Saturday has come again to give all the working folks, including KP, a welcome respite from the demands of the boss. Instead we get to satisfy the demands of the household, however that be configured. Here on Shelter Island we’re waiting for snow, or ice, or freezing rain, or some disturbing combination of all three. Ice is the worst, of course. It’s at its most diabolical when it is hidden under a layer of snow. But, if it’s bad enough, it will mean no school on Monday and that will be a good thing. No matter what, school will be open on Tuesday because that day of THE TEST.
Our dear mayor, who campaigns on the test results, floated the idea of testing the kindergarten, first and second grades, too. He got a lot of flack from parents and teachers over that plan and I haven’t heard anymore about it. But, there’s always next year. He also wants to pin teacher tenure to test results as well as bonuses for teachers and principals. He will then be shocked when he discovers widespread cheating and a school system devoted entirely to learning how to take THE TEST.
If you’ve paid any attention to these test scores you know that they keep rising. This is, of course, a miracle as each successive year a new group of students scores better than the previous group. How is this possible? Do we teach better each year? Are the kids taking better vitamins? The answer is that the first year the test is unknown and very hard. The miracle occurs each successive year as the test is both more familiar and easier. Oh, look how the students are improving. Strangely, when the students take the national test, as a group does every several years, they do not show this improvement.
I had a dear friend, a high school bio teacher, who said that everyone has been a student so everyone thinks he or she knows all about teaching, having been exposed to so much of it. That always makes me what to write to Bloomberg to tell him that I can run his radio station as I’ve listened to so much radio. I won’t tell him that it’s mostly radio on which Maron exposes his neuroses and insight.
The really good thing about today is that is makes us one day closer to saying goodbye to Bushco. Obama will no doubt delight and disappoint us, but Bushco will be gone and that can only be good.
Have a good one.
It may not be how Jenny McCarthy wanted it happen but at least it has, finally.

CDC director is out, government e-mail says
Never mind Kansas, what’s the matter with Texas?
Tasted like chicken?
Very yucky, Travis.
What? I think you mean that PJ’s post is yucky
And Kevin’s. :barf: I ate chicken last night…
We decided to drive back to Brooklyn. I guess hubby was afraid I might miss a day of work. It’s snowing, but there are only a couple of inches on the ground. The weather report for tomorrow has a picture of a tree branch with icicles hanging from it.
You’re right Travis, it is Kevin who gets the “very yucky”.
President-elect Barack Obama is planning to honor one-time rival John McCain at a dinner on the eve of his inauguration.
Obama’s inaugural committee said Saturday it has planned three dinners across Washington to honor leaders who worked across party lines. Republican McCain, Democratic Vice President-elect Joe Biden and former Secretary of State Colin Powell, also a Republican, are set to be honored Jan. 19.
Obama says the dinners will honor Americans who put their country ahead of their political party. That bipartisanship is a central theme of Obama’s campaign and transition to power.
I bet Lieberman thinks he’ll be honored for his bipartisan efforts as well. Now there’s a yucky thought.
You’re right Travis, it is Kevin who gets the “very yuckyâ€.
Comment by Sue P — January 10, 2009 @ 6:30 pm
It’s the story of my life. I get the very yucky.
Actually Sue, working in the green house is fun and I’m bummed that I only get 40 hours a week to do what needs to be done. The green house works 7 days a week and I get worried that my little tomato seedlings I’m trying to nurse back to health after being neglected over the holiday will get forgotten over the weekend. They really need to put me on salary.