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Morning Seditionists

What’s So Good About It?

Posted by pjsauter on April 10, 2009
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There’s something horribly wrong with a world where tickets to see Arnold Dorsey Engelbert Humperdinck are 150% more expensive than tickets to see Buddy Guy. I mean, Engelbert was a hit with the old broads (like my mom) back in the 60’s (mostly the sexually repressed Catholic girls that found his name titillating, I bet), but most of those women (like my mom) must be dead by now. And, let’s face it, Engelbert Humperdinck is no Tom Jones.

Buddy Guy at #30 in the top 100 Guitarists of all time shows what a piece of crap Rolling Stone – Matt Taibi aside – magazine is (or at least has become); one gets the impression that they’ve never heard – let alone seen – Buddy play. I’d ask them how they came up with that list, but Obama would probably invoke state secrets. On second thought, since Buddy is a Chicago guy, maybe Obama would be down with wiretapping the RS office phones in an effort to find out what the deal us.

You know, I used to wonder how bad things could get if Bush wasn’t such a dummy. Obama is certainly no dummy. :paranoid:

It occurs to me that only Christians (and maybe “24” fans), with their penchant for torture porn, would call a day where you get nailed to a cross and left to suffer and die (after having your ass kicked all day dragging said cross through town) “good.”

But have a good Friday (so to speak) anyway.

Maundy, Maundy

Posted by pjsauter on April 9, 2009
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Today is the end of an era here in the ‘Cuse, as the Syracuse China plant closes its doors. Oh, the current parent company – Libby – will keep stamping “Syracuse” on a line of china; it just won’t be made in the United States (let alone Syracuse) anymore. Let’s hope there aren’t any heavily armed and close to the edge paranoid schizophrenics amongst the soon to be unemployed. To add injury to injury, the Ball Corporation announced it’s closing their plant here, in July. Not to worry, though; we’re building a really, really big mall.

We have a bit of an eccentric stove in my house (it’s a Tappan – a brand I cannot recommend). It worked fairly well when I first bought it, but soon developed some sort of a neural disorder affecting the electronic burner ignition system. You turn, say, the right front knob, and the left rear burner starts sparking. Or you turn the front left one on, and the left rear one sparks. Or you turn the front left knob a little bit, and the front right one sparks, but you turn the knob a little further, and the right rear one starts. Unfortunately it’s not consistent, so you’re never sure which one will spark. I’ve gotten pretty good at figuring out which one’s clicking, and then turning on the gas to the one that seems to be firing (which of course causes a third burner to start clicking).

Sometimes I just turn ’em all on, and hope at least one of the damn things lights up (which can take a while, allowing the gas to accumulate under a frying pan or something, before suddenly exploding in a huge fireball, which is simultaneously very scary and really cool – especially if the kitchen lights are off). It’s kind of fun standing there, listening to the gas come rolling out and the four sparkers clicking, deciding how long to wait before shutting them off (I can hear Clint Eastwood whispering in my ear through clenched teeth, “are you feeling lucky, punk?”). Kind of a kitchen version of “chicken.”

Of course, sometimes you might want a specific burner to light, so you have to do it the old fashioned way – with a match. For this purpose, we have a box of wooden kitchen matches up in the cupboard. This box (which precedes my presence in the house), has a rather emphatically scrawled (complete with multiple underlines)


written across the top of the box. It doesn’t take much imagination to envision how that came to be (makes me laugh every time I see it).

Now, I’m sure there are many of you out there (particularly the females) who are saying to yourselves, “well that’s a very smart thing to do, labeling the top of the box so you don’t spill all the matches out.” And I suppose it is, but to me it epitomizes one of the differences between men and women – namely, the lack of an inclination to check before fully committing to a course of action that may have unpleasant ramifications (you know, like invading and occupying Iraq, or increasing troop levels in Afghanistan 🙄 ). The prime example of this, of course, is the toilet seat. Men who live with women are typically forced to put the toilet seat down (unless we want to be awakened in the middle of the night by an outraged – and somewhat damp – woman, hovering over us menacing, cursing like a sailor, and threatening a rather specific sort of bodily harm).

Contrary to popular belief, there are times that I, too, require the seat to be down, and on those occasions, I naturally check to make sure it is down before I assume the position (much like I only partially slide the match box cover open, until I’m sure I’ve got it right-side up). Now, I’ll admit that I’ve never actually fallen into the toilet, but I’m fairly certain that if it happened once, I’d never forget to check again.

I can hear the women out there now saying, “I don’t need the seat up, so why should I have to put it down?” A fair point, I guess, except I would counter with the argument that, while you don’t need the seat up, I’m pretty sure you’d just as soon that I didn’t leave it down (on a side note, it was years before it suddenly dawned on me one day why public toilet seats are horseshoe shaped). I’ve always thought the best way to get a woman to quit complaining about you not putting the seat down is to stop putting it up.

But, of course, putting the seat down is a small gesture, and the desire to preserve the peace greatly outweighs the slight effort it takes (and of course I refer not to physical effort, but the effort to remember to do it). Especially if you’d like to wake up with all the body parts you went to bed with (John Wayne Bobbitt left the seat up one time too many after a drunken night out on the town).

As I used to tell my stepson (who suffered alone in a house full of four women, and two female cats before I came along), you gotta pick your battles; no point in squandering good will on something trivial. In fact, in our house, putting the seat down isn’t enough; I have to put the lid down, too (not sure if Granny drowned in a past life or something).

Not on Sunday, though, as we’ll be having Easter dinner over at my in-laws, where my father-in-law is king of his castle, and a man is free to leave the seat up to his heart’s content.

Guns Don’t Kill People – People with Guns Kill People

Posted by pjsauter on April 8, 2009
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Since March 10th, 57 people have been shot to death by eight gunmen (slightly more than 7 each; pretty good average). This would be cause for a little bit of concern, were it not for the fact that all of them (or at least most of them) had legal gun permits. Thank goodness for that. I mean, after all, if guns had been illegal, then these guys would have been criminals (and if Jiverly was Wong, I don’t wanna be Wight). You might think that all this gun violence would lead to more strict gun control laws, especially with the namby-pamby liberal wimps running the government. You would, of course, be wrong.

After seeing the devastation a couple of (legal) handguns can do in the paws of one crazy Vietnamese immigrant, you’d think maybe we would ban (or at least limit) more powerful assault-type weapons, which would seem to have no real legitimate use (other than, maybe, an assault or something). Well, last month a bunch of fruity House Democrats tried to do just that. Fortunately, a group of 65 more manly Democrats – led by Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas (Arkansas is definitely on my list of places I don’t want to live, though that’s admittedly got a lot to do with the heat) – stepped in, and notified AG Eric Holder that they opposed not only a ban on military-style guns, but also efforts “to pass any similar law.”

Well good for them.

Speaking of places I don’t want to live, the Texas Senate (where legislators are allowed to bring weapons to work) easily passed bills that would allow employees to bring weapons to work (as long as they leave them locked in their cars; not sure what the penalty would be for bringing the guns in and shooting your co-workers; probably a stiff fine), and to allow folks to bring their guns to a bar – as long as the bar doesn’t have a “no guns allowed” sign. But what real Texas bar would have a fruity policy like that? Guns and alcohol? What could be wrong with that? And Texas is also considering allowing students to bring concealed weapons to campus. Sounds good to me. I remember going to college, and the kids I went to school with were all quite mature and responsible. 🙄

I wonder if we can get federal vouchers for bulletproof vests?

Murderers, Hypocrites, and Traitors Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on April 7, 2009
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The Minnesota Senate election recount is winding its way down, with just a few hundred unopened absentee ballots left to be opened and counted. Then we can move on to the never-ending legal appeals phase, with Coleman being urged to fight on by the likes of chinless closet queen (he may be in the closet, but the closet door is pretty wide open) Mitch McConnell and Krazy Jon Kyle (note to Kyl: real Americans spell John with an “h”).

I just don’t understand how people can claim Republicans are rigid and incapable of evolving.

For instance, McConnell, who now says “the court’s decision in Minnesota…leaves no other choice but to continue the process to ensure that every legal vote is counted,” sung a different tune back in 2000, when, just three weeks into the Florida recount process, he implored Al Gore to

be a “statesman” and “give it up.” “Enough is enough,” McConnell said. “Where do the interests of the country begin and the interests of the campaign end?”


Kyl, of course, threatened Senate Democrats (on the floor of the Senate, no less) if they attempted to seat Franken before Coleman managed to exhaust all legal maneuvers (no matter how frivolous, apparently).

“Clearly there’s something wrong here and it has to be resolved by court,” Kyl said. “There are no stipulations for when proceedings must be completed.”

Back in 2000? Kyl was concerned for Al Gore’s reputation, should he “back in to the Presidency.”

Then, of course, there’s Coleman himself. When he led on election night, he offered Al Franken some advice:

“If you asked me what I would do, I would step back,” Coleman said of a recount, the night of the election, when he was ahead. “I just think the healing process is so important.”

If you’re a working person an anti-union scumbag corporation, you have a friend in Arkansas. “Democratic” Senator Blanche Lincoln has declared that she will not support the Employee Free Choice Act.

“I cannot support that bill,” Lincoln said, according to Arkansas Business. “Cannot support that bill in its current form. Cannot support and will not support moving it forward in its current form.

I guess Wal-Mart has a lot more pull in Arkansas than working stiffs do. No surprise there, I guess.

Around these parts, the big news is the letter that the Binghamton shooter (not gonna give him any post-mortem props by using his name) sent to a local news station. They’re sending the packet off to Quantico to work up a profile on the guy or something. Let me guess, he was fucking nuts? Beyond that, the only thing it really tells me is that he was a Time-Warner cable subscriber (since that channel is a TW only cable news station), and possibly a Va-Tech mass murderer fanboy.

Over 50 people killed in mass shooting in the past month? Makes you wonder how many other ticking bombs there are out there (perhaps right there in your classroom, office, or over-priced coffee shop). I’m just glad I live in a country where everyone – no matter how insane – has the right to own as many guns as they can afford.

“And you have a nice day.”

What God Wants, God Gets

Posted by pjsauter on April 6, 2009
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I caught a few minutes of “Terms of Endearment” the other day (it’s one of those movies where I think I’ve seen the entire movie, but never all in one sitting, and certainly not in order). Watching Shirley MacLaine reminded me of a couple of morning DJs (if you can actually call them that; they don’t typically play much in the way of music on these morning shows) who were making fun of her belief in reincarnation and past lives.

Funny how anybody who believes in past lives, ghosts, and anything even vaguely “supernatural” is a nut job, but nobody thinks twice about those who believe in an invisible man in the sky who is all-powerful and loves us, yet allows horrible things to happen to good people because he’s opted for a “hands-off” management style. Hell, you can even spend millions of dollars to build elaborate “houses” for him (or should I say, “Him?”) to hang out in, while so many of his “children” go homeless and unfed.

I started thinking about this when I read this story on last week’s “Binghamton Massacre.”

The wounded receptionist who feigned her death during the massacre at the American Civic Association in Binghamton told her priests that God gave her the strength to call 911 after being shot in the abdomen.

Isn’t that always the way with God? Too little, too late. Now, god bless (so to speak) this woman (I have no desire to disparage her faith or her courage; who knows how many more people this guy would’ve killed if she hadn’t gotten the cops there), and all the victims and survivors and their families, but, really. If god is going to intervene, why the hell not give this disturbed gunman the “strength” to kill himself (or at least check in to a mental facility) before going in and murdering 13 innocent people? Or how about giving him lousy aim, so he misses everybody? Or, hey, I know: why not keep companies like Shop-Vac and IBM from shipping jobs overseas and pushing guys like this over the edge?

Just sayin’. I don’t think you can have it both ways, true believers. Either god is pretty much indifferent to all the pain and suffering that goes on down here on Earth, or he’s actually behind it all (working, of course, in “mysterious ways”).

Oh, I know, there’s always the “free will” argument, but I’ve always thought that was a cop out. Yeah, I suppose if you drop a hundred dollar bill on the floor, I have the free will to either pick it up and hand it to you, or put it in my pocket. But, thankfully, I’ve never had (and hopefully will never develop) the compulsion to perpetrate any heinous acts of violence. It isn’t moral superiority overriding my aberrant “free will” desires that’s kept me from killing young boys, cutting them up, and then keeping their parts in the refrigerator for when I get a case of the late night munchies, or climbing to the top of a bell tower with a high-powered rifle and starting to shoot, or kidnapping women and keeping them in an underground bunker all these years.

Someone (or some thing) has to put those kinds of notions into your head, and give you the desire to act upon them. And if you’re going to give that invisible guy in the sky credit for the good stuff that happens in the world, then I think you need to assign at least a little bit of responsibility for the bad shit to him, too.

Or maybe it’s just Monday.

Booblehead Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on April 5, 2009
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On Press the Meat today, live, from Detroit, it’s the new CEO of GM, Skip Henderson. Then it’s a roundtable with President Dummy’s former speech writer, Michael Gerson, CNBC hack John Harwood, the BBC’s Chatty Katty Kay, China “expert” Joshua Cooper Ramo, and the former Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Labor, Dr. Bill Rodgers.

On Faze the Nation, Tim Geithner is back out on the stump, still trying to convince us that he isn’t evil or an idiot (or an evil idiot), plus the WaPost’s Perry Bacon, and newsbabe (and CBS Chief Foreign Correspondent) Lara Logan.

On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace has President Obama’s senior adviser David Axelrod, Republican stooges Gov Mark Sanford of SC, and disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Plus the Fux News “Power Player of the Week” Debbie Wasserman Schultz of FL, and a wole bunch of fuxheads.

Later, on 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley reports on a county hospital that’s been forced by budget cuts to close an outpatient cancer clinic. Anderson Cooper interveiws Ahmad Batebi, who tells how he was tortured during his eight years in an Iranian prison (it’s called “torture” when the Iranians do it), and this weeks’ puff piece comes from Morley Safer, who interviews Dolly Parton.

Even later, it’s the third season premiere of the Tudors (which some of may have already watched, thanks to On Demand). Have a good Sunday.

Saturday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on April 4, 2009
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Not sure it’s worth starting a new thread every day, but I guess I’ll start one for today. Don’t have much to say, except this was one big goddamn pig.

Big Norm

All Tied Up Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on April 3, 2009
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Today’s sign of how shitty the economy is (not to mention our “leadership” here in NY State), is the cancellation of the Empire State Games – an Olympics-style competition for amateur athletes from around the State, who participate in several different age groups. The games began here in Syracuse back in 1978, and were the first State games in the US. They were so successful that they spurred similar games in many other states.

Originally, the games were supposed to stay in Syracuse (since we’re in the middle of the State, and probably since nobody else actually wanted them). They were done so well and brought so much money in to the local economy ($10- $12 million) that other cities in the State started whining, and the games began to rotate around in 1985.

Now, our short-sighted Governor (pun intended) has seen fit to remove all funding for the games. The state’s share of the games’ budget (a whopping $1.7 million out of $3 million) will help cut the state’s $16 billion budget deficit by, oh let’s see, about one one-hundredth of one percent. Never mind the impact on Poughkeepsie (this year’s venue) in tough economic times, how much revenue will the state will lose in sales tax, hotel surcharges, etc.? Well, never mind. That would be thinking ahead, and if there’s one thing we don’t here in NY, it’s think ahead (otherwise maybe we wouldn’t have cut taxes for the rich folks quite so much while times were good).

Another example of these hard times is the decision by my old high school to go digital-only with the school newspaper, after more than 50 years of producing a print version. Funny, it calls the paper “award winning,” but I don’t remember it winning any awards (truth be told,
I’m not even sure I remember having a school newspaper – I don’t exactly think of high school as my “Glory Days”), though it must be true, ‘cuz I remember the catch name, “Rampages.” We were the “Red Rams.” Get it? Hey, don’t look at me, I didn’t name it.

The only thing I really remember about high school was that it was surrounded by woods, and we had so many kids in my gym class, that when we played baseball, I used to drift out to deep right field and kind of keep on drifting until I was in the woods and gone. Nobody ever noticed. That’s always been my one true talent in life: not being noticed.

The race for Kirsten Gillibrand’s House seat (NY-20) is basically tied now. I’ve seen reports of both candidates up by 12 votes, and the Democrat up by 6. So, this isn’t likely to be over any time soon. In the meantime, though, we can look forward to tonight’s Real Time with Bill Maher. And oh, what a show he’s got in store for us tonight.

Bill’s guests tonight include the man with the the oldest toupee in the news business, the semi-retired Sam :omg: Donaldson. Bill also welcomes (for some reason), major asshole David “squeaky” Frum, journalist Reihan Salam, and comedian Carol Leifer. But all of those guest pale in comparison to this week’s #1 guest who will share his vast (some might say unmatched) knowledge of politics, economics, foreign affairs, and soil pipes. Yes, you guessed it, Bill welcomes Joe “the plumber” Wurzelbacher to the show. Maybe he can borrow Sam’s toupee?

Joe the plumber and David Frum on one show? I’m not sure I can watch that. I might have to strangle somebody.

You Don’t Have to be Blonde to be Dumb Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on April 2, 2009
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So, no matter how pissed off the world is at the US, it appears that Michelle Obama is going over quite well overseas. Good thing, ‘cuz I saw the photo of her and the other G-20 “first ladies,” and she looks like she could kick every one of their asses (and most of their husbands’) with one sleeveless arm tied behind her back (and I was afraid she was accidentally going to step on the Queen of England and squash her like a bug). The only person I can think of that Michelle might have trouble with is, is Barbara Bush (the first one), and that’s only ‘cuz Bar could ugly her to death.

Angie Harmon gave a two-part interview with Fox News, where (in part) she details all the things she just loves about being a Republican.

“I think one of the greatest things about the Republican Party is the understanding, we don’t point fingers and we have class…

Not all of us are supposed to believe the same things and think the same way,” she added. “I think the difference between the parties is, with the Democrats you can sit down with them and have a 15 minute conversation and if you’re not believing everything they say and buying into what they’re selling you, it is like you’re some dumb hick who doesn’t deserve to live here anymore. But with the Republicans, it is like okay I want to know what you know, you want to know what I know, okay great lets go have a beer after work, we’re still friends.


I’d like to see Michelle Obama kick her ass.

April Fools Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on April 1, 2009
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AKA, “Holy Shit it’s April and I Haven’t Even Thought About Doing My Taxes” Open Thread.

The special election to fill Kirsten Gillibrand’s vacant House seat has ended in a virtual dead heat, with the Democrat up by 65 votes (absentee ballots have yet to be counted). This would be an insurmountable lead for a Republican, but since it’s a Democrat ahead, I think we can count on months of litigation (in fact, the Republican went to court even before the polls closed). I’m pretty sure this won’t go on as long as the Senate nonsense in MN, though (which, I’m pretty sure, will only end after the 2014 election – and only if that one isn’t close).

In another sad sign of the times, the CNY SPCA appears to be on the verge of closing. Donations are down, and pet drop-offs are up. This is pretty sad news, since the SPCA is a “no-kill” shelter, and other, smaller alternatives can’t handle the volume of animals that they do.

Sy Hersh says Dick Cheney has a mole
(maybe lots of moles) in the Obama Administration, and can still influence policy to some extent. Don’t we hang spies? I’d be willing to keep a cage open at Gitmo for Cheney, and I think it would be appropriate to authorize “harsh interrogation techniques” on him, in order to get to the bottom of this (chain him to a 500 pound weight, and throw him into the river. If he lives, he’s a witch, and should be burned. If he drowns, he was innocent, and will be seated next to Jeebus in God’s kingdom). After all, there could be a Manchurian Candidate embedded in the administration, and we can’t take any chances.

Lucky Barack Obama, who gets to try and pick up the pieces now that Humpty Dumpty and Humpty Dumptier are out of office. Looks like World Leaders are in no mood for our shit anymore, and are set to try and push Obama around. Any reason you cowards couldn’t have done this while President Asswipe was still in office? Personally, I think we ought to adopt a policy of strict isolationism (except for Canada and Mexico) and tell the world to go fix itself while we take some time just for ourselves, to figure out who we are and get our collective heads together.

Uh-oh, better go. The Today Show just started, and I can’t deal with the stoopid this morning. Have a good one.