While Governor Blinky tries to hide his inept stewardship of our state by complaining that nobody likes him because he’s black, Judi Ruliani seems poised to make a run at the job himself. This is very bad news, since nobody much likes Blinky, and Rudy – in Superman-like fashion – personally rid NYC of all crime, and then pulled the survivors out of the rubble of the World Trade Center with his bare hands. Blinky doesn’t stand a chance against a great American hero like that. Hell, Rudy’ll go kick that goddamn Pedro Estrada in the nuts and clean up the NY State Legislature. Hopefully Paterson will spare himself the embarrassment, and not run. If that happens, the best we can hope for is a primary fight with Andy Cuomo, and we don’t need that. I’m not sure I’m set on Andy, but I liked his old man, whom I admired for repeatedly vetoing the death penalty. I just hope Andy’s been staying away from the hookers (but he’s a nice Catholic boy – like Rudy – so I’m sure he’d never do anything like that).
The outrage continues over the release of the Lockerbie bomber, and now a new website is urging a boycott of Scotland (they have a gmail address, so they must be pretty serious). Yes, a Scotland boycott. No more haggis for you, Joe Sixpack. And throw that “Highlander” DVD in the trash (or maybe jump up and down on it while more copies are burned in a barrel behind you, ala the big “Beatles are more popular than Jesus” kerfuffle of 1966). I personally plan on supporting the boycott by not wearing a skirt, and I’ll try and cut back on “tossing my caber” (so to speak), too.
A new report says 120 – 160 million Americans might get infected with Swine Flu, a couple million hospitalized, and 90,000 might die. Or not.
…the authors of the report released by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology said this was one of the possibilities and not a prediction.
Oh. Another possibility is that nobody will get Swine Flue, because an asteroid will hit the planet, obliterating all life. The main thing is that it sounds really scary, and we should all be clamoring over this untested vaccine they’re rushing to market. Since the last Swine Flu vaccine killed more people than the flu did, and this new one is apparently responsible for at least 25 deaths, it’s a good thing that the drug companies have protection from liability. I’d hate to see the drug companies held responsible for anything.
Oh well, it’s getting late, and I have to go throw out all my rolls of Scotch Tape.
Just got around to watching the full Daily Show interview with Betsy McCaughey. Makes me very grateful that George Pataki didn’t have a penchant for high-priced hookers.
PJ, you are going to go straight to hell for being so mean to Gov. Blinky!! :omg: But I know you don’t mean it in a bad way :paranoid:
Here’s why we need government run socialized universal health insurance. Very nicely explained, kind of like the way Uncle Jay Explains the News.
Well, back to the trenches now. :nuts: :smack: :barf: :yuck:
vernon- I heard there was a ballgame last night. Catch any of it?
I was very willing to give Gov. Blinky every leeway, but at every turn he showed what an inability to govern looks like.
Teddy, I am devastated. Thanks! For everything!!
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:gate: Senator Kennedy 🙁
If there’s any such thing as earning redemption for a life lived and the good fight fought………
art, you know there is not a lot to say. His life says it all.