My laptop is behaving badly this morning, so I don’t have time for much. Poor thing is getting old; must be over four years old now, which is about 64 in computer years. Plus, it’s been through a lot. The culprit this morning appears to be the Foxmarks syncronizer for IE. Since I never use IE (except at work, where it’s the “officially supported” web browser, so I have to at least make sure my stuff works in it), I reckon I can do without it.
More rain today, then up into the 50’s before plunging into the teens later on (just in time for my new gloves and Elmer Fudd hat, which should be showing up on my porch some time today). This, combined with what seems to be constant fatigue the last few days, seems guaranteed to get me sick. I can feel a sore throat coming on. Guess I better start hitting up the oil of oregano.
See ya.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Sam :omg: Donaldson, whose hair is just as black at 75 as it was at 35. 🙄
Oil of oregano? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Yeah I was searching oil of oregano here the other day.
Maybe RG can tell me if you can use it topically. I took a headplant about 3 weeks ago on the cement and had 8 stitches. Not liking how it is healing.
try Vit A oil for cuts and bruises
You can use oregano topically (I’ve read it’s good for muscle aches and rashes and such), but I wouldn’t use it on broken skin, ‘cuz it would probably burn like hell (don’t want to get it in your eyes, either, or on your naughty bits).
I think vitamin e oil is what helps to heal cuts and minimize scars.
I hope you’re feeling better, Heron. 8 stitches, ugh!
did i really post Vit A?
i meant Vit E… sheesh!
wheres my braincell rebuild kit?
In light of the current economic crisis, and with the hullabaloo ignited recently by Jon Stewart over the accuracy of CNBC’s reporting, we thought it might be useful to revisit this shocking 2006 interview Jim Cramer gave to’s Aaron Task.
In it, the host of Mad Money says he regularly manipulated the market when he ran his hedge fund. He calls it “a fun game, and it’s a lucrative game.” He suggests all hedge fund managers do the same. “No one else in the world would ever admit that, but I could care. I am not going to say it on TV,” he quips in the video.
He also calls Wall Street Journal reporters “bozos” and says behaving illegally is okay because the SEC doesn’t understand it anyway.
He also calls Wall Street Journal reporters “bozos” and says behaving illegally is okay because the SEC doesn’t understand it anyway.
After missing a flight last Thursday from Washington to New Orleans,
Louisiana Sen. David Vitter opened an armed security door and went off on a United Airlines employee, according to a report filed Wednesday by (paid-restricted) Roll Call.
The door sounded a security alarm.
Vitter had arrived at the gate for a flight from Dulles Airport, only to find that the door had been closed twenty minutes prior to departure.
After setting off the security alarm, the Louisiana senator proceeded to dress down an airline employee who told him entering the restricted area was forbidden. He invoked his standing as a senator, delivering a “do-you-know-who-I-am” tirade, the paper said.
The airline worker then announced he was going to summon security.
“Vitter, according to the witness, remained defiant, yelling that the employee could call the police if he wanted to and their supervisors, who, presumably, might be more impressed with his Senator’s pin,” the paper’s Heard on the Hill column noted. “But after talking a huffy big game, Vitter apparently thought better of pushing the confrontation any further. When the gate attendant left to find a security guard, Vitter turned tail and simply fled the scene.”
Federal authorities told a high-profile Arizona sheriff Tuesday that they will investigate his department over allegations of discrimination and unconstitutional searches and seizures.
The U.S. Justice Department said in a letter to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio that investigators will focus on alleged patterns of police discrimination based on national origin.
I think the blog needs to see the injury to make a proper remedy recommendation, Ms. Knittster.
Quite chilly where I am today. I guess it could be worse.
After missing a flight last Thursday from Washington to New Orleans,
Louisiana Sen. David Vitter opened an armed security door and went off on a United Airlines employee, according to a report filed Wednesday by (paid-restricted) Roll Call.
Comment by Sue P — March 11, 2009 @ 2:49 pm
Hey Dave, next time buy your diapers before you get to the airport, so you won’t be late for your flight!
Susan Lindauer: Secret Charges and The Patriot Act
In March, 2004 Susan Lindauer was arrested for allegedly acting as an “unregistered agent” for prewar Iraq. She challenged the government’s assertion and sought the right to prove at Trial that she’d been a United States intelligence asset covering Iraq and Libya from the early 1990’s through 2003 (see articles).
In an unprecedented judicial ploy that lasted five years, federal prosecutors blocked Ms. Lindauer’s rights to trial or any other sort of evidentiary hearings that would test her story. For 11 months, she was confined at Carswell federal prison on a Texas military base and at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, without a conviction or plea bargain.
Montel Williams Joins Air America
I think AirAmerica must be pining for the Jerry Springer days.
The only thing I listen to on AAm, nee AAR, is Marc and Sam.
Montel Williams? Really? Not that I have anything against Montel Williams – just seems odd. I guess they needed a non-white guy, and I reckon he hasn’t had a lot of people banging on his door.
Air America is just such a distant mystery to me now.
Michael Steele says he’s pro choice.
I seem to be much better entertained watching the Rethugs crumble than I ever was when the Dems did it.