Taking a page out of Hillary’s playbook, Caroline Kennedy is coming to town today, to meet with local Democrats. That’s encouraging, I guess. I’m still not sure what qualifies her to be our next Senator, but, then again, I’m not sure what qualifies most of these people for the positions they’re in. Mostly, I’m worried about what’s going to happen with our economy (in the country as a whole, of course, but specifically where I live, as another 200+ people are getting the axe from New Process Gear – which manufactures truck transfer cases). I’m also worried about the special election in 2010, and losing the Senate seat to a Republican. I guess whatever happens, happens.
I’ve been thinking about Caroline Kennedy too, and have come to the same point: what qualifies any of them to be senator? Hillary had never held public office, although she got to observe the process up close. The same can be said for Caroline who has seen many of her family do the job. She might be great. She’s an unquantifiable amount better than Rudy. And, if she is a cross dresser as he is, she’ll look a whole lot better in a tux than he does in a dress.
It rained and snowed yesterday and last night. There is snow on all the cars but the streets are just wet. It’s still raining. Ugh!
Today I get to chase own another errant package. This one supposedly delivered by the post office. They gave me the run around yesterday. Toay they will have to come up with a better answer than that it has been on the truck for 2 days. I wonder if they have a list of excuses and today I’ll get excuse #2.
Work beckons, but at least I have a job!
Yeah, Sue, times are pretty dark right now. I feel like I’m dangling in the wind.
Must be wearing boxers.
It’s been raining the last 2 days and I stepped on a snail this morning and killed it. 🙁
So, I’m helping my friend clean up his house after his incredibly slovenly dad has moved out. The place is truly disgusting. Crap piled everywhere, koolaid and soda spilled and NEVER cleaned up, truly truly disgusting. :yuck: So, I’m just scooping stuff up and throwing it in garbage bags and I finally get to the floor and find a book called “How To Deal With Clutter” :rofl2: :rofl2: In darkness there is laughter!
Just listening to the post-show show. Somebody using the initials ‘pj’ IM’d Marc with something like “we love you even though you called me ‘small’,” or something like that, and he seemed to think it was me, but it wasn’t.
EVERYONE knows Bill O’Reilly is quitting his radio show to concentrate on his Fox News TV program. Now, Page Six has learned the leading candidate to succeed him is Rudy Giuliani. Westwood One, which syndicates the O’Reilly show, is negotiating with the former mayor….Some wonder if Rudy could sit for three hours a day chitchatting about politics. The other question is how it might affect his possible gubernatorial run in 2010. Giuliani’s office did not return calls.
Forget the economy: Killer asteroids could pose real danger
By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press
WASHINGTON – Attorney General Michael Mukasey has recused himself from the Justice Department’s investigation into Bernard L. Madoff, accused of running one of the largest Ponzi schemes ever.
Mukasey’s son, Marc Mukasey, is representing Frank DiPascali, a Madoff firm official, in the probe.
Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr said Wednesday that the attorney general would not oversee or otherwise be involved in any aspect of the investigation, which is being run out of the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan.
The SEC also is investigating. Losses in the alleged scheme could reach $50 billion.
The answers, ♪♪ my friends, ♪ are blowing in the wind.
The answers are blowing in the wind. ♪
Throw a Shoe at Bush Game
Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Memory
FK of the NW…Here’s how to embed the Tom Jones video.
To the right of the video it says embed. Copy that code. Paste it in the comment box and click “submit.” The post will be blank. Click on “edit.” Paste the embed code in the comment box again and submit. This time the video will appear.
width=”425″ height=”244″
I prefer this ratio.
okay, a bit bigger than trav likes, but it worked!
Thanks guys. :banana:
I feel like a grown-up.
moved your vids over here vernon. hope that’s ok.
It was a test but that’s OK. Not quite sure how you moved them.
I got the job! :yippee: ‘cept they offered me $12/hour and I need to find out if it’s also commission. :smack: Should be, since it’s a sales position. The accountant called me and I need to speak with the guy that offered me the job still. But, there aint much else out there so…….I guess I’ll have to build this thing into a good paying job. In the mean time I guess I’ll go ahead and do the 2010 census job also. That’s flexible hours and pays $13.80/hour plus mileage. I got no life anyways and I’m getting rid of the room mate and don’t want to get another one. 🙄 Gonna be looking for someone to move into the guest house though. So, if anyone is looking to move to Phoenix, I got just the place for you if you’re one person that doesn’t need a lot of space.
KP- Congratulations! :banana: :yippee:
:alc: Here’s to your new job
Google: Obama’s Residence Linked to PSL Phone Number
December 17, 2008 by texasdarlin
h/t to Alice
That’s great news, Kpea.
I already did that Art.
NFL record-setter Sammy Baugh dies
All-around great last of 1st Hall of Fame class
🙁 :gate:
excellent, kp! I’m so happy to hear you got it. :sammy:
vern, that blog you linked to in 23 has a bunch of wackadoodle thugs on it…..
I think I’ll make tomorrow’s opening thread. :40:
Probably won’t be very interesting, though.
Changed my mind. I had initially thought that as soon as I started typing this mess that some interest of mine would ignite a spark in the creative part of my brain and shit would flow out like the night before a colonoscopy. It seems, though, that I’m already half asleep (not literally, for all you half-true-believers) and the other parts of my brain are too muddled in their muddleheaded ideas to be of any use.
On a side not, here’s a link to the top 25 censored stories for 2009. :joe:
RG’s family’s jokes could come in useful with this post.
Quite shitty, I do say! And I do do! :crap:
re 23- Very true, 49er. That’s why I put the tin foil guy there. Those folks never give up.
I know how pj (not the IMer who plays pj on MvS) likes to read the wackadoodle comments on those things sometimes.