All day yesterday, I thought it was Thursday. What a bummer to find out it was only Wednesday. Plus, it’s too goddamn hot and humid. And deer fly season is upon us. This is why I prefer winter.
So, Mark Sanford came out and cried because he got caught having an affair. Boo frickin’ hoo. I personally couldn’t give a crap what he does or whether his Stepford wife’s meds wore off and she kicked him the hell out of the house. Yeah, every time my wife finds out about my affairs, I go running to Argentina w/o leaving a forwarding address, and spend a few days “crying.” Hey, fer crissakes, be a man about it Marky Mark. You betray your wife and kids, you stand there and take your medicine without blubbering like a little baby. You didn’t see Eliot Spitzer cry.
Fellow South Carolinian and Bill Clinton impeachment manager Bob Inglis says the whole Sanford thing is an opportunity for Republicans to “lose the stinking rot of self-righteousness” and “to understand we are all in need of some grace.” What, like Sanford is the first self-righteous Republican hypocrite to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar (or his foot on the wrong side of the stall)?
It looks like Rocky the snakehead fish has escaped his death sentence after all. The NYS DEC called their lawyer, who found a loophole in the law that condemned Rocky to death. It seems that if you exhibit the fish for “educational” purposes, you can get a permit (for $500; nothing’s free in NY) to keep them legally. So, Rocky’s owner is applying for a permit, and he’ll have to do some snakehead fish educational stuff a few times a year. Gee, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?
Of course, Wednesday’s big news was the royal treatment Joe Biden gave the NCAA Lacrosse Championship team when they visited the White House. Biden gave the fellas a personal private tour of the White House (including a stroll through the Rose Garden, where President Obama saw them from the Oval Office, interrupted a meeting, and came out and said hello), and hosted a barbecue for them at the VP’s residence.
Beats gettin’ a load of bird shot in the face.