Congratulations to NBA Hall of Famer and former Detroit Piston Dave Bing for winning the mayoral special election in Detroit yesterday (not that mayor of Detroit is a great gig at this point in time; it’s almost as tough as coach of the Lions). Bing played his college ball at, um, let me see, I have it in my notes here somewhere….
It was nice to see the Democrats smack down Arlen Specter yesterday (at least a little bit). All the idiot had to do was keep his mouth shut and keep voting to stick a knife in the backs of working people, and they’d have let him slide. But openly hoping for the MN Supreme Court to overturn the election of Al Franken was going just a tad too far. Let’s hope Sestak kicks his ass in the primary (though it looks as if Tom Ridge might be tough to beat in the general).
Bank of America needs about $34 billion, apparently. I wouldn’t care, except that happens to be my bank. It’s not my fault, though. I opened my account there with my paper route money, when “there” was Syracuse Savings Bank (back in those days “savings” banks weren’t allowed to offer checking accounts – at least, not in NY; checking was for “commercial” banks only). Eventually they got bought out by Norstar. Norstar got bought by Fleet, and then Fleet got bought by Bank of America. I really should move everything to my Credit Union, but I have all these damn automatic payment thingies set up, and it would be a big pain the ass. I’ll just wait ’til BOA pisses it all away, and then I won’t have to worry about it.
Besides, once the Islamic extremists get hold of Pakistan’s nukes, we may all have bigger things to worry about.
Not to mention the coming Apocalypse in 2012.
Speaking of better things to worry about, local schools that closed due to the Swine Flu panic asked the State if they could slide on the 180-days in session rule, and not make up the days they missed. The State said “no,” and, miraculously, schools slated to be closed until at least next week are suddenly back in session today (much to the relief of “uniquely American” parents who work two or three jobs and need the child care). It’s almost as if sanity is poised to prevail in this country, and we can get back to the important stories on the Today Show (like the face transplant lady and John Edwards’ affair and alleged “love child”).
Speaking of the Today Show, memo to Matt Lauer: this does not constitute a “nude photo.” :tap: Though apparently Carrie Prejan is a bottle blonde. I don’t know about you, but I find that shocking.
Dyed hair and fake boobs; what would Jesus say?