! I can never spell that one). New Mexico is very artsy and freaky, lots of gay people and indians and earthy types. You’d be so welcome. Not that you’re any of those :tongue:
Taos Eh? I’ve got lots of equity in my house. Hmmmm.
I finally had a job review today and they gave me a 20% raise. 10% more than they are supposed too. Good thing too I need the bread.
subdued banana emo and small money emo
A very long day but for a very good cause. My old TV, fatso himself, got a new home which required us to drive an hour and a half to deliver it. For safety I wrapped it in an old, ugly, crocheted blanket…so I got rid of TV and ugly, useless blanket. This is getting to be fun.
Franken says he’s now ahead by 22 votes.
Oh, I never get rid of blankets or towels. They become dog accessories when not fit for human use. Plus dog’s love stinky old things.
congratulations Andy & Sue!
Jebby-boy has lots of family baggage – nuclear family & extended. but after the moose-killing hillbillies from Wasila, that no longer seems to be a negative. i’m so tired of the bush crime family. puleeze go away bush people.
:dancers: :pup: :banana: :turkey: