Not much going on this morning. Looks like banks are puking out money to pay off our “representatives” in order to kill Obama’s mortgage relief program. Ditto for the health care, insurance, mining, and agribusiness industries, in hopes of killing everything that Obama proposed doing in his speech the other night. The President’s proposals are highly favorable with the public, so I predict lobbyist money will win the day, and kill (or at least maim) them all. ‘Cuz that’s how sacred Capitalism works, and we don’t wanna be goddamn Socialists, do we? Didn’t think so.
Looks like the Obamas (Michelle, anyway) have settled on a Portuguese Waterdog as their new doggie, assuming they can find one from a rescue. What, they couldn’t get a regular ‘merican dog?
I baked brownies last night! They are chocolate and yummy and I cut away all the burnt parts. I’m taking them to work today in an effort to schmooze the people I work with in hopes that it will earn me a little more job security before Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin murder what is left of the business world.
I thought about making a new lead for today but pj has been on such a roll and I lose some posting privileges by becoming ‘Peej for a Day’.
I don’t know if you remember it but when Maron was on the road for the Guardian and MvS they has a silly animation of Marc in the moho and a map showing his travels. I wish we had one of those for Sean.
I spent a lot of time trashing Bobby Jindull yesterday, he being Palin du jour, and now I am feeling liberally remorseful. Was I getting caught up in the Rovian repig game of the politics of personal destruction seeing an up and kumar and trying to tear him down? Of course they bring it on themselves but still I wonder.
I didn’t get into it much here because I did not want to encourage any more South bashing which I equate to the bashing of New York and the North, painting with too broad a brush. If you wanna hate fundies or Jews, racists or libruls, hate ’em but don’t condemn everyone and everything in a region you don’t know much about in one fell swoop. I had the same feeling about some of the breathless postings I saw on Tuesday about shootings at Mardi Gras. To some it is ‘reporting’ but for many it was confirmation of ‘worst fears’ perpetuating the word about the ‘negro problem’ with the knowing 😉 :nod: .
I am from the South and I hated it when growing up there but in the passing years have grown to appreciate it more and more. I left there a long time ago but now I can actually see myself moving back at some point. I have a lot of respect for those I left behind who stuck it out. There are wonderful folks who may be in a minority but they sure try a lot harder than complacent fooks like me who lives in comfortable enclaves of progressivism and have let an intrepid minority of zealots strangle and destroy the once great state of California.
I saw a post on C&L yesterday about Clarence Thomas blowing by Justice Ginsberg. I just thought what is the point. I saw it when it happened and thought the same thoughts but so what? It just seemed unnecessary.
Kevin, what’s in those brownies?
Lola the puppy is going to the vet today for a shot, poor baby. She seems to have grown this week so I’m very curious to find out how much she weighs.
My other dog, Emily, is very lame from a severe case of FCE which initially paralyzed her completely and has left her with a severe weakness on her right side. Ay 13 she also has arthritis and I’ve been giving her a spray that contains Chondroitin and Glucosamine. It has made a marked difference. She’s walking better and even climbing stairs.
Right now I’ve gotta work. have a good one!
Pillsbury brownie mix. No funny stuff. It’s been so long since I bought weed that I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how to go about it. Which is why we need to legalize!
Wendy Richard has passed away from breast cancer. She was only 65.
If you aren’t a fan of Are You Being Served, you should be.
She was also in the Beatles movie Help, though her scene wound up on the cutting room floor:
Lola got a shot today which she protested very loudly and she has gained 1 1/2 pounds and now weighs 8 pounds. Tomorrow she gets a bath!
A BATH!?!? Poor doggie.
The Obama administration is reversing an 18-year ban on news coverage of the return of war dead, allowing photographs of flag-covered caskets when families of the fallen troops agree, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday.
Sad news. Oldest buisness let alone oldest newspaper in Colorado. “Celebrating” 150 yrs in two month.
When I moved here in 1972, Michael Balf Howard was the editor. Grandson of the Howard of Scripps-Howard founder, ( and evidently doing a lot of blow the Rocky was almost a hipster paper with an edgy irreverant staff including Woody Paige (late of “Cold Pizza” on ESPN) who got me reading sports for the first time in my life just for the entertainment value.
There was an incredible amount of animosity between the Rocky and the Post and “The Post” was “The Man”.
William Dean Singleton bought the Post in the late eighties and shortly after struck a deal with the Rocky to share printing and ad revenues. I think he’s the one who pulled the plug. He’s a thug from Texas and hated having any competitiion (what else?)
:gate: Rocky Mountain News 🙁
that is really sad.
Be vewy vewy quiet. I’m in shrub’s neighborhood. The Dallas news tells you their every move. It’s scary! 😯