On Press the Meat, Gilligan Gregory has Orrin Hatch and Chick Schumer, on to tell us why we can’t have health care reform, plus we’ll hear how things are going in Afghanistan (hint: it’s going great) with Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Karl Eikenberry, the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan.
Faze the Nation has two assholes and a good guy (you decide who is which): Chuck Grassley, Kent Conrad, and Howard Dean.
On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace takes us beyond Death Panels, and “uncovers” the Dept of Veterans’ Affairs Death Book, with Jim Towey, former director of White House Faith Based Initiatives. Plus, health care: communism or just socialism? A “fair and balanced” debate with “Democrat” Sen. Arlen Specter and Republican Congressman Paul Ryan. Plus, a whole bunch of fuxheads.
Over at the Goebbels network, is a special “Grand Canyon” edition, live with John McCain (and, no, it most certainly is not appropriate for St. John to wear shorts). Plus a roundtable with George :jerk: Will, David Frum (I need to find a sphincter smiley for him), Paul Krugman, and Robert Reich.
Over at CNN, it’s a rerun of Fareed Zakaria’s interview with China’s Premier Wen Jiabao, plus Malcolm Gladwell tells us how to get to Carnegie Hall.
Have a good Sunday.
Morning Patriots!
Yesterday’s post was interesting. My understanding is that there is evidence the Iranians acted in concert with the Libyans. There was that little problem with the downing of Flight IR655 months earlier.
I don’t think the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi had anything to do with compassion. It has to do with BP’s desire to work oil fields in Libya. This would probably be an interesting article to access.
P.S. pj, mr fk covered the downing of PA 103 and saw the remains hanging from trees, etc. He has always said it was one of the most horrific sights he’s seen.
Ed Reimers dies at 96; Allstate placed ad campaign in his hands
🙁 :gate:
Yeah, lots of people suspect al-Magrahi’s release was for oil interests. There’s also speculation that he was released because they wanted him to drop his appeal, as they feared he’d win. But I think it’s also worth noting that it isn’t unheard of for the Scots to release terminally ill (the guideline is for those with less than three months life expectancy) prisoners.
We Americans are above all that, of course Hell, we even execute the mentally ill.
Yeah, I remember reading the description of the Lockerbie residents in the trial transcripts, and I spoke a few times on the phone with a member of the Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary who was on the scene.and it sounded quite grisly.
According to Scalia and Thomas it’s perfectly fine to execute the innocent. Doing such can only add to the glow of that “shining city on the hill.”
No hawks today, but lots of nice photos anyway.