Busy day again yesterday. Got to see some clips from a new movie – Avatar – that was filmed in 3D. Well, I guess they’re all filmed in 3D (except cartoons), but you know what I mean. They used a new method, so instead of the crappy cardboard glasses, they handed out some snazzy polarized ones. The effect was like looking through one of those GAF ViewMaster things. There was a scene in the jungle with bugs flying around that looked like they were all around you. Kinda cool. Not sure the movie is all that great, but the 3D was good.
Met the stereotypical LA “actor” working as a catering guy at the Convention Center last night. Been in 67 movies and is tight with Quentin Tarantino (but, sadly, keeps catching him “between projects”). Doesn’t know how to do e-mail, though, which he thinks is slowing him down. His wife “the writer” is good at it though, so maybe she can give him some tips. If you’ve ever seen the Starz show “Party Down,” this guy would fit right in.
I haven’t been paying much attention to what’s going on out there in the world. I assume everything still sucks, everyone’s still obsessed with David Letterman, and Swine Flu is poised to cull 50% of the human population. I did see that the WaPost has seen fit to do a profile on everybody’s favorite Dentist/Lawyer/Birther/Gabor Sister, Oily Taintz. Nice, they see fit to legitimize that nut. Damn liberal press.
Oh well, time to get ready to get ready, I guess. One more night here, more conference shit all day tomorrow, and then the red eye back to Philly (I’ll be there between about 6:00 and 7:30, Andy, if you wanna grab a cheesesteak at the airport/mall; you’ll need to figure out how to get through security, though) Wednesday night into Thursday morning (sure am glad it’s an hour shorter flight on the way back; I hope the Jet Stream is crankin’ tomorrow night), before getting home somewhere around 9:00 EDT. I’m definitely looking forward to getting back to Eastern Time, though not especially to being back at work on Friday. I think maybe I’ll go to work on Pacific Time, and then kinda ease my way into EDT by the end of the day.
Have a good’un.
I’m home sick from work so even if I could I wouldn’t want to give you this bug.
This should please K:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced Friday that he is “furious” about the new 287(g) agreement between the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department (MCSO) with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). According to a statement released by MCSO Monday evening, the new 287(g) agreement has “stripped Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s deputies of their ICE agent status to act as federal immigration authorities.”
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dawn-teo/toughest-sheriff-in-ameri_b_310314.html
Oh yeah, Sue, I heard that today. So glad he’s furious!
For Hot Tub Tom, the Exterminator, just another repug quitter. Next! Boehner? Boner? Boehner?
Obsessed with Letterman?
Today Show this morning
Viera : The story isn’t going away
Curry: Even if we wish it would ….. in some ways
Yeah, like in some ways this is your meal ticket, you boobs.
One way to do it. Watch how she reacts when they won’t accept her filibuster and spew.