Freshman arrived on campus yesterday (life becomes a major pain the ass for those who have to work in the area – which fortunately doesn’t include me anymore – from now until winter break), the NY State Fair opens in less than two hours (it’s Governor’s Day, which means throngs of people will no doubt be heading to the fairgrounds to catch a glimpse of our beloved governor; yes, the Gov came in to town last night, and we are tainted – which is kinda like being t-bagged – by his presence), and the SU football season begins a week from Saturday (great anticipation over that, though, in reality, it figures to be another long depressing season, where “success” will be measured more in terms of progress and competitiveness than in actual wins; still, as of today, we haven’t lost any games yet). In other words, the summer of 2009 is pretty much history.
Rush Limbaugh is proud of himself for predicting that Teddy Kennedy would be dead before health care reform was passed. Yeah, you’re a regular Nostrafuckindamus, Rush. Why don’t you go ahead and shove a couple KFC “Double Down” sandwiches down your throat, you loudmouthed piece of crap?
Speaking of pieces of crap, Kansas Congresscritter Lynn Jenkins says that Republicans are looking for the “great white hope.” Of course, she certainly didn’t mean that in a “racial” sorta way. Where’s Gerry Cooney these days?
It really pisses me off to read Harry Reid praising Ted Kennedy, because Reid is such a spineless fuck. Words are great, Harry, but how about you honor Teddy by standing up to the corrupt, insurance-industry funded “blue dogs” and the obstructionist Republicans, and ram real reform though the Senate?
Well, I guess it’s time to quit lying in repose on the futon, and get ready to seize the day. Or at least get it the hell over with.