Well, it’s not Friday, but it’s getting there. Not a lot to say today, but I think we can all rest easier knowing that scientists have created marmosets with green glowing feet, and the marmosets are passing the trait to their offspring. The scientists are clearly excited, because now they figure they can breed animals with human diseases and torture them in the name of research. How very human of them (fuckers better stay away from our baby woodchucks, though).
But whattya expect? We’re just doing unto animals the way we do unto each other. Actually, the monkeys are in Japan, where they’re probably treated better than humans would be by us freedon-loving ‘mericans (assuming you consider a-rabs and mooslums human, of course).
Hopefully the scientists at least won’t rape the monkeys, or sexually abuse them “with objects including a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube.”
I think I’ll go look for a youtube video of Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to be an American.”