Please pardon any typos I may have here, but it’s tough to type, what with being triple-gloved and wearing a full-body haz-mat suit. But these precautions are necessary, since there are now some 50 cases of mild flu in the US, including one suspected case just a county or so away from me. And they’re dropping like flies in Mexico City, with
149 152 deaths now blamed on the evil swine flu. Of course, what with the population of the Greater Mexico City Metro Area being about 22 million people and the death rate in Mexico being 4.78 per thousand, about 290 people die every daythere. And about 100 people a day die in the US in car accidents. Still, the flu is nothing to sneeze at. 🙄
Or is it? Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America is, um, concerned that this swine flu outbreak is just a scam to get evil baby killer Kathleen Sebelius rammed through as head of HHS. Personally, I think it’s a plot by our Islamic president, in cahoots with the CIA and the Al-Kayders, to unleash a plague upon the free world (the fact that the normally pork-eschewing mooslums would resort to the use of “swine” flu just proves how shamefully ignominious they are).
We must, however, persevere, and I’m not afraid of being afraid for the good of our great nation (minus Texas, of course; are they gone yet?). Not as long as the Internet is still working, anyway, so I can keep up on the important shit, like up to the minute flu updates (this just in, a new case confirmed in Israel!) and tips on staying safe (they just passed along these tips on the lo-cal news: stay away from sick people, wash your hands, and if you’re sick, stay away from the rest of us).
In other important news, Carla Bruni visited Span and Princess Letizia, :hubba: Osama bin Laden is dead (maybe), conservatives are too stupid to know that Stephen Colbert is kidding, Rush Limbaugh is an asshole, and Kate Walsh’s divorce is getting ugly. I have no idea who Kate Walsh is, but obviously it’s important that I know she’s getting divorced.
We get a break from the heat today, but it’s still gonna be hot to the east and south of us. Especially inside those haz-mat suits.
You don’t know who Kate Walsh is because you have a penis and as such do not watch that show.
Although it just occurred to me that I have a penis and know who Kate Walsh is. Oops. Although I also do not watch that show.
Ooh, Mr. Kotter, I’m so confused.
Glen Beck, according to Olbermann, was opining that the swine flu business was just a liberal plot to get Sebelius confirmed and he was RIGHT:
The Senate was set to approve President Barack Obama’s nominee for health and human services secretary Tuesday, giving the agency a leader in the midst of the swine flu outbreak.
I did not realize how clever these Mooslim presidents could be. Imagine starting a flu epidemic to get your nominee confirmed.
Wait’ll ya see what they’ve got in store for the next SCOTUS opening. 😯
Mayor Bloomberg won control of the schools promising to run them like a business. This concept appeals to people who think children are products but the results suggest it doesn’t work. None-the-less, I was surprised by this editorial in the NY Daily News, a not very liberal tabloid.
The writer must have a kid in public school and may have noticed his kid does not resemble a product.
I always thought that this here MS blog only pretends to be joking and the fact that you genuinely mean what you say makes me second-guess why I am here.
Another confused wingnut
Way to go Arlen Spector :dancers:
MSNBC reporting that Arlen Specter (weenie senator from Pennsylvania) will become a Dem. We’ll have our very own Lieberman you betch’a.
As long as we keep him in a closet full of mothballs and just let him out to vote for health care, and to confirm ‘Bama’s cabinet and Supreme Court nominations.
I guess Specter will have Lieberman to sit next to. It’s nice to have more Dems if they are really Dems and not just unelectable Rethugs.
Now hurry up and seat Senator Franken.
They just interviewed the guy who was going to run as a dem. He’s not conceding anything to Specter. Was already dissed by the DNCC- which might be a positive. Specter comes across as just another old-hat senator who’s outstayed his day. I don’t think he’d make a very attractive candidate. I’d rather see the voters call BS on all the string-pulling and make a big statement :slap:
“Arlen Specter is one of the worst, most soul-less, most belief-free individuals in politics.”
I don’t like Specter but I do like seeing those Republicans squirm. I’m sorry. I know that is not nice. But it’s true.
Papantonio (sp) from Ring of Fire is on with Marc and Sam. It’s a good show!
SueP- “You’re here-by forgiven for enjoying republicans squrim”
:priest: Archbishop Milf Milfington
Thanks for the absolution, Archbishop!
Senator DeMint demonstrates Republican Crazy:
Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, one of the few remaining moderate Republicans in the Senate, said Tuesday that Arlen Specter’s abandonment of the GOP is “devastating,” both “personally and I think for the party.”
“I’ve always been deeply concerned about the views of the Republican Party nationally in terms of their exclusionary policies and views towards moderate Republicans,” said Snowe, who has been approached, she said, by Democrats in the past about switching parties.
Specter’s switch to the Democratic Party “underscores the blunt reality” that the GOP is not a welcome place for moderates, she said.
So far, she said, she’s staying put. “I believe in the traditional tenets of the Republican Party: strong national defense, fiscal responsibility, individual opportunity. I haven’t abandoned those principles that have been the essence of the Republican Party. I think the Republican Party has abandoned those principles.
She added that being a Republican is simply part of who she is. “It’s my ethnic heritage, Spartan side, that continues to fight,” she said.
The achievement gap between white and minority students has not narrowed in recent years, despite the focus of the No Child Left Behind law on improving the scores of blacks and Hispanics, according to results of a federal test considered to be the nation’s best measure of long-term trends in math and reading proficiency.
Between 2004 and last year, scores for young minority students increased, but so did those of white students, leaving the achievement gap stubbornly wide, despite President Bush’s frequent assertions that the No Child law was having a dramatic effect.
Although Black and Hispanic elementary, middle and high school students all scored much higher on the federal test than they did three decades ago, most of those gains were not made in recent years, but during the desegregation efforts of the 1970s and 1980s. That was well before the 2001 passage of the No Child law, the official description of which is “An Act to Close the Achievement Gap.â€
Someone must have dropped truth serum in the Dept of Ed’s water coolers.
:pup: i hate republicans………
Kristol demonstrates Republican stupid (and stupid grin)
Michelle Bachmann thinks swine flu is a Democratic plot.
#22 is hilarious :rofl2:
what a spin…
Specter is simply trying to save his phoney-baloney job. He knows that he can;t beat Toomey in the primary so he’s pulling a lieberman.
How come Michele Bachmann was not wearing her PJ’s while she was appearing on PajamasTV ???
PJ, you are the authority on this. Please explain.