It’s Saturday. The day to get the wash done and all those mundane things that need doing. Ugh!
We got back to the City yesterday. The snow had completely disappeared so it musy have rained. Thus we were spared that uniquely urban landscape of dirty black snow. Instead it was cold and windy. The nice thing is all the people here who are really happy that we will soon have a new president. We ran into complete strangers who wished us a Happy New Year and said they were waiting for the real celebration on January 20. Now all we have to worry about is how much damage Dicky and his friends can do between now and the inauguration. They can and will do as much as they can.
I watched Chris Matthews’ special recapping the year yesterday, in the middle of the night. (No, there was nothing else on.) They said all the usual pap and nonsense. But, Pat Buchanan said that neo-conservatism is dead. I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but I hope Buchanan is right. The Retugs still left in the Senate are fighting to maintain their “vision” though. I can only hope that their antics will get them ridicule and malice.
Have a good Saturday. Monday will come soon enough.
Buchanan would say that because he is dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semitic and consequently anti-Israel. He has been that way since before there were neo-cons.
Sue, you have a draft in admin and I can’t tell if you have an opener cued up but it is still there after this morning’s. I suspect it was for last Saturday.
I looked and the “draft” is empty but it is still listed with the date 12/27. I tried delete but it doesn’t delete the date. PJ, will have to do whatever magic it is that he does, to make it go away.
As for Buchanan, that seems like a reasonable explanation for his statement. I would still be pleased if he were right. And here’s a hopeful sigh from Israel:
The killing in Gaza continues. Hundreds have been killed, thousands injured, air-strikes have caused utter devastation and entire families are left homeless.
Civilians in the south of Israel are being held captive by a government which lies to them and abuses them. Destruction and death in Gaza will not ensure their future, but rather lead to more violence and killings.
Join us in protest this coming Saturday, 3.1.2009, in Tel aviv. Together we will call out:
Stop the Killing! No to the Siege! Yes to life for both peoples!
In these dark days, let us stick to our message:
Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies!
Our demand: A full truce and the lifting of the siege on Gaza NOW!
We meet at the corner of Frishman St. and Khen Boulevard at 18:30
Looks like we got a few more inches of snow overnight. Funny, it was all gone for a couple days there, but then we got nailed with another foot or something, and everything’s all white and pretty again. As of yesterday, we were up to almost 75″ for the season, which is about twice our average. It’ll be interesting to see if this keeps up. Maybe we’ll break 200″ this year.
Not very interesting, I know, but we don’t have much going on around here, other than the basketball team, which is off to a 14-1 start this year.
Oh well, I suppose I should get out there and shovel.
Looks like he got it.
I hope Buchanan is right too. I just find it uncomfortable to agree with him about things when I suspect his motivations.
Funny it is more acceptable to be against the Israeli actions and gov’t there than in many circles here. Just like I hope the people of the World don’t equate me with what our gov’t does these days, I am sure that their a lot of Israelis who do not want to be identified by the actions of their ‘leaders’.
Iconic Journalist Nat Hentoff Is Laid Off
🙁 :gate:
vvm :fu:
Lib’rul confessional
When I go to the gym and there is an “American Spectator” or the like in the magazine bin, I take it home and look at it but I don’t take it back. :omg:
I do recycle the thing after I rip it up.
I heard the song that the Dream Diary music comes from last night at First Friday. I should have gone and asked what it was but I was talking to someone. I always thought it was generic dream diary music.
Franken Jumps Out to 225-Vote Lead on Strength of Absentee Ballots :tinfoil:
cautiously :yippee: :banana:
Hot Dogs of Freedom! :rabbi: :sdavid:
For your penance, Vernon, you should replace the right wing rags with printouts from liberal blogs.
April 29, 2009 — plus or minus a few days. That is when the English language is expected to acquire its millionth word. This prediction comes from Global Language Monitor, an organization in Austin, Texas, which uses proprietary software to track and analyze trends in language. “Global English” is its particular focus.
Israel has moved into Gaza.
:spank: Vern.
I find this despicable and upsetting. Gaza is tiny. The innocent people are forced to stay there and be killed. Closed borders – have people forgotten Sabra and Shatilla? The Israeli’s so overpower the Palestinians. Of course Hamas is among the people, Gaza is small for crissakes. It didn’t work in Lebanon and it won’t work in Gaza.
Okay. Thanks for letting me vent. I just so much want peace and this is so wrong, imho.
I can’t stand this war business. What is it that allows people to kill each other, to kill little kids, and swear it’s patriotic?
Great news about Franken. He’s now up by more votes than Coleman was before the recount.
At a dealership on the outskirts of Miami, people who agree to buy one Dodge Ram truck can get a second truck or car — free. In 415 supermarkets across the East, customers who bring in a prescription can walk out with free antibiotics. And one clothing chain, not to be outdone, has started offering three suits for the price of one.
No one cansay it as Bush does. I.e.:
“I remember meeting a mother of a child who was abducted by the North Koreans right here in the Oval Office.” _ June 26, 2008, during a Rose Garden news briefing.
_ “Throughout our history, the words of the Declaration have inspired immigrants from around the world to set sail to our shores. These immigrants have helped transform 13 small colonies into a great and growing nation of more than 300 people.” _ July 4, 2008 in Virginia.
Here’s a compilation of Bushisms:
I’m watching pj’s counter =>