Some good economic news up here, for a change. Well, I reckon it’s good news. We used to have a Miller Brewery in Fulton, NY, but it’s been closed for quite a while (mostly ‘cuz Miller sucks). It was taken over by Northeast Biofuels, who wanted to make ethanol. They spent about $200 million getting the plant operable, and then went bankrupt. Yesterday, SUNOCO bid $8.5 million for the place, easily outbidding another group who bid $1 million, with the intention of liquidating the assets. Supposedly, SUNOCO actually wants to operate the plant, and hopes to produce 20% of the 460 million gallons of ethanol they use to blend with their gasoline each year. It’s not a huge amount of jobs, but it’s better than a big empty building, at least.
Otherwise, not much new. Granny is back home where she belongs, and we have a full house again. The bad news is, it’s back to work again today. The good news is, at least there’s a three-day weekend to look forward to. I could use a day off.
There are reasons to be a teacher, chief among them…there are 8 working days left for me before SUMMER VACATION.
Hubby and I have just returned from experiencing the best medical care in the world. He had an appointment with the ophthalmologist at 1PM. We arrived at 12:30. We got out a 4.
Did you know that in Canada there is a long wait to see the doctor? It’s a problem in England, too. Here you just call, get an appointment right away and are seen quickly…’cause this is definitely the best way to do things.
The ophthalmologist likes to make money so he schedules 20 patients for that 1PM slot. He gets to them when he gets to them. After all, folks in need of eye care can’t possibly have anything valuable to do with their time.
Poor Lola, had a long wait to get walked.
Mayor Bloomberg is running for a thrid term…a term fro which he had to overturn term limits by a vote of the City Council. Mayor Bloomie is running as the great education reformer having wrested control of the school system for himself.
Bloomie says the schools have really improved and lo and behold the test scores which just came out are really great. The only people who are truly surprised are the teachers whose classes were unable to pass previous years’ tests when used for practice.
But it seems there is an explanation: the test was much easier this year. We are all shocked! Shocked!
And, on the swine flu front…they’re dropping like flies. The first class I visited had 4 children absent and 3 more sent home before 8:30 AM. The teacher was given Clorox wipes and told to wash down the desks.
The second class had 3 absent and 2 feeling sick. There was a line for the nurse.
10 teachers were out on Monday. One is in the hospital. The principal knew exactly what to do. She fooled with the attendance log so that it appeared only 5 teachers were absent.
Recent stories about Rummy putting religious cover pages on Bush’s daily briefing reminded me of this
Voice Of God Revealed To Be Cheney On Intercom
I liked this one, too.
Cheney Caught Moonlighting
The Onion has suspended publication here and in a number of other cities. I hope they survive.