After the delay back in February, today’s the day that the analog teevee signals get shut off. Whether that’s a good thing or not doesn’t really matter. Much like healthcare reform, nobody cares what we the people think about it. One interesting aspect here is that one of our lo-cal teevee stations has to shut down its digital OTA signal to make repairs to the transmitter, yet is still required to kill the analog signal today. So they’ll be off the air (to those w/o cable or satellite) until Sunday. One would think they’d have fixed their transmitter, oh, I dunno, last week maybe, but one would be wrong.
Big day for Republicans in NYS politics yesterday, as they assumed control of the NYS Senate. Sort of. First, they couldn’t get into the Senate chamber, and somebody had to go find a key. They finally got in and began the session, but they couldn’t get any legislative work done, because the bills are kept in some sort of an “official” desk, and that desk – you may have already guessed – was locked. And the Democrats, apparently, are the ones with the key.
Speaking of Senate Democrats, they decided to boycott the proceedings, calling them illegal. So, absent them, the Republicans needed all of their members to be present, plus both of the Democrat traitors, in order to form a quorum.
At some point while Republicans were looking for the key to the desk, one of the traitors – Hiram Monserrate, the girlfriend slasher – decided to split (he publicly said it was to go find other Democrats to join him, but it’s starting to look like he’s a triple-crosser, and wants to cut a deal. As somebody once said, “an honest politician is one who stays bought,” and this guy is far from honest).
So, absent both a quorum and a locksmith, the Republicans turned out the lights and left with their tails (and little more) between their legs.
It’s balloon festival weekend here, so the skies will be filled with hot air balloons (weather permitting). I used to go every year, back in my youth, but now it just means the dogs are SOL for a few days, since it’s held at the same place where we go for walkies. They will not be happy about this.
Oh well, the Today Show is touting both Sarah Palin and the former Miss California with the fake boobs whose name I’m pleased to say I don’t remember (Carrie something, I think). Wow, both of them on the same show. Makes me glad I’ve gotta go to work. I’m outta here.
Our beloved NY legislators were greeted by protesters shouting, “Voters not donors” and “Senate not for sale.” I don’t think this worked out the way they thought would
Alassska, fruition, “rise up”
Matt Lauer matching wits with Sarah Palin and another beauty pageant contestant this morning, also.
Sarah needs to send David Letterman something nice for x-mas this year (maybe a nice wolfskin shirt or something) for all the publicity he’s getting her.
Well hey everybody. I’ve been subbing for the store receiver this week and it has been HELL!!. What a nightmare job. Speaking of receiving…..I lost half my digital channels today, the signals are too weak, guess I’ll finally have to go satellite or wait for fios.
Ack! Moving SUX! :hot: But we’ve been lucky this week with temps in the low 90’s.
Bill Press Meat wants Letterman to apologize.
Why does Press have a radio gig?
Rachel played the “John Kerry took my shoe” Swift Boat parody tonight and I could tell it was coming before it happened. Check in at about the 4 minute mark.
:banana: :pup: :sammy: :fire:
Swift Boat listeners for radio truth
Me no like Bill Press … Bill Press bad … Bill Press stole my sock